Sea level and Climate

Publications in journals

  • P. L.-F. Liu, S. Monserrat, M. Marcos, "Analytical simulation of shelf waves observed around the Balearic Islands", "Geophysical Research Letters", Volume 29, Pages 28-1-28-4, 2002. Paper.
  • Liu, P. L.-F.; Monserrat, S.; Marcos, M., "Analitycal Simulation of Edge Waves Observed Around the Balearic Islands", "Geophysical Research Letters", Volume 29, Issue 17, Pages 28-1-28-2, 2002. Paper.
  • García, M. A.; Castro, C.; Ríos, A. F.; Doval, M. D.; Rosón, G.; Gomis, D.;López, O., "Water masses and distribution of physico-chemical properties in the western Bransfield Strait and Gerlache Strait during Austral summer 1995/96", "Deep-Sea Research Part II-Topical Studies in Oceanography", Volume 49, Pages 585-602, 2002. Paper.
  • Gomis, D.; García, M. A.; López, O.; Pascual, A., "Quasi-geostrophic 3D circulation and mass transport in the western Bransfield Strait during austral summer 1995-96", "Deep-Sea Research Part II-Topical Studies in Oceanography", Volume 49, Pages 603-622, 2002. Paper.
  • Salat, J.; García, M. A.; Cruzado, A.; Palanques, A.; Arín, L.; Gomis, D.; Guillen, J.; de León, A.; Puigdefàbregas, J..; Sospedra, J.; Velásquez, Z. R., "Seasonal Changes of water mass structure and shelf-slope exchanges at the Ebro shelf (NW Mediterranean)", "Continental Shelf Research", Volume 22, Issue 2, Pages 327-346, 2002. Paper.
  • Pascual, A.; Buongiorno Nardelli, B.; Larnicol, G.; Emelianov, M.; Gomis, D., "A case of an intense anticyclonic eddy in the Balearic Sea (Western Mediterranean)", "Journal of Geophysical Research-Oceans", Volume 107, Issue C11, Pages 3183, 2002. Paper.
  • Beckers, J;Rixen, M;Brasseur, P;Brankart, J;Elmoussaoui, A; Crepon, M; Herbaut, C;Martel, F;Van den Berghe, F;Mortier, L; Lascaratos, A; Drakopoulos, P;Korres, K;Nittis, K;Pinardi, N;Masetti, E;Castellari,S; Carini, P;Tintore, J;Alvarez, A;Monserrat, S;Parrilla, D;Vautard, R, "Model Intercomparison in the Mediterranean: MEDMEX simulations of the seasoin the Balearic Islands, Western Mediterranean", "Journal of Marine Systems", Volume 33-34, Pages 215-251, 2002. Paper.