Sea level and Climate

Publications in journals

  • Gomis, D.; Alonso, S., "Diagnosis of a cyclogenetic event in the Western Mediterranean using an objective technique for scale separation", "Monthly Weather Review", Volume 118, Pages 723-736, 1990. Paper.
  • Gomis, D.; Buzzi, A.; Alonso, S., "Diagnosis of mesoscale structures in cases of Lee Cyclogenesis during ALPEX", "Meteorology and Atmospheric Physics", Volume 43, Pages 49-57, 1990. Paper.
  • Monserrat, S.; Ramis, C., "Dynamic stability of a three layer model with discontinous profile of wind and temperature", "Journal of the Atmospheric Sciences", Issue 47, Pages 2108-2114, 1990. Paper.
  • Monserrat, S.; Ramis, C., "Estabilidad dinámica de un modelo de tres capas para ondas gravitatorias troposféricas", "Anales de Física. Serie B", Volume 6, Pages 232-244, 1990. Paper.