Degree in Social Work

240 credits - Faculty of Philosophy and Arts

Entry Profile

An essential requirement will be the ability to relate to others with an interpersonal and communication ability in Catalan, Spanish and English. In turn, the personal qualities and characteristics that aid training of good social workers are as follows:

  1. An ability to be tolerant
  2. An ability to maintain emotional balance
  3. An ability to empathise with others
  4. An ability for analysis and observation
  5. A sensibility and interest for interpersonal relations
  6. An ability for problem solving
  7. An ability for teamwork


Entry information

Number of places. Academic year 2024-25: 70

Course entry methods

Admission mark calculation

The entrance mark (Information in Spanish) for courses will be calculated in accordance with the following criteria:
(1) For entry with high-school diploma or equivalent (PAU: university entrance exam) , the entrance mark is calculated (out of 14 points) with the entrance mark and the two best weighted marks from passed subjects, in accordance with the weighting parameters.
(2) For entry with a higher vocational qualification , the entrance mark is calculated (out of 14 points) with the average from the training course and the two best weighted marks from subjects passed in the PAU entrance block, in accordance with the weighting parameters.
(3) For further information, please see the full details of the weighting parameters for university admission

Weighting Parameters

(3) Weighted subjects in the voluntary stage. Academic year 2024-25:

Batxiller Course Parameter
Company and Business Model Design 0,2
Cultural and Artistic Movements 0,1
Geography 0,2
History of Philosophy 0,1
Mathematics for the Social Sciences II 0,2
For more information, please see the full details about weighting criteria for university admission (Spanish)

Cut-off mark



Credit Recognition and Transfer Committee for GTSO

Benítez Eim, Irina
Esteva Llodrà, Neus

Accreditation grid between degrees from the UIB

Table of equivalences by curriculum: Degree in Social Work - Majorca

Social Work (1990 syllabus)
Social Work (1990 syllabus) Degree in Social Work - Majorca
1900 - Basics of Law
  • 21939 - Foundations of Public Law Applied to Social Work
  • 21943 - Law of Social Economy Entities
1902 - Social Politics
  • 21912 - History and Models of Social Policies
  • 21927 - Structural Social Policies
1903 - Dynamic Psychology
21981 - Basic Psychological Processes
1904 - Social Psychology
21982 - Social Psychology of Groups and Organisations
1905 - Social Services I
21906 - Structure of Social Services
1906 - Social Services II
21913 - Sectoral Social Services I
1907 - Social Services III
21922 - Sectoral Social Services II
1908 - Introduction to Sociology
21980 - Foundations of Contemporary Society
1909 - Contemporary Social Structure
21905 - Structure, Inequality and Social Exclusion
1910 - Social Work I
  • 21904 - Theory and History of Social Work
  • 21907 - Helping Relationship
  • 21910 - Social Planning and Evaluation
  • 21911 - Methods of Intervention in Social Case Work
  • 21914 - Theory and Models of Group Social Work
1911 - Social Work II
  • 21915 - Theory and Models of Community Social Work
  • 21916 - Individual Dimension in Social Work Cases
  • 21919 - Group Social Work Processes and Techniques
  • 21920 - Community Social Work Processes and Techniques
  • 21921 - Family Dimension in Social Work Cases
1912 - Social Work III
  • 21908 - Social Intervention in the case of Abuse in the Family
  • 21918 - Dependence and Vulnerability
  • 21925 - Social Work in Networks and Large Systems
  • 21928 - Practical Placements I
  • 21929 - Social Work with Families with Multiple Problems
1913 - Statistics
21917 - Research and Diagnosis
1914 - Introduction to Economics
21971 - Economics and Social Service
1915 - Economic Structures
21932 - Social Inclusion Policies
1916 - Public Health
21963 - Social Work in Primary Health Care
1917 - Social Research Techniques
21901 - Scientific Documentation and Communication
1919 - Evolutive Psychology
22201 - Developmental Psychology
1920 - Social Pedagogy
21909 - Social Intervention in the case of Criminal Conduct
1921 - Psychiatry
21933 - Psychopatology
1922 - Labour Law and the Social Security
21902 - Law, Development and Social Welfare
Social Work (1994 syllabus)
Social Work (1994 syllabus) Degree in Social Work - Majorca
1306 - Basic Law
21939 - Foundations of Public Law Applied to Social Work
1307 - Methods and Techniques for Social Research
21917 - Research and Diagnosis
1308 - General and Evolutive Psychology
21983 - Psychology of Development
1309 - Introduction to Sociology
21980 - Foundations of Contemporary Society
1310 - Social Services I
21906 - Structure of Social Services
1311 - Introduction to Social Work
21904 - Theory and History of Social Work
1312 - Intervention Techniques in Social Work
21911 - Methods of Intervention in Social Case Work
1313 - Social Work and Intervention Models
21907 - Helping Relationship
1315 - Introduction to Economics
21971 - Economics and Social Service
1318 - Social Services II
21913 - Sectoral Social Services I
1319 - Social Case Work I
  • 21916 - Individual Dimension in Social Work Cases
  • 21921 - Family Dimension in Social Work Cases
  • 21929 - Social Work with Families with Multiple Problems
1320 - Institutional Social Work
21925 - Social Work in Networks and Large Systems
1321 - Social Work and Planning
21910 - Social Planning and Evaluation
1322 - Contemporary Social Structure
21905 - Structure, Inequality and Social Exclusion
1323 - Social Psychlogy
21982 - Social Psychology of Groups and Organisations
1324 - Public Health and Social Work
21963 - Social Work in Primary Health Care
1325 - Social Anthropology
  • 21934 - Anthropology of Migrations
  • 21935 - Anthropology of Health
1326 - Social Politics
21912 - History and Models of Social Policies
1327 - Social Services III
21922 - Sectoral Social Services II
1328 - Social Case Work II
21908 - Social Intervention in the case of Abuse in the Family
1329 - Community Social Work
  • 21915 - Theory and Models of Community Social Work
  • 21919 - Group Social Work Processes and Techniques
  • 21920 - Community Social Work Processes and Techniques
1330 - Introduction to Labour Law
21985 - Law, Development and Social Welfare
1331 - Group Social Work
21914 - Theory and Models of Group Social Work
1332 - End of Degree Project
21984 - Scientific Documentation and Communication
1316 - Population Sociology
21918 - Dependence and Vulnerability
1333 - Differential Psychology
21981 - Basic Psychological Processes
1334 - Psychiatry and Psychopathology
21933 - Psychopatology
1335 - Social Pedagogy
21909 - Social Intervention in the case of Criminal Conduct
1336 - Inequality and Economic Structure
21927 - Structural Social Policies
1337 - Social Ethics
21944 - Conceptions, Problems and Dilemmas of Ethics and Deontology of Social Work
1338 - Public and Social Eocnomics
21932 - Social Inclusion Policies
Social Work (1998 syllabus)
Social Work (1998 syllabus) Degree in Social Work - Majorca
2651 - Work Law and Social Security
21985 - Law, Development and Social Welfare
2650 - Foundations of Social Law
  • 21939 - Foundations of Public Law Applied to Social Work
  • 21943 - Law of Social Economy Entities
2652 - Social Research Methods and Techniques
21917 - Research and Diagnosis
2653 - Basic Psychology
21981 - Basic Psychological Processes
2654 - Introduction to Sociology
21980 - Foundations of Contemporary Society
2655 - Social Policy
21912 - History and Models of Social Policies
2656 - Social Services I
21906 - Structure of Social Services
2657 - Introduction to Social Work
21904 - Theory and History of Social Work
2658 - Intervention Methodology in Social Work
21911 - Methods of Intervention in Social Case Work
2659 - The Welfare Relationship in Social Work
21907 - Helping Relationship
2660 - Social Psychology
21982 - Social Psychology of Groups and Organisations
2661 - Evolutive Psychology
21983 - Psychology of Development
2662 - Social Anthropology
  • 21934 - Anthropology of Migrations
  • 21935 - Anthropology of Health
2663 - Social Services II
21913 - Sectoral Social Services I
2664 - Social Case Work I
21916 - Individual Dimension in Social Work Cases
2665 - Group Social Work
21914 - Theory and Models of Group Social Work
2667 - Ethics and Deontology of Social Work
21944 - Conceptions, Problems and Dilemmas of Ethics and Deontology of Social Work
  • 2666 - Social Work Practice I
  • 2674 - Social Work Practice II
21928 - Practical Placements I
2668 - Social Planning and Evaluation
21910 - Social Planning and Evaluation
2669 - Social Intervention in Minors, Families, and Exclusion Groups
21908 - Social Intervention in the case of Abuse in the Family
2670 - Public Health and Social work
21963 - Social Work in Primary Health Care
2671 - Planning Social Services
21922 - Sectoral Social Services II
2672 - Social Case Work II
21921 - Family Dimension in Social Work Cases
2673 - Community Social Work
21915 - Theory and Models of Community Social Work
2675 - Social Policy Models
21927 - Structural Social Policies
2676 - Social Pedagogy and Social Work
21909 - Social Intervention in the case of Criminal Conduct
2678 - Social Intervention and Drugs
21936 - Social Intervention and Drugs
2679 - Social Intervention in the Elderly
21972 - Social Work and Old Age
2680 - Social Service Economics
21971 - Economics and Social Service
2681 - Social Information Intervention Records
21961 - Social Information Records for Intervention
  • 1224 - Sociology and Social Anthropology
  • 1489 - Sociology of Institutions and Groups
  • 2682 - Contemporary Social Structure
21905 - Structure, Inequality and Social Exclusion
2686 - Legislation and Practice of Social Work
21923 - Crisis Intervention
2677 - Psychopathology
21933 - Psychopatology

Automatic accreditation between higher technical programmes and university courses

Automatic accreditation of credits between courses on higher degree training cycles from the professional groups in the Balearic Islands and university degree courses in Degree in Social Work
CFGS Higher VET Diploma in Communicative Mediation
Subject Credits
21926 - Intervention in Situations of Vulnerability in the Education System 6
21981 - Basic Psychological Processes 6
Recognition of fourth-year elective credits 6
Total 18
CFGS Higher VET Diploma in Early Childhood Education
Subject Credits
21926 - Intervention in Situations of Vulnerability in the Education System 6
21981 - Basic Psychological Processes 6
Recognition of fourth-year elective credits 6
Total 18
CFGS Higher VET Diploma in Promoting Gender Equality
Subject Credits
21926 - Intervention in Situations of Vulnerability in the Education System 6
21981 - Basic Psychological Processes 6
Recognition of fourth-year elective credits 6
Total 18
CFGS Higher VET Diploma in Social Integration
Subject Credits
21926 - Intervention in Situations of Vulnerability in the Education System 6
21932 - Social Inclusion Policies 6
21980 - Foundations of Contemporary Society 6
21981 - Basic Psychological Processes 6
Recognition of fourth-year elective credits 6
Total 30
CFGS Higher VET Diploma in Socio-cultural and Tourist Engagement
Subject Credits
21932 - Social Inclusion Policies 6
21980 - Foundations of Contemporary Society 6
21981 - Basic Psychological Processes 6
21982 - Social Psychology of Groups and Organisations 6
Recognition of fourth-year elective credits 6
Total 30

Accreditation of English Skills

In order to be awarded the degree, students must show that they have reached a level of English by the end of their course that equates to level B2 in the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages (CEFR), in accordance with how this requirement is stipulated in the curriculum. The different ways to attain this are:

  1. passing the specific English language course on the curriculum.
  2. handing in a certificate or accreditation, recognised by the UIB, which shows the student has obtained a minimum level of English equivalent to B2 in the CEFR.
  3. passing a set number of subjects taught in English on the degree course.
  4. passing a set number of subjects taught in English on a mobility programme.

More information.

Academic Accreditation Committee