University Degree in Philosophy and Letters (section: Geography and History) (UIB, 1998). PhD in Education (UNED, 2013, with Extraordinary Award). University expert in Sociocultural Animation. International Specialization in Epistemologies of the South (2019).Lecturer on Sociology in the Degrees of LaborRelations (Sociology of the Company), Education (Sociology, Coexistence and Education) and Social Work (Programs and projects of Development Cooperation) at UIB. Teacher also in the Euro-Latin American Master of Intercultural Education UNED-CSIC (Public Policies Management; Social Mediation) and in the Master's Degree in Teacher Training (Work, Society and Quality of Life; Animation and Socio-community Intervention).Previous professional experience in the fields of public policies and management (Representative in the Parliament of the Balearic Islands 2013-2018; Managing Director of Climate Change and Environmental Education in the regional Government 2010-2011; Projects Manager at the Balearic Islands International Cooperation Agency 2007-2011) and social and educational work (working in NGOs like Aula Cultural, CGT, Caritas and others 2003-2007). Social projects consultant (2018-2019).Interests: social inequalities. Hate Speech. Citizenship and multicultural education. Epistemologies of the South and decoloniality. Social economy and sustainability. Island Studies.Some recent papers: committment: technical manager in Intercoopera Foundation.'s editor (Darder-Mascaró foundation). Member of the Editorial Board of the review Quaderns d'Educació Contínua and the Paulo Freire Institute of Spain. Columnist for the newspaper AraBalears.