Degree in Pedagogy (2016 syllabus)

240 credits - Faculty of Education

  This study programme has been modified. You can refer to the new study programme.
Lecturers Subjects
Dr Adame Obrador, María Teresa
Aguilo Ros, Francisca
Dr Álvarez García, Olaya
Alzamora Cañero, Elena
Dr Amer Fernández, Joan Alfred
Dr Barceló Bauzà, Gabriel
Binimelis Mas, Francisca
Dr Blahopoulou, Joanna
Dr Bocchio, María Cecilia
Dr Cerdà Navarro, Antoni
Dr Comas Forgas, Rubén Lluc
Dr Comas Rubí, Francisca
Dr De Benito Crosetti, Bárbara Luisa
Dr De la Iglesia Mayol, Begoña
Escandell Bonnin, Catalina
Dr Escudero López, Juan Tomás
Dr Flexas Oliver, Albert
Dr García Buades, María Esther
García de Olalla Gutiérrez, Arturo
García Illán, Encarnación
Dr Gomila Grau, Maria Antònia
González Cantarero, Victoria
Dr González Gómez, Sara
Dr Grau Casajust, Anna
Dr Guzman Alcon, Irene
Horrach Alhama, Josep Damià
Dr Lizana Carrió, Alexandra
Dr Llorente López, César
Manobell Bustins, Alejo
Martínez Milà, Francesc
Martín Sastre, Núria
Dr Menguiano Rodríguez, Carlos
Minaya de Torres, Manuel
Dr Miquel Lara, Avelina
Dr Moll Bagur, Sergi
Dr Moreno García, Juan
Dr Morey López, Mercedes
Moyà Melero, Xavier
Dr Munar Roca, Enric
Dr Muntaner Guasp, Juan Jorge
Dr Nadal Cristóbal, Andrés
Dr Navarro Guzmán, Capilla
Dr Nazemi, Zahra
Oceja Castanedo, Jorge
Dr Oliver Torelló, Josep Lluís
Dr Piqueras Pérez, María
Dr Quintana Murci, Elena
Dr Ramis Murillo, Angela Maria
Riera López del Amo, Antonio
Rigo Mulet, Catalina
Riquelme Costa, Albert
Dr Romero Ciavatto, José Gabriel
Dr Salinas Ibáñez, Jesús María
Dr Salvá Mut, Francisca
Sampol Català, Maria Aurora
Santmartí Angulo, Patricia
Dr Taboada Gonzalez, Adriana
Vallespir Adillón, María
Vallespir Amengual, Maria
Dr Vilasis Pamos, Julia
Dr Vives Barceló, Margarita
(R): lecturers head of group
Subjects Lecturers
21321 - Workplace Psychology
21900 - Foundations of Contemporary Society
21901 - Scientific Documentation and Communication
21903 - Basic Psychological Processes
21976 - English for Education and Social Work
22200 - History of Education Dr Moll Bagur, Sergi (R)
22201 - Developmental Psychology
22202 - Social Psychology of Groups and Organisations
22203 - Sociology of Education García Illán, Encarnación (R)
22204 - Anthropology of Education Dr Gomila Grau, Maria Antònia (R)
22205 - Educational Technology I: ICT in Education Escandell Bonnin, Catalina (R)
22206 - Theory of Education Dr Ramis Murillo, Angela Maria (R)
22207 - Planning of Educational Intervention Manobell Bustins, Alejo (R)
22208 - Organisation and Management of Education and Training Centres
22209 - Psycho-Pedagogical Assessment and Advice González Cantarero, Victoria (R)
22210 - Training in Organisation Dr Llorente López, César (R)
22211 - Educational Research Methods and Techniques Dr Nadal Cristóbal, Andrés (R)
22212 - Education Policy and Legislation Dr González Gómez, Sara (R)
22213 - Planning and Management of Training Processes Minaya de Torres, Manuel (R)
22214 - Social Pedagogy
22215 - Environmental Pedagogy Dr Álvarez García, Olaya (R)
22216 - Evaluation of Education and Training Institutions, Programmes and Processes
22217 - Evolution and Consolidation of Education Systems Dr Comas Rubí, Francisca (R)
22218 - Educational Technology II: Producing Teaching Materials
22219 - Pedagogical Intervention in Infant and Juvenile Maladjustment to School Sampol Català, Maria Aurora (R)
22220 - Teaching Bases for Inclusive Schooling Dr Muntaner Guasp, Juan Jorge (R)
22221 - Living in Harmony and Conflict Management
22222 - Training for Employment
22223 - External Academic Placements in Pedagogy
22227 - Orientation, Mediation and Tutoring
22228 - Education Economics Dr Romero Ciavatto, José Gabriel (R)
22229 - Contemporary Pedagogy Dr Barceló Bauzà, Gabriel (R)
22230 - Comparative Education Dr Miquel Lara, Avelina (R)
22231 - Knowledge Management and Networked Learning
22232 - Final Degree Project in Pedagogy
22233 - School Learning Difficulties
22234 - Educational Intervention with Pupils with Special Educational Needs Riquelme Costa, Albert (R)
22237 - Management and Development of Human Resources Alzamora Cañero, Elena (R)
22238 - Job Occupation, Orientation and Accompaniment Binimelis Mas, Francisca (R)
22239 - Data Analysis in Educational Research Dr Vilasis Pamos, Julia (R)
22321 - Intercultural Education, Social-Educational Intervention and Immigration Dr Morey López, Mercedes (R)
22322 - Education for Gender Equality