Sea level and Climate

Publications in journals

  • Garcies, M.; Gomis, D.; Monserrat, S., "Pressure-forced seiches of large amplitude in inlets of the Balearic Islands. Part II: observational study", "Journal of Geophysical Research-Oceans", Volume 101, Issue C3, Pages 6453-6467, 1996. Paper.
  • Rabinovich, A. B.; Monserrat, S., "Meteorological tsunamis near the Balearic and Kuril Islands: Descriptive and Statistical analysis", "Natural Hazards", Volume 13, Issue 1, Pages 55-90, 1996. Paper.
  • Monserrat, S.; Thorpe, A. J., "Use of ducting theory in an observed case of Gravity waves", "Journal of the Atmospheric Sciences", Issue 53, Pages 1724-1736, 1996. Paper.