Sea level and Climate

Publications in journals

  • López-Jurado, J.L.; Marcos, M. i Monserrat, S., "Hydrographic conditions affecting two fishing grounds of Mallorca island (Western Mediterranean): during the IDEA Project (2003-2004)", "Journal of Marine Systems", Volume 71, Issue 3-4, Pages 303-315, 2008. Paper.
  • Monserrat, S.; López-Jurado, J.L.; Marcos, M., "A mesoscale index to describe the regional ocean circulation around the Balearic Islands

    , "Journal of Marine Systems", Volume 71, Pages 413-420, 2008. Paper.
  • López-Jurado, J.L.; Marcos, M.; Monserrat, S., "Hydrographic conditions during the IDEA Project (2003-2004)

    , "Journal of Marine Systems", Volume 71, Pages 303-315, 2008. Paper.
  • Tsimplis, M.; Marcos, M.; Somot, S., "21st century Mediterranean sea level rise. Regional model predictions", "Global and Planetary Change", Volume 63, Pages 105-111, 2008. Paper.
  • Massutí, E.; Monserrat, S.; Oliver, P.; Moranta, J.; López-Jurado, J.L.; Marcos, M.; Hidalgo, J.M.; Guijarro, B.; Carbonell, A.; Pereda, P., "The influence of oceanographic scenarios on the population dynamics of demersal resources in the western Mediterranean: hypothesis for hake and red shrimp off Balearic Islands", "Journal of Marine Systems", Volume 71, Issue 3-4, Pages 421-438, 2008. Paper.
  • Pascual, A.; Marcos, M.; Gomis, D., "Comparing the sea level response to pressure and wind forcing of two barotropic models: validation with tide gauge and altimetry data", "Journal of Geophysical Research", Volume 113, Issue C07011, 2008. Paper.
  • Marcos, M.; Tsimplis, M., "Coastal sea level trends in Southern Europe", "Geophysical Journal International", Volume 175, Pages 70-82, 2008. Paper.
  • Tsimplis, M.; Marcos, M.; Somot, S.; Barnier, B., "Sea level forcing in the Mediterranean Sea between1960-2000", "Global and Planetary Change", Volume 63, Pages 325-332, 2008. Paper.
  • Marcos, M.; Tsimplis, M.N., "Comparison of results of AOGCMs in the Mediterranean Sea during the 21st century", "Journal of Geophysical Research-Oceans", Volume 113, 2008. Paper.
  • Ruiz, S.; Gomis, D.; Sotillo, M. G.; Josey, S. A., "Characterization of surface heat fluxes in the Mediterranean Sea from a 44-year high-resolution atmospheric data set", "Global and Planetary Change", Volume 63, Issue 2-3, Pages 258-274, 2008. Paper.
  • Gil, J.; Gomis, D., "The secondary ageostrophic circulation in the Iberian Poleward Current along the Cantabrian Sea (Bay of Biscay)", "Journal of Marine Systems", Volume 74, Issue 1-2, Pages 60-73, 2008. Paper.
  • Jansà, A.; Monserrat, S.; Gomis, D., "The rissaga of 15 June 2006 in Ciutadella (Menorca), a meteorological tsunami", "Advances in Geosciences", Volume 12, Pages 1-4, 2008. Paper.
  • Gomis, D.; Ruíz, S.; Sotillo, M.G.; Álvarez-Fanjul, E.; Terradas, J., "Low frequency Mediterranean sea level variability: the contribution of atmospheric pressure and wind", "Global and Planetary Change", Volume 63, Issue 2-3, Pages 215-229, 2008. Paper.
  • H. L. Paterson, M. Feng, A. M. Waite, D. Gomis, L. E. Beckley, D. Holliday, P. A. Thompson, "Physical and chemical signatures of a developing anti-cyclonic eddy in the Leeuwin Current, Eastern Indian Ocean", "Journal of Geophysical Research-Oceans", Volume 113, Issue C07049, 2008. Paper.
  • Vilibic, I.; Monserrat, S.; Rabinovich, A.B.; Mihanovic, H., "Numerical modelling of a destructive meteotsunami occurred on 15 June 2006 at the Balearic Islands", "Pure and Applied Geophysics", Volume 165, Pages 2169-2195, 2008. Paper.