Dr Francisca Comas Rubí
- 971173298 (3298)
- Despatx C-104primer pisGuillem Cifre de Colonya
Brief CV
PhD in Educational Sciences (2000). Full Professor in the area of Theory and History of Education at the University of the Balearic Islands. She has been recognised for 5 five-year periods of teaching and 3 six-year periods of research. Principal researcher of the History of Education Study Group (IRIE-UIB). She has focused her research on the history of education in the contemporary period, specifically on topics related to the history of childhood and youth, contemporary pedagogical renewal movements, school practice, photography as a source for the history of education and the public history of education. She has participated as a researcher in an R+D+i project on youth movements. From 2007 until now she has directed, as principal investigator, five R+D+i projects, three on photography as a source for the history of education (HUM2007-61420, EDU2011-23831, EDU2014-52498 -C2-2-P), one on school practice (EDU2017-82485-P) and the most recent one, in progress, on public history of education (PID2020-113677GB-I00 funded by MCIU/AEI/10.13039/501100011033) . This research work has resulted in a number of special issues and numerous articles in high-impact international scientific journals.
She has taught on the Bachelor's Degree in Pedagogy and the Diploma in Social Education and Teaching, and on the Master's Degree in Socio-educational Intervention with Children, Adolescents and the Family (MIS3) and in Psycho-educational Research and Intervention (MIIP).
She has been Vice-Dean of the Faculty of Education, Deputy Director of the ICE and Deputy Director of the IRIE. She is currently director of the Department of Pedagogy and Specific Didactics.
Office Hours
You need to book a date with the professor in order to attend a tutoring sessionSubjects taught. Academic Year 2024-25
- 22217 - Evolution and Consolidation of Education Systems. Degree in Pedagogy (2016 syllabus) - Majorca.
- 22223 - External Academic Placements in Pedagogy. Degree in Pedagogy (2016 syllabus) - Majorca.
- 22232 - Final Degree Project in Pedagogy. Degree in Pedagogy (2016 syllabus) - Majorca.
- 11897 - Access to Education and Community Development. Master's Degree in Psychoeducational Research and Intervention.
- 10986 - Latest Contributions to the History of Families and Childhood in Europe. Master's Degree in Socio-educational Intervention for Children, Adolescents and Families.
- 11049 - Master's Thesis aimed at Developing Research Skills. Master's Degree in Socio-educational Intervention for Children, Adolescents and Families.
- 11864 - Qualitative Methodology. Master's Degree in Psychoeducational Research and Intervention.
Thesis advising
Teaching, 5 previous years
Subject | Information |
10888 - Family and Childhood Histories | |
10905 - Master's Thesis |
10986 - Latest Contributions to the History of Families and Childhood in Europe |
10990 - Master's Thesis |
11049 - Master's Thesis aimed at Developing Research Skills |
11050 - Master's Thesis aimed at Developing Advanced Research Skills | |
11864 - Qualitative Methodology | |
11897 - Access to Education and Community Development | |
22120 - Artistic Education: Music. Teaching in Primary School |
22132 - Final Degree Project in Primary Education |
22155 - Musical Training |
22200 - History of Education | |
22201 - Developmental Psychology |
22217 - Evolution and Consolidation of Education Systems | |
22223 - External Academic Placements in Pedagogy | |
22229 - Contemporary Pedagogy |
22232 - Final Degree Project in Pedagogy | |
22312 - Adult Education |
22324 - Social-Educational Intervention Techniques and Programmes in Behavioural Problems |
22326 - Practical Classes I |
22328 - Final Degree Project in Social Education |
22332 - Networking Social-Educational Work for Community Development |
Barceló Bauzà, G. Comas Rubí, F.; Sureda Garcia, B. (2016), Abriendo la caja negra: la escuela pública española de postguerra/Opening the Black Box: post-war Spanish state schools, Revista de Educación, 371, 61-82
González Gomez, S.; Comas Rubí, F. (2016), Photography and construction of school memory / Fotografia e costruzione della memoria da scuola / Fotografía y construcción de la memoria escolar, History of Education & Children's Literature, XI, 1, pp. 215-236
González Gómez, S.; Comas Rubi, F.; Sureda Garcia, B. (2017) La renovación escolar del Ayuntamiento de Barcelona y su difusión fotográfica (1908-1936) / The educational renovation of the Barcelona City Council and its photographic diffusion (1908-1936), Revista Española de Pedagogía, 75 (268), 519-539
Barceló Bauzà, G.; Comas Rubí, F; del Pozo Andrés, M.M. (2018) La práctica escolar durante los primeros años del Franquismo, História da Educação, 22(54), 334-357.
Miquel Lara, A.; Sureda Garcia, B.; Comas Rubí, F. (2018), Social and educational modernisation in Spain: the work of Segell Pro Infància in Catalonia (1933-1938), Paedagogica Historica: International journal of the history of education, 54 (4): 410-432
Comas Rubí, F.; González Gómez, S. (2020), Professional press for teachers as a source to study schooling practice: 'El Magisterio Balear' (1873-1916). History of Education and Children's Literature, XV, 2, 111-129.
Comas Rubí, F.; González Gómez, S. (2020), Natura et urbis in the socio-educational renovation of Barcelona City Council (1909-1933), History of Education, 49(4), pp. 476-497.