Sea level and Climate

Publications in journals

  • Philip L. Woodworth; Médéric Gravelle; Marta Marcos; Guy Wöppelmann; Chris W. Hughes, "The status of measurement of the Mediterranean mean dynamic topography by geodetic techniques", "Marine Geodesy", Volume 89, Issue 8, Pages 811-827, 2015. Paper.
  • Marta Marcos; Francisco M. Calafat; Angel Berihuete; Sonke Dangendorf, "Long-term variations in global sea level extremes", "Journal of Geophysical Research-Oceans", Volume 120, 2015. Paper.
  • Adloff, F.; Somot S.; Sevault F.; Jordà G.; Aznar R.; Déqué M.; Herrmann H; Marcos M; Dubois C; Padorno E; Álvarez-Fanjul E.; Gomis D.;, "Mediterranean Sea response to climate change in an ensemble of 21st century scenarios", "Climate Dynamics", Volume 45, Issue 9, Pages 2775-2802, 2015. Paper.
  • Marcos, M.; Pascual, A.; Pujol, I., "Improved satellite altimeter mapped sea level anomalies in the Mediterranean Sea: A comparison with tide gauges", "Advances in Space Research", Volume 56, Pages 596-604, 2015. Paper.
  • S. Dangendorf; M. Marcos; A. Müller; E. Zorita; J. Jensen, "Detecting anthropogenic footprints in sea level rise: the role of complex colored noise", "Nature Communications", 2015. Paper.
  • Gomis, D.; Álvarez-Fanjul, E.; Jordà, G.; Marcos, M.; Aznar, R.; Rodríguez-Camino, E.; Sánchez-Perrino, J. C.; Rodríguez-González, J. M.; Martínez-Asensio, A.; Llasses, J.; Pérez, B.; Sotillo, M. G.;, "Regional marine climate scenarios in the NE Atlantic sector close to the Spanish shores", "Scientia Marina", Volume 80, Issue S1, Pages 215-234, 2015. Paper.
  • Feng, X.; Tsimplis, M.N.; Marcos, M.; Calafat, F.M.; Zheng, J.; Jordà, G.; Cipollini, P., "Spatial and temporal variations of the seasonal sea level cycle in the northwest Pacific", "Journal of Geophysical Research-Oceans", Volume 120, Pages 7091-7112, 2015. Paper.
  • Letetrel, C.; Karpytchev, M.; BouinM, M.N.; Marcos, M.; SantamarÍa-Gómez, A.; Wöppelmann, G., "Estimation of vertical land movement rates along the coasts of the Gulf of Mexico over the past decades", "Continental Shelf Research", Volume 111, Pages 42-51, 2015. Paper.
  • Llasses, J.; Jordà, G.; Gomis, D., "Skills of different hydrographic networks to capture changes in the Mediterranean Sea at climate scales", "Climate Research", Volume 63, Issue 1, Pages 1-18, 2015. Paper.
  • León, P.; Blanco, J.M.; Flexas, M.M.; Gomis, D.; Reul, A.; Rodríguez, V.; Jiménez-Gómez, F.; Allen, J.T.; Rodríguez, J.;, "Surface mesoscale pico-nanoplankton patterns at the main fronts of the Alboran Sea", "Journal of Marine Systems", Volume 143, Pages 7-23, 2015. Paper.
  • Llasses, J.; Jordà, G.; Gomis, D.;, "Reliability of uncertainty estimates from climate projection ensembles", "Journal of the Black Sea/Mediterranean Environment", Volume MEDCLIVAR SI, Pages 21-24, 2015. Paper.
  • Sánchez-Román, A.; Jordà, G.; Sannino, G.; Gomis, D., "Transformations of the exchange flows along the Strait of Gibraltar: a new parameterization for climate models", "Journal of Geophysical Research-Oceans", 2015. Paper.
  • Jadranka Sepic; Ivica Vilibic; Alexander B. Rabinovich; Sebastià Monserrat, "Widespread Tsunami-like waves of 23-27 June in the Mediterranean and Black seas generated by high-altitude atmospheric forcing", "Scientific Reports", 2015. Paper.
  • P. Lorente; S. Piedracoba; J. Soto-Navarro; E. Álvarez-Fanjul., "Evaluating the surface circulation in Ebro Delta (NE Spain) with quality controlled High-Frequency radar measurements.", "Ocean Science", Volume 11, Pages 921-935, 2015. Paper.
  • J. García-Lafuente; C. Naranjo; R. Sánchez-Leal; S. Sammartino; M. J. Bellanco; J.C. Sánchez-Garrido; J. Soto-Navarro, "On the origin of the seasonal and interannual T/S variability of the inflow through the Strait of Gibraltar.", "Deep-Sea Research Part I-Oceanographic Research Papers", Volume 101, Pages 38-53, 2015. Paper.