Permanent labor professor at the Department of Philosophy and Social Work. Diploma in Social Work (UIB-2007). Master in Social Intervention with Minors and Family (UIB-2013). Master in Social Intervention in Knowledge Societies (UNIR-2014). Postgraduate in intercultural mediation and conflict resolution (UB-2015). Doctor in Psychology (UIB-2019. Thesis title: Descriptive factors of intervention with families in special distress and their larger systems from social work: the professional's perspective). Member of the Mediation, Conflict Resolution, and Labor Guidance Laboratory (UIB, Dialogus 2019 award). She has carried out several teaching innovation projects and has the title of University Expert in Teaching Techniques (UIB-2020 title). In addition, she is the PI of an unfunded study titled 'Validation Study of the Systematic Feedback Measures of the PCOMS system' (initiated in 2019 in collaboration with the City Council of sa Pobla, currently, in 2024, in the results writing phase). She has also carried out a study of generative behavior and life trajectories in older LGTBI people (already completed, in the publication phase). She has published different articles in scientific journals, and has given more than 20 presentations at scientific conferences, most of them international and peer-reviewed. She has carried out different ERASMUS + teaching stays at the University of Aveiro (Portugal) and the Arctic University (Tromso, Norway).