Current international projects
The UIB is currently participating in 18 research projects funded by the European Union through the Seventh Framework Programme, Horizon 2020 programme or others from the European Union:
- ARCHBOTANKA - From the Mediterranean to the Indian Ocean through ethnoarchaeology of fuel and archaeobotany
- CoralMath - Thematical models for coral reefs: towards an interdisciplinary and conservation focused research
- DEPLOYTOUR - Deployment of a trusted and secure Common European Tourism Data Space
- G9-SCIENCE4ALL - G9-SCIENCE4ALL: The Night of Researchers for Everyone
- GREEN HYSLAND - Deployment of a H2 Ecosystem on the Island of Mallorca
- LIFE AdaptCalaMillor - Participatory and multi-level governance process to design a transformational climate change adaptation project at Cala Millor beach from an integrated and multidisciplinary science-based approach
- LIFE-PROMETHEUS - PROMoting Elasmobranchs conservation THrough by-catch reduction, Ecotourism and alternative sUStainable fisheries
- LocAll4Flood - Flash flood risk prevention & resilience in Mediterranean area through an Integrated Multistakeholder Governance Model, gathering prevention, adaptation and mitigation solutions
- MAGMA - Magnetic topological insulators for robust Majorana bound states
- MEDiverSEAty - MEDiverSEAty. In quest of the human dimensions of MEDiterranean Marine Biodiversity
- NATALIE - Accelerating and mainstreaming transformative NATure-bAsed solutions to enhance resiLIEence to climate change for diverse bio-geographical European regions
- OCN - Ocean Crime Narratives: A polyhedral assessment of hegemonic discourse on environmental crime and harm at sea (1982-present)
- PHYMOT - Physics of Microbial Motility
- PHYMOT - Physics of Microbial Motility
- POSTDIGITAL Plus - European Training Network on Post-Digital Computing + (POSTDIGITAL Plus)
- SEAGHOSTS - Winged ghosts wandering the oceans: the global spatial ecology and conservation of the world's smallest and elusive seabirds, the storm petrel (Hydrobatidae & Oceanitidae), across the Mediterranean and the North East Atlantic Ocean
- SENTINEL - Design and Implementation of an Advanced Nonlinear and Non-Gaussian Data Assimilation Algorithm for Bounded Variables in Numerical Weather Prediciton Models.
Additionally, it's participating in 12 projects funded by other international institutions:
- Decision dynamics in cortico-basal ganglia-thalamic networks
- Determining the thermal thresholds and population structure of local coral species.
- Enhancing Coral Reef Restoration Success through DataDriven Projections of Future Reef Formation
- EUNICoast - The European University of Islands, Ports and Coastal Territories
- Female Filmmakers and Feminism in the Media
- Gendered Conceptions of Autonomous Consent: A Philosophical, Psychological and Linguistic Investigation Across Cultures
- INTACT - Examining the mechanisms that integrate cardi-orespiratory INTeroception with ACTive sensing
- MACPA - Monoclonal Antibody to Combat Pseudomonas Aeruginosa
- Moss_Clim - Past Climates from living mosses (Moss_Clim)
- PUPP - Partnership on University Plagiarism Prevention (PUPP)
- Redes GeoEspaciales: Explorando el uso de la Geomática y la Teledetección aplicada a la adaptación climática
- The aphrodisiac gut: defining the factors promoting yeast mating within insect intestines
Recently finished international projects
The following projects finished its period of execution recently:
- 31/12/2024: PEST-BIN - Pioneering Strategies Against Bacterial Infections
- 31/08/2024: Investigación colaborativa: CRCNS US-Spain Propuesta de investigación: Mecanismos de toma de decisiones adaptativos a nivel de circuito
- 30/06/2024: REDSEA-FB - A Metagenomic Baseline of Red Sea Functional Biodiversity
- 31/03/2024: ADOPD - Adaptive Optical Dendrites
- 31/03/2024: BugWright2 - Autonomous Robotic Inspection and Maintenance on Ship Hulls and Storage Tanks
- 31/03/2024: VPP4ISLANDS - Virtual Power Plant for Interoperable and Smart isLANDS
- 29/02/2024: POLYSAXES - The effect of polyploidisation of Saxifraga oppositofolia on metabolic fluxes