Degree in Pedagogy (2016 syllabus)

240 credits - Faculty of Education

  This study programme has been modified. You can refer to the new study programme.
Implementation year of this curriculum version

The Degree in Pedagogy trains students as experts in educational and training processes in school, social education, organisational and employment contexts. Students learn how to design, manage, develop and assess training and education plans, projects, programmes and activities. They are also trained to perform educational interventions across all areas, as well as training interventions at organisations and businesses. They also acquire the ability to understand, speak and write in English.

Credit Summary

Core Training Mandatory Elective Subjects External Practicum Final Degree Project Total
  60   132   18   24   6 240

Subject list by year and semester


First Year

First Semester

Foundations of Contemporary Society
Scientific Documentation and Communication
Basic Psychological Processes
History of Education
Anthropology of Education

Second Semester

Developmental Psychology
Social Psychology of Groups and Organisations
Sociology of Education
Educational Technology I: ICT in Education
Planning Educational Interventions

Second Year

First Semester

Theory of Education
Organisation and Management of Education and Training Centres
Psycho-Pedagogical Assessment and Advice
Training in Organisations
Educational Research Methods and Techniques

Second Semester

Education Policy and Legislation
Planning and Management of Training Processes
Social Pedagogy
Environmental Pedagogy
Data Analysis in Educational Research

Third Year

First Semester

Evaluation of Education and Training Institutions, Programmes and Processes
Evolution and Consolidation of Education Systems
Educational Technology II: Producing Teaching Materials
Pedagogical Intervention in Infant and Juvenile Maladjustment to School
Teaching Bases for Inclusive Education

Second Semester

Living in Harmony and Conflict Management
Training for Employment

Fourth Year

First Semester

Pedagogy Placements
Orientation, Mediation and Tutoring

Second Semester

Education Economic
Contemporary Pedagogy
Comparative Education
Knowledge Management and Networked Learning
Final Degree Project - Pedagogy


Core Skills

  1. The ability to understand the complexity of educational processes in general and training processes specifically (the objectives and functions of education and the education system, the theories of development and learning, the cultural and social environment, and the institutional and organisational area at centres, programme design and development, the role of instructors...).
  2. Having solid scientific, cultural and technological training.
  3. Respecting the cultural and personal differences of students and other members of the educational community.
  4. Being able to analyse and question educational concepts arising from research.
  5. Designing and developing educational plans, projects and programmes that adapt to educational and training contexts.
  6. Being able to prepare, select and put together didactic material and using it in the specific frameworks of different training areas.
  7. Being able to use and suitably incorporate information and communication technology into different activities.
  8. Being able to promote quality in contexts where the training process is being run.
  9. Being able to use assessment as a tool to regulate and promote improvement in training and learning.
  10. Taking part in research projects related to education and training, presenting innovative proposals aimed at improving quality.
  11. Being able to relate and communicate with others, as well as maintaining emotional balance in the varied contexts of professional activity.
  12. Being able to work in a team alongside colleagues as a necessary requirement to improve professional activity, sharing knowledge and experiences.
  13. Being able to energise intervention contexts, promoting the shared building of democratic ground rules, and dealing with and collaboratively solving problematic situations and different interpersonal conflicts.
  14. Being able to collaborate with different sectors in the educational community and environment.
  15. Having a realistic image of oneself, acting in accordance with one's own convictions, taking on responsibilities, taking decisions.
  16. Taking on the ethical dimension of any education professional.
  17. Having the ability to embrace the need for continuous professional development through self-assessment of practice itself.
  18. Being able to express and understand ideas, concepts and feelings orally and in writing with a suitable user level for addressees.
  19. Being able to search for, select, order, link, assess and evaluate scientific information from different sources.
  20. Knowledge of English: the ability to understand, speak and write in English to an intermediate level.

Specific Skills

  • Knowledge, comprehension and critical analysis
    1. Understanding the theoretical, historical, cultural, political, environmental, legal and anthropological references for education.

    2. Diagnosing the development needs and opportunities for individuals to promote educational activities.

    3. Knowing and understanding teaching and learning processes and their impact in integral training.

  • Programming, planning and implementing actions
    1. Designing and applying plans, programmes, projects, actions and resources adapted to the different levels of the education system in attended and virtual classrooms.

    2. Designing and applying teaching, instructor and other professional training plans, suitable to new situations, requirements and contexts.

    3. Designing and applying innovative training and development plans, programmes, projects and proposals for training resources in work environments in attended and virtual classrooms.

  • Interactive work with individuals
    1. Developing strategies and techniques to promote lifelong participation and learning.

    2. Applying and coordinating personal, social and professional development educational programmes.

    3. Developing and coordinating educational interventions with individuals or groups with specific needs, in situations of risk, or experiencing gender, class, race, age or religious inequality or discrimination.

  • Assessment
    1. Evaluating educational policies, institutions and systems.

    2. Evaluating education and training plans, programmes, centres, actions and resources.

    3. Evaluating teaching and learning processes, and the intervention of education officers involved in these processes.

  • Coordination, management and leadership
    1. Organising and managing education and training centres, institutions, services and resources.

    2. Supervising, directing, managing and coordinating education and training plans, programmes, projects and centres.

    3. Developing quality management processes and models for education and training.

  • Advice, guidance and support
    1. Applying tutoring strategies and techniques, training, peer advice, consulting and guidance in educational and training processes.

    2. Advising on pedagogical use and curricular integration of didactic media.

    3. Analysing, designing and assessing the applications of information and communication technologies linked to education and training processes.

  • Research, continuous improvement, exchange and communication
    1. Identifying educational issues and problems, and exploring them: obtaining, recording, processing and interpreting relevant information to issue reasoned opinions that enable improvement in educational practice.

    2. Producing prospective and evaluative studies on pedagogical characteristics, requirements and demands.