The University of the Balearic Islands (UIB) aims to ensure information access on its website. In this way, any user, regardless of his or her capacities and technology skills, can access the information contained here. Currently, most sites meet a double AA level, in line with the standards at the Web Accessibility Initiative (WAI) by World Wide Web (W3C).
The University of the Balearic Islands is aware of the difficulty to assure complete compliance with the law. However, the UIB makes every effort and provides all possible resources to attain a high level of accessibility.
Most significant improvements regarding accessibility
- To include alternative texts to images, if necessary.
- Headings are used to transmit the structure of the information.
- The institutional website follows standardised browsing.
- The information about the website is offered by sitemap.
- All pages contain semantic information which contributes to search engine content searches (Meta information).
- The technologies used to create the sites are HTML 4.0 transactional, CSS2 and non-intrusive Java script, if necessary. The website complies with the formal grammars defining these technologies.
Website structure and browsing
The UIB website is structured into different sections. A hospitable University, Study at the UIB, Research, We transfer know-how, Contact us. These sections are shown as tabs in every heading on all pages.
Where am I?
Tracing guides users to the route, situating the current page with regard to the rest of the website content.
Web map
The web map shows the main structure of the UIB website. It is another way to access sections and subsections.
All pages have a heading (a content title framed in a box in the centre) which indicates the topic and content. Headings at different levels are used to define different subsections. These headings follow the standards set by W3C.
The tables included on the University website are used solely and exclusively to enter tabular data. In any event, tables will not be used to resend information in a specific form or style.