Research groups

Welcome to the University of the Balearic Islands Research Groups site. For more information about Reseach Groups and their functioning, please follow the link to the "research promotion program (Info in Català)".

Research groups' search

If you wish to find a group, enter its name, area, research line or the name of one of its researchers. You may use, as well, "*" character to complete a word in the search string (i.e.: "energ*" search for "energy" and "energetic").

No distinction is made as to accents, upper or lower case, void words (adverbs, prepositions, articles, etc.), symbols or special characters.

Research groups' search

Link to a random research group

Meet the group: Energy metabolism and nutrition (GMEIN)
(Main researcher: Dr. Isabel Lladó)

List of research groups by AEI areas

If you wish, you may see the groups of a certain AEI area by clicking the name of the area, or see all groups.

Select AEI area: