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Dr Maria Antònia Carbonero Gamundí

  • Despatx 51primer pisBeatriu de Pinós
  • Despatx 4primer pisBeatriu de Pinós


Brief CV

Maria Antònia Carbonero Gamundí is PhD in Geography by the Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona (1989) and in Political and Social Science by the Universidad Nacional de Educación a Distancia (1996). She is a professor at the Universitat de les Illes Balears (Balearic Islands University). Her research is mainly in sociology of the family, gender inequalities, social exclusion and social policy.

She is currently at the front of the Social Observatory of the Balearic Islands. Some of her publications about family and gender include the co-edition of the book Entre la familia y el trabajo: conflictos, relaciones y políticas públicas de género en Europa y América Latina (Between Family and Work: Conflicts, Relationships and Gender Policies in Europe and South America) (Homo Sapiens 2007), the chapter '¿Hacia una ciudadanía inclusiva de género?' in Indagaciones sobre la ciudadanía. Transformaciones en la era global (Icaria 2007) (Inquiries into citizenship. Transformations in the Global Era) and the book Nancy Fraser. Dilemas de la justícia en el siglo XXI. Género y globalización (Universitat de les Illes Balears, 2011) of which she is co-editor.

In relation to the subject of social exclusion her most recent publications are the chapter about 'La precariedad y la exclusión por el empleo' in El primer impacto de la crisis en la cohesión social en España (Cáritas, 2010) and 'Los procesos de exclusión del empleo' in El impacto de la crisis en  los procesos de exclusión en Europa ¿Por qué la crisis afecta más a la cohesión social en España?. (Obra Social La Caixa, 2012).


Office Hours

You need to book a date with the professor in order to attend a tutoring session

Thesis advising

Thesis advisor during the academic year 2024-25 for the following PHD programmes:

Teaching, 5 previous years

Subject Information
11442 - Recognition, Citizenship and Gender
20911 - Ethics
20917 - Human Values and Cognition
20919 - Current Trends in Ethics
21905 - Structure, Inequality and Social Exclusion
21914 - Theory and Models of Group Social Work
21931 - Final Degree Project
22502 - Introduction to the Sociology of Work
22532 - Final Degree Project in Labour Relations
22547 - Sociology of Labour Relations Policies


Research groups

Group Membership type
Inequalities, gender and public policy (DGPP) Main researcher
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