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Dr Maria Antònia Gomila Grau

Dr Maria Antònia Gomila Grau
Senior lecturer
Theory and History of Education
  • Despatx C-103primer pisGuillem Cifre de Colonya


Brief CV

BA in Political Science and Sociology, specializing in social anthropology from the Universidad Complutense de Madrid and PhD in History and Civilization at the European University Institute in Florence. She currently teaches as Contracted Dr. at the Department of Pedagogy and specific teaching and is member of training and educational and social research (GIFES) of the UIB, where she now plays her research and teaching.

She has developed her work as a researcher at the Cambridge Group for the History of the Population and Social Structure, CNRS-Université de Provence (Aix-en-Provence) and at the Institut d'Infància i Món Consortium Urba Barcelona. I have obtained the City of Palma Award in Social Research 2000 and the Pere Mascaró Award of research in social services in 2010. I have one research period (sexenni). Within the research lines of the GIFES group, my subjects of interest address the relations family-school-community, family formation and evidence-based prevention.

Relevant Publications:

Orte, C.; Ballester,L.; Pascual,B.; Amer,J.; Gomila, M.A.; Fernández-de-Álava, M. (2020) Evidence-based Practice and Training Needs in Drug Prevention: The Feasibility of European Universal Prevention Curriculum (UPC) in Spain. Adiktologie (in press)

Gomila, M.A.; Pascual, B.; Quincoces, M. (2018) Family-School Partnership in the Spanish Education System. Journal Of Education For Teaching 44(3) 309-320

Orte, C.; Ballester, L.; Pascual, B.; Gomila, M.A.; Amer, J. (2018) Las competencias de los formadores en el Programa de Competencia Familiar, un programa de educación familiar basado en la evidencia. Revista Complutense de Educación 28(2), 33-46

Pascual, B.; Orte, C. ; Pozo, R.; Gomila, M.A; Vives, M. (2018) Miradas sobre la sexualidad en las personas mayores: las relaciones afectivas-sexuales en procesos diferenciales de envejecimiento. Anales en Gerontología 10(10), 56-72

Orte, C.; Vives, M.; Amer,J.; Ballester,L.; Pascual,B.; Gomila, M.A.; Pozo, R. (2018) Sharing Intergenerational Relationships in Educational Contexts: The Experience of an International Program in Three Countries (Spain, Poland and Turkey). Journal of Intergenerational Relationships 16 (1-2), 86-106


Office Hours

You need to book a date with the professor in order to attend a tutoring session

Teaching, 5 previous years

Subject Information
10695 - Society, Family and Education
10905 - Master's Thesis
  • Master's in Social and Educational Intervention with Minors and Families2019-20
10985 - Advanced Sociological and Anthropological Research into Families and Relationships
  • Master's Degree in Socio-educational Intervention for Children, Adolescents and Families2022-23, 2023-24
  • Master's Degree in Socio-educational Intervention for Children, Adolescents and Families (2010)2021-22, 2023-24
10990 - Master's Thesis
  • Master's in Social and Educational Intervention with Minors and Families2019-20
11048 - Intervention Practices for Early Childhood, Adolescence and Families
  • Master's Degree in Socio-educational Intervention for Children, Adolescents and Families2022-23, 2023-24
  • Master's Degree in Socio-educational Intervention for Children, Adolescents and Families (2010)2020-21, 2021-22, 2023-24
11049 - Master's Thesis aimed at Developing Research Skills
  • Master's Degree in Socieducational Intervention with Children, Adolescents and Families2019-20
  • Master's Degree in Socio-educational Intervention for Children, Adolescents and Families2022-23, 2023-24
  • Master's Degree in Socio-educational Intervention for Children, Adolescents and Families (2010)2020-21, 2021-22, 2023-24
11050 - Master's Thesis aimed at Developing Advanced Research Skills
  • Master's Degree in Socieducational Intervention with Children, Adolescents and Families2019-20
  • Master's Degree in Socio-educational Intervention for Children, Adolescents and Families2022-23, 2023-24
  • Master's Degree in Socio-educational Intervention for Children, Adolescents and Families (2010)2021-22, 2023-24
22204 - Anthropology of Education
22232 - Final Degree Project in Pedagogy
22320 - Social-Educational Intervention Programmes in Schools
22326 - Practical Placements on the Degree in Social Education I
22327 - Practical Placements on the Degree in Social Education II
22328 - Final Degree Project in Social Education
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