Degree in Social Work

240 credits - Faculty of Philosophy and Arts

Implementation year of this curriculum version

The general aim of the Degree in Social Work is to train professionals with the necessary core scientific knowledge to enable them to work as professional social workers, to authorise them to use diagnostic, prognostic assessment, dealing with and solving social and relationship problems by applying social work methods for cases, families, groups and communities, and to train them in planning, programming, designing, applying and evaluating social services and policies.

The training is aimed at preparing professionals with skills in social intervention who have a wide understanding of social structures and processes, human behaviour and change. Essential skills in support relationships and micro- and macro-social relationships will be worked on, as well as specific skills to intervene with individuals, families, groups and organisations that find themselves in socially or psychosocially vulnerable and/or difficult situations. The degree combines theory with practical/experiment-based training and learning in classrooms, and external placements supervised and undertaken at the social services units in our region.

Credit Summary

Core Training Mandatory Elective Subjects External Practicum Final Degree Project Total
  60   138   18   18   6 240

Subject list by year and semester


First Year

First Semester

Basic Psychological Processes*
Foundations of Contemporary Society*
Scientific Documentation and Communication*
Law, Development and Social Welfare*
Theory and History of Social Work

Second Semester

Structure, Inequality and Social Exclusion*
Developmental Psychology*
Social Psychology of Groups and Organisations*
Structure of Social Services
Support Relationships

Second Year

First Semester

Social Intervention in cases of Abuse in the Family*
Social Intervention in cases of Criminal Conduct*
Social Planning and Evaluation*
Method of Intervention in Social Work Cases
History and Models of Social Policy

Second Semester

Sectoral Social Services I
Theory and Models of Group Social Work
Theory and Models of Community Social Work
Individual Dimension in Social Work Cases
Research and Diagnosis

Third Year

First Semester

Dependence and Vulnerability
Group Social Work Processes and Techniques
Community Social Work Processes and Techniques
Family Dimension in Social Work Cases
Sectoral Social Services II

Second Semester

Crisis Intervention
Strategic Intervention
Social Work in Networks and Large Systems
Intervention in Situations of Vulnerability in the Education System
Structural Social Policies

Fourth Year

First Semester

Practical Placements
Social Work with Families with Multiple Problems
Mediation and Conflict Resolution


* Core Training

Second Semester

Social Inclusion Policies
Final Degree Project



Core Skills

  • Demonstrate they have and understand knowledge in the area of social sciences, starting from a general secondary education level to one which, although based on advanced textbooks, includes some aspects that involve knowledge of the vanguard in social work as an applied discipline.
  • Know how to professionally apply social work knowledge in their job or vocation and have the skills that are generally demonstrated through producing and defending arguments and solving problems in the area of social work and social sciences.
  • Have the ability to collect and interpret relevant data in the area of social work, social services and social policy to issue opinions that include a reflection on important social, scientific or ethical issues.
  • Be able to transmit information, ideas, problems and solutions from a psychosocial perspective to a specialist and more general audience.
  • Develop the necessary learning skills to undertake postgraduate studies in social work to a high level of independence.

General Skills

  • CG1. Knowledge and understanding of the fundaments to human behaviour, the different stages in individuals' lifetime and the essential elements to relationships between individuals and their surroundings, as well as the problems and conflicts that arise from these.
  • CG2. Understanding and analysis of the social structures in the world today, the processes of change and the impact of social inequalities that affect people, families and communities.
  • CG3. Knowing and understanding the legal framework of protection systems under the Social Rule of Law.
  • CG4. In-depth knowledge of the public social services network system and structure and the content of social policies.
  • CG5. An ability to establish professional relations, identifying requirements, problems, difficulties and conflicts to find the most suitable type of intervention.

Specific Skills

  • CE1. An ability to take part in managing social resources and services.
  • CE2. An ability to prepare, produce, implement and assess interventional plans and projects.
  • CE3. An ability to interact with individuals, families, groups, organisations and communities by applying social work methods, models, strategies and techniques.
  • CE4. Using mediation as an intervention strategy aimed at alternative conflict resolution.
  • CE5. An ability to solve situations of risk after identifying and defining their nature.
  • CE6. An ability to create and provide support to social networks as an intervention objective and medium at individual, family, group and community level.
  • CE7. An ability to promote individual growth, development and autonomy to strengthen skills in interpersonal relationships and improve their living conditions.
  • CE8. An ability to respond to crisis situations, assessing their urgency and planning and developing actions to cope with them.
  • CE9. An ability to obtain and analyse relevant documentation for social intervention.
  • CE10. An ability to research, analyse and systematise information that professional practice provides.
  • CE11. An ability to develop prevention strategies to manage and minimise stress and risk arising from professional practice.
  • CE12. An ability to manage and be responsible for one's own work by setting priorities, complying with professional obligations and assessing the efficacy of the work programme.
  • CE13. An ability to produce specific professional oral and written reports.
  • CE14. An ability to work effectively at the heart of multi-disciplinary systems, networks and teams.
  • CE15. An ability to prepare and take part in decision-making meetings to better defend the interest of users.
  • CE16. An ability to defend individuals, families, groups, organisations and communities, and act on their behalf if the situation so requires.
  • CE17. An ability to manage conflicts, dilemmas and complex ethical problems by identifying them, designing improvement strategies and considering their results.
  • CE18. An ability to understand, speak and write in English to an intermediate level.