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Dr Mercedes Morey López

Dr Mercedes Morey López
Tenured contract senior lecturer
Didactics and School Organization
  • Despatx A-103primer pisGuillem Cifre de Colonya


Brief CV

Diploma in Social Education and Doctor of Education from the Universitat de les Illes Balears. She currently teaches in Department of Applied Pedagogy and Educational Psychology. Her research career has focused on Intercultural Education, Information Literacy and Academic Integrity, participating in various projects I + D + I of regional, national and European level. Among his recent publications can stand: Natives and immigrants enrolled in Spanish intermediate vocational education and training: a comparative study (2020) in Research in Post-compulsory Education; the chapter entitled La atención a la diversidad cultural en los centros de máxima vulnerabilidad: la respuesta del claustro como eje vertebrador de la inclusión (2021); the work entitled Spanish contract cheating website marketing through search engine advertisements (2021) in Assessment & Evaluation in Higher Education; or the article Factores condicionantes en la relación entre escuela y familias de origen extranjero (2023) in the journal RASE. She currently holds two six-year research fellowships and is co-director of the Master's Degree in Teacher Training at the UIB.


Office Hours

You need to book a date with the professor in order to attend a tutoring session

Teaching, 5 previous years

Subject Information
10692 - Curricular and Organisational Characteristics of Stages and Schools
10703 - Practicum in Schools or Companies
  • Master's Degree in Teacher Training2023-24
10704 - Master's Thesis
11892 - Lifelong Learning and Adult Education
  • Master's Degree in Psychoeducational Research and Intervention2022-23
11904 - External Placements
  • Master's Degree in Psychoeducational Research and Intervention2023-24
11905 - Master's Thesis
  • Master's Degree in Psychoeducational Research and Intervention2023-24
21901 - Documentation and Scientific Communication
22321 - Intercultural Education, Social-Educational Intervention and Immigration
22326 - Practical Placements on the Degree in Social Education I
22327 - Practical Placements on the Degree in Social Education II
22328 - Final Degree Project in Social Education
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