Degree in Physiotherapy

240 credits - Faculty of Nursing and Physiotherapy

Lecturers Subjects
Acevedo Jiménez, Jorge
Dr Aguiló Pons, Antonio
Dr Álvarez González, Maria
Amengual Jaume, Gabriel
Dr Arbós Berenguer, María Teresa
Dr Argüeso Barriga, Daniel
Dr Argyris, Apostolos
Dr Bosch Donate, Elisa
Brunet Monserrat, Enric
Bujosa Morro, Rafel
Cañellas Campins, Maria Antònia
Dr Capó Juan, Miguel Ángel
Castilla López, José Cristian
Dr Cereceda Sánchez, Francisco José
Colomar Ferra, Antonio Javier
Contreras Polo, Marina
Dr Da Silva Costa, Isis
Delgado Llaneras, Óscar
Expósito Rovira, Carles
Dr Fernández Domínguez, Juan Carlos
Dr Ferragut Garcías, Alejandro
Dr Figuerola Roig, Antonio
Dr Garau Garcia, Celia
Dr García Dopico, Nuria María
García Mendieta, Francisco
Dr García Pazo, Patricia
Genovart Fullana, Nuria
Gómez Molina, Nuria
González Trujillo, Antonio
Dr Gual Crespí, Gabriel
Izquierdo Núñez, Silvia
Jaume Llinàs, Antonio Santiago
Lopes García, Raúl
Dr Lozano Meca, Jose Antonio
Manzanal González, Beatriz
Dr Martínez Bueso, María de la Paz
Martínez Calvo, Marta
Mas Reina, Lorenzo
Mas Valens, Pablo
Melis Quetglas, Sergio Valentin
Méndez Varela, María
Dr Mingorance Rubiño, José Antonio
Dr Molina Mula, Jesús
Moratiel Turienzo, Alicia
Moratinos Johnston, Daniela Margarita
Moreno De la Bandera, Antonio José
Naghedi Baghdar, Aryan
Oliver Jaume, Bernardo
Dr Pades Jiménez, Antonia
Dr Paz Lourido, Berta
Perelló Díez, Marina
Pericás Reinés, Rafael
Picó Fuster, Maria Lluïsa
Piña Ballester, Cándida
Plata Manzanares, Carlos
Pons Moll, Ruth
Riera López del Amo, Antonio
Ripoll Carmona, Carlos Javier
Dr Riquelme Agulló, Inmaculada
Dr Romero Franco, Natalia
Dr Ryu, Sungguen
Dr Sabater Gárriz, Álvaro
Dr Salinas Bueno, Josune
Salvà Clar, Maria Agustina
San Sebastián Fernández, Katia
Dr Sarubbo, Maria Fiorella
Sastre Munar, Andreu
Sebastián Rausell, José Manuel
Sobrero Muñoz, Gloria
Solana Díaz, María Teresa
Dr Suárez Gómez, Cristina
Dr Tejada Gavela, Silvia
Dr Velasco Roldán, Olga
Vico Moreno, Elena
Dr Yáñez Juan, Aina Maria
(R): lecturers head of group
Subjects Lecturers
21375 - English for Health and Behavioural Sciences
21651 - General Health Procedures
21652 - Applied Physics in Health Sciences
21654 - Palpation Anatomy and Image Diagnosis
21655 - Medical-Surgical Complaints
21657 - General Procedures in Physiotherapy I
21658 - Kinesitherapy
21660 - Physiotherapy of Movement
21661 - General Procedures in Physiotherapy II
21662 - Public Health
21663 - Physiotherapy in Traumatology Physiotherapy, Orthopaedics and Rheumatology
21664 - Physiotherapy in Traumatology, Orthopaedics and Rheumatology
21665 - Neurological Physiotherapy I
21667 - Physiotherapy in Traumatology Physiotherapy, Orthopaedics and Rheumatology
21669 - Cardio-Respiratory Physiotherapy
21670 - Neurological Physiotherapy II
21673 - Physiotherapy in Traumatology, Orthopaedics and Rheumatology IV
21674 - Neurological Physiotherapy III
21675 - Practicum II
21676 - Final Degree Project in Physiotherapy
21677 - Food, Physical Activity and Health
21679 - Ergonomics
21680 - Complementary Therapies Dr Mingorance Rubiño, José Antonio (R)
21684 - Psychomotor Activity
21685 - Proprioceptive Techniques
21686 - Relaxation Techniques
21688 - Management of Health Services and Centres
21691 - Practicum III
21692 - Foundations of Applied Statistics in Health Sciences
22760 - Anatomy of the Neuromuscular-skeletal System
22761 - Anatomy General
22762 - Human Physiology
22763 - Psychosocial Sciences Applied to Physiotherapy
22764 - Health Legislation Dr Mingorance Rubiño, José Antonio (R)
22765 - Physiotherapy Assessment
22766 - Ethics in Health Sciences Dr Paz Lourido, Berta (R)
22767 - Fundamentals of Physiotherapy
22768 - Community Physiotherapy
22769 - Physiotherapy in Urogynaecology
22770 - Physiotherapy in Gerontology
22771 - Sources of Information in Health Sciences
22772 - Bases in Research Methodology
22773 - Prácticum I
22778 - Sports Physiotherapy
22779 - Region Sorrowful Disorders Craniomandibular and Craniocervical