Degree in Labour Relations

240 credits - Faculty of Law

  If you cannot find all of the information on the course that you are taking, check the old Degree in Labour Relations study programme.
Lecturers Subjects
Dr Abril Hervàs, David
Arbós Mir, Francisca María
Ballester Calvo, Miguel José
Barros Garrido, María Lourdes
Dr Batle Lorente, Francisco Julio
Bonet Gómez, Antonio
Bravo García, María Encarnación
Dr Bru Martínez, Lluís
Dr Calveras Maristany, Aleix
Canals Riera, Juana Maria
Canet Moyà, Cristina
Cañellas Mut, Arnau
Dr Carbonero Gamundí, Maria Antònia
Dr Carretero Gómez, José María
Dr Crespí Ferriol, Maria del Mar
Dorado Hernández, Sandra Patricia
Dot Hualde, Luis Enrique
Dr Ferrer Pérez, Victoria Aurora
García Fernández, Jesús
Garcia Garcia, Maria Adelaida
Garnacho Garnacho, Rocío
Gelabert Noguera, Biel
Dr Giovanniello, Mónica Anna
Dr Gómez Garrido, María
Dr Herranz Bascones, Raquel
Dr Hurtado Botella, Cristina
Jensen García, Florencia
Dr Llompart Bennàssar, Magdalena
Dr López Martínez, Sergio
Dr Manassero Mas, María Antonia
Dr Martínez Cañellas, Anselmo María
Dr Martínez Nadal, Apol·lònia
Martín Sastre, Núria
Dr Monreal Bringsvaerd, Erik José
Muntaner Catalá, Antonio
Nadal Amengual, Isabel
Najera Pomar, Elena
Dr Navarro Gómez, Ricardo Jesús
Dr Navarro Guzmán, Capilla
Navarro Lidón, Francisco
Oliver García, Joan Francesc
Ortega Adrover, Neus
Dr Ortiz Bonnín, Silvia
Palos Nadal, Margarita
Pizà Rosselló, Gaspar
Pizarro Sirera, Margarita
Dr Pou Garcias, Llorenç
Dr Pozo Moreira, Francisco Javier
Dr Riera Vaireda, Carlos
Dr Rivas Yarza, Pedro Antonio
Ruiz Ramos, Rosa María
Dr Salom Parets, Ana María
Salvà Rosselló, Isabel
Dr Suárez Gómez, Cristina
Dr Sureda Demeulemeester, Elena
Teruel Preston, Elena
Dr Thomàs Vanrell, Caterina
Dr Tomás-Valiente Lanuza, María del Carmen
Torrens Espinosa, Jerónima María
Dr Vives Vallés, Juan Antonio
(R): lecturers head of group
Subjects Lecturers
20474 - Community Social Law Dr Crespí Ferriol, Maria del Mar (R)
20481 - English for Legal Purposes
20607 - Introduction to Business
21145 - Business English
21235 - Entrepreneurship Dr Batle Lorente, Francisco Julio (R)
21326 - Organisational Psychology
22500 - Basics of Economics Dr Giovanniello, Mónica Anna (R)
22501 - Introduction to the Social Psychology of Work Dr Ortiz Bonnín, Silvia (R)
22502 - Introduction to the Sociology of Work
22505 - Accounting
22506 - Foundations of Civil Law for Labour Relations Ruiz Ramos, Rosa María (R)
22507 - Foundations of Administrative law for Labour Relations Ballester Calvo, Miguel José (R)
22508 - Trade Union Law Dr Crespí Ferriol, Maria del Mar (R)
22509 - Laws Governing Joining a Company Dr Llompart Bennàssar, Magdalena (R)
22511 - Psychology of Human Resources: Planning and Management Barros Garrido, María Lourdes (R)
22512 - Business Analysis and Organisational Design
22514 - Employment Law Navarro Lidón, Francisco (R)
22515 - Labour Economics Dr Pou Garcias, Llorenç (R)
22516 - Determining, Modifying, Suspending and Terminating an Employment Relationship Dot Hualde, Luis Enrique (R)
22520 - Occupational Hazard Prevention Law Oliver García, Joan Francesc (R)
22521 - Special Labour Relations and other Forms of Hiring Subordinate Labour Dr Riera Vaireda, Carlos (R)
22523 - Strategic and Economic Management of Human Resources
22525 - Special Social Security Regimes Jensen García, Florencia (R)
22526 - Labour Relations in the Public Administration Ballester Calvo, Miguel José (R)
22527 - Hazard Prevention Techniques
22528 - Negotiation Techniques Torrens Espinosa, Jerónima María (R)
22530 - Work and Settlement of Foreigners in Spain
22532 - Final Degree Project in Labour Relations
22535 - Law of Cooperatives and other Social Economic Entities
22546 - Social Liability of Enterprises
22547 - Sociology of Labour Relations Policies Dr Thomàs Vanrell, Caterina (R)
22560 - Introduction to the Legal System Ruiz Ramos, Rosa María (R)
22561 - Foundations of Commercial Law for Labour Relations Garnacho Garnacho, Rocío (R)
22562 - Foundations of Tax Law for Labour Relations Cañellas Mut, Arnau (R)
22563 - Foundations of Labour Law Dr Monreal Bringsvaerd, Erik José (R)
22564 - Social Security Law I Dr Pozo Moreira, Francisco Javier (R)
22565 - Ordinary Labour Proceedings Garcia Garcia, Maria Adelaida (R)
22566 - Social Security Law II García Fernández, Jesús (R)
22567 - Social Security Benefits I Salvà Rosselló, Isabel (R)
22568 - Social Research Techniques Dr Abril Hervàs, David (R)
22569 - Labour Procedural Methods
22570 - Payroll and Social Security: Practical Aspects Pizà Rosselló, Gaspar (R)
22571 - Appeals and Implementation of Labour Sentences Garcia Garcia, Maria Adelaida (R)
22572 - Social and Labour Audit Dr Thomàs Vanrell, Caterina (R)
22580 - Equality, Gender and Employment. Psychosocial Aspects
22581 - Equality, Gender and Employment. Sociology
22583 - Disciplinary Labour Law Dr Crespí Ferriol, Maria del Mar (R)
22584 - Social Security Benefits II Salvà Rosselló, Isabel (R)