Sea level and Climate

Publications in journals

  • Tsimplis, M.N.; Spada, G.; Marcos, M.; Flemming, N., "Multi-decadal sea level trends and land movements in the Mediterranean Sea with estimates of factors perturbing tide gauge data and cumulative uncertainties.", "Global and Planetary Change", Volume 76, Pages 63-76, 2011. Paper.
  • Marcos, M.; Calafat, F.M.; Llovel, W.; Gomis, D.; Meyssignac, B., "Regional distribution of steric and mass contribution to sea level changes", "Global and Planetary Change", Volume 76, Pages 206-218, 2011. Paper.
  • Marcos, M.; Jordà, G.; Gomis, D.; Pérez, B., "Changes in storm surges in southern Europe from a regional model under climate change scenarios", "Global and Planetary Change", Volume 77, Pages 116-128, 2011. Paper.
  • Chust, G.; Borja, A.; Irigoien, X.; Sáenz, J.; Fontán, A.; Moncho, R.; Marcos, M.; Liria, P.; Hidalgo, J.; Valle, M.; Valencia, V., "Climate change impacts on coastal and pelagic environments in the southeastern Bay of Biscay", "Climate Research", Volume 48, Pages 307-332, 2011. Paper.
  • Jordà, G.; Gomis, D.; Talone, M., "The SMOS L3 mapping algorithm for Sea Surface Salinity.", "IEEE Transactions on Geoscience and Remote Sensing", Volume 49, Issue 3, Pages 1032-1052, 2011. Paper.
  • Hellmer, H.; Huhn, O.; Gomis, D.; Timmermann, R., "On the freshening of the northwestern Weddell Sea continental shelf", "Ocean Science", Volume 7, Pages 206-218, 2011. Paper.
  • Gomis, D., "La recerca física sobre el medi marí", "Revista de Física", Volume 4, Issue 7-923, Pages 23-31, 2011. Paper.
  • Benítez-Barrios, V.M.; Pelegrí, J.L.; Hernández-Guerra, A.; Lwiza, K.M.M.; Gomis, D.; Vélez-Belchí, P.; Hernández-León, S., "Three-Dimensional Circulation in the NW African Coastal Transition Zone", "Progress in Oceanography", Volume 91, Pages 516-533, 2011. Paper.