Degree in Labour Relations

240 credits - Faculty of Law

  If you cannot find all of the information on the course that you are taking, check the old Degree in Labour Relations study programme.


Total available credits: 294 credits
First year
Name Type Credits Period
20607 - Introduction to Business Core Training 6,0 1st semester
22500 - Basics of Economics Core Training 6,0 1st semester
22501 - Introduction to the Social Psychology of Work Core Training 6,0 1st semester
22502 - Introduction to the Sociology of Work Core Training 6,0 1st semester
22560 - Introduction to the Legal System Core Training 6,0 1st semester
22505 - Accounting Core Training 6,0 2nd semester
22506 - Foundations of Civil Law for Labour Relations Core Training 6,0 2nd semester
22507 - Foundations of Administrative law for Labour Relations Core Training 6,0 2nd semester
22561 - Foundations of Commercial Law for Labour Relations Core Training 6,0 2nd semester
22562 - Foundations of Tax Law for Labour Relations Core Training 6,0 2nd semester
Second year
Name Type Credits Period
22512 - Business Analysis and Organisational Design Mandatory 6,0 1st semester
22515 - Labour Economics Mandatory 6,0 1st semester
22563 - Foundations of Labour Law Mandatory 6,0 1st semester
22564 - Social Security Law I Mandatory 6,0 1st semester
22565 - Ordinary Labour Proceedings Mandatory 6,0 1st semester
22508 - Trade Union Law Mandatory 6,0 2nd semester
22509 - Laws Governing Joining a Company Mandatory 6,0 2nd semester
22511 - Psychology of Human Resources: Planning and Management Mandatory 6,0 2nd semester
22514 - Employment Law Mandatory 6,0 2nd semester
22566 - Social Security Law II Mandatory 6,0 2nd semester
Third year
Name Type Credits Period
22516 - Determining, Modifying, Suspending and Terminating an Employment Relationship Mandatory 6,0 1st semester
22520 - Occupational Hazard Prevention Law Mandatory 6,0 1st semester
22526 - Labour Relations in the Public Administration Mandatory 6,0 1st semester
22528 - Negotiation Techniques Mandatory 6,0 1st semester
22567 - Social Security Benefits I Mandatory 6,0 1st semester
22523 - Strategic and Economic Management of Human Resources Mandatory 6,0 2nd semester
22568 - Social Research Techniques Mandatory 6,0 2nd semester
22569 - Labour Procedural Methods Mandatory 6,0 2nd semester
22570 - Payroll and Social Security: Practical Aspects Mandatory 6,0 2nd semester
22584 - Social Security Benefits II Mandatory 6,0 2nd semester
22519 - Social Security Benefits II Mandatory 6,0
Fourth year
Name Type Credits Period
22532 - Final Degree Project in Labour Relations Final Degree Project 6,0 Yearlong
22525 - Special Social Security Regimes Mandatory 6,0 1st semester
22530 - Work and Settlement of Foreigners in Spain Mandatory 6,0 1st semester
22571 - Appeals and Implementation of Labour Sentences Mandatory 6,0 1st semester
22572 - Social and Labour Audit Mandatory 6,0 1st semester

Subjects from other courses

The Credit Recognition and Transfer Commission has proposed the subjects from other degree programmes that can be recognised as elective credits on your programme in the 2024-25 academic year. 
Students able to enrol for elective credits on their curriculum may submit an online request to the relevant deans of the faculties where the subjects they would like to take are available.  

Please check the e-services portal for further information.