Double Degree in Business Administration and Tourism

312 credits - Faculty of Tourism

  Students on the Double Degree in Business Administration and Tourism have the opportunity obtain the International Curriculum Pathway in the European Diploma Supplement. For more information, please see the Faculty of Tourism website.
Duration 5 years / 312 credits
Level MECES 2
Spots for new students
50 places for the academic year 2024-25
Teaching method In-Person Classes
Public price per credit, 1st registration: ¤13.4, ¤30.05, ¤65.06, ¤90.15 for 1st, 2nd, 3rd and 4th enrolment respectively. (*)
Total cost of the first enrolment in the first year: ¤925.59 (*) (**)

(*) Prices for the academic year: 2024-25
(**) Total cost of the first enrolment in the first year, including taxes, for EU members under 28 years of age without any special condition:

The double Degree in Business Administration and Tourism aims to offer students specialised training in managing tourism-related businesses. The combination of business and tourism subjects provides students with the required tools and methodologies to make decisions at tourism companies.

The International Pathway aims to train bilingual professionals and provide top-flight skills in foreign languages. 75% of the subjects are taught in English.

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