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Dr Natalia Romero Franco

Dr Natalia Romero Franco
Senior lecturer
  • Despatx 255segon pisMargalida Comas i Camps


Brief CV

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Office Hours

Lecturer Tutorial Times
Start Date End Date Day Start Time End Time Location
07/01/2025 31/07/2025 Tuesday 17.30 18.30 255 / Margalida Comas

Teaching, 5 previous years

Subject Information
11129 - Physical Exercise as a Method of Preventing and Treating Injuries of the Locomotor System
11133 - New Technologies and Healthy Lifestyles
11138 - Master's Thesis
11850 - ICT and Health
  • Master's Degree in Health Research and Innovation2023-24
11861 - Master's Thesis
21657 - General Procedures in Physiotherapy I
21676 - Final Degree Project in Physiotherapy
21685 - Proprioceptive Techniques
21686 - Relaxation Techniques
22765 - Physiotherapy Assessment
22778 - Sports Physiotherapy



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