Degree in Tourism

240 credits - Faculty of Tourism

  Students on the Degree in Tourism have the opportunity obtain the International Curriculum Pathway in the European Diploma Supplement. For more information, please see the Faculty of Tourism website.

Entry Profile

The Degree in Tourism is aimed at students who generally meet the following criteria:

  1. An interest in tourism (both from a business and a social standpoint)
  2. An ability for teamwork
  3. Motivation and concern for environmental issues, changing landscapes and socioeconomic imbalances
  4. A knowledge and interest in languages
  5. Creativity
  6. Self-starter
  7. An ability to make decisions and solve problems


Entry information

Number of places. Academic year 2024-25: 140

Course entry methods

Admission mark calculation

The entrance mark (Information in Spanish) for courses will be calculated in accordance with the following criteria:
(1) For entry with high-school diploma or equivalent (PAU: university entrance exam) , the entrance mark is calculated (out of 14 points) with the entrance mark and the two best weighted marks from passed subjects, in accordance with the weighting parameters.
(2) For entry with a higher vocational qualification , the entrance mark is calculated (out of 14 points) with the average from the training course and the two best weighted marks from subjects passed in the PAU entrance block, in accordance with the weighting parameters.
(3) For further information, please see the full details of the weighting parameters for university admission

Weighting Parameters

(3) Weighted subjects in the voluntary stage. Academic year 2024-25:

Batxiller Course Parameter
Art History 0,2
Biology 0,2
Chemistry 0,2
Company and Business Model Design 0,2
Cultural and Artistic Movements 0,1
Design 0,1
Geography 0,2
Geology and Environmental Sciences 0,2
Mathematics for the Social Sciences II 0,2
Mathematics II 0,2
Physics 0,2
Second Foreign Language - English 0,2
Second Foreign Language - French 0,2
Second Foreign Language - German 0,2
Technical Drawing II 0,2
For more information, please see the full details about weighting criteria for university admission (Spanish)

Cut-off mark



Credit Recognition and Transfer Committee for GTUR

Sandoval Salom, Marcos
Suau Pujadas, Pedro

Accreditation grid between degrees from the UIB

Table of equivalences by curriculum: Degree in Tourism - Majorca

Business Administration and Management
Business Administration and Management Degree in Tourism - Majorca
2603 - Introduction to Economics
20600 - Economic Environment
2645 - Economy of Tourism
20500 - Introduction to Tourism
2607 - Introduction to Law
20400 - Basic Notions of Law
2924 - Tourist Contracting Law
20514 - Tourism Industry Contracts
2631 - Applied Computer Science
21250 - Information Technology Management
2604 - Mathematics of Financial Operations I
20602 - Introduction to Markets and Financial Operations
2602 - Economic Statistics
20510 - Quantitative Analysis of Tourist Activity
  • 2621 - Commercial Management I
  • 2622 - Commercial Management II
20509 - Tourism Marketing I
2600 - Business Economics I
20607 - Introduction to Business
  • 2200 - Introduction to Accountancy I
  • 2609 - Introduction to Accountancy II
  • 20511 - Financial Accounting I
  • 20512 - Financial Accounting II
Business Studies (2002 syllabus)
Business Studies (2002 syllabus) Degree in Tourism - Majorca
2404 - Political Economy
20600 - Economic Environment
2411 - Labour Law
21236 - Labour Law
  • 2400 - Financial Accounting I
  • 2401 - Financial Accounting II
  • 20511 - Financial Accounting I
  • 20512 - Financial Accounting II
2185 - Analysis of Financial Operations I
20602 - Introduction to Markets and Financial Operations
2407 - Economic Statistics
20510 - Quantitative Analysis of Tourist Activity
2418 - Macroeconomics
20520 - Macroeconomic Analysis of Tourism
2414 - Microeconomics
20513 - Microeconomic Analysis of Tourism
  • 2409 - Marketing I
  • 2415 - Marketing II
20509 - Tourism Marketing I
2421 - Introduction to Business Economics
20607 - Introduction to Business
2416 - Organization and Administration of Enterprises
20505 - Organisational Design and Human Resources
  • 2641 - Tax System II
  • 2642 - Tax System III
20526 - Tax System
  • 2188 - Computer Science Applied to Business Management
  • 2194 - Electronic Information Systems
21250 - Information Technology Management
Degree in Business Administration
Degree in Business Administration Degree in Tourism - Majorca
20400 - Basic Notions of Law
20400 - Basic Notions of Law
20600 - Economic Environment
20600 - Economic Environment
20602 - Introduction to Markets and Financial Operations
20602 - Introduction to Markets and Financial Operations
20607 - Introduction to Business
20607 - Introduction to Business
21200 - Financial Accounting I
20511 - Financial Accounting I
21201 - Financial Accounting II
20512 - Financial Accounting II
21204 - Production and Operations Management
20515 - Tourism Operations Management
21216 - Commercial Management I
20509 - Tourism Marketing I
21219 - Commercial Management II
20519 - Tourism Marketing II
20605 - Microeconomics
20513 - Microeconomic Analysis of Tourism
20514 - Tourism Industry Contracts
20514 - Tourism Industry Contracts
21214 - Macroeconomics
20520 - Macroeconomic Analysis of Tourism
21213 - Business Strategy
20522 - Strategic Management
20604 - Tax System
20526 - Tax System
21247 - Promotional Tourism Management
21247 - Promotional Tourism Management
21241 - Management Skills
21241 - Management Skills
21243 - Social Responsibility and Business Ethics
21243 - Social Responsibility and Business Ethics
21223 - Practical Placements on the Degree in Business Administration
  • 20529 - Internship I
  • 20530 - Practical Placements II
  • 21208 - Design of Organisations
  • 21218 - Human Resources Management
20505 - Organisational Design and Human Resources
  • 21207 - Corporate Investment and Financing Decisions
  • 21217 - Financial Management
  • 20516 - Corporate Finance
  • 20534 - Financial Management of a Tourist Enterprise
20606 - Economic Data Analysis
20510 - Quantitative Analysis of Tourist Activity
  • 21206 - Cost Accounting
  • 21220 - Account Analysis and Auditing
20537 - Balance Analysis and Management Control
21210 - Spanish and World Economics
20543 - Economic Context and International Conditioning
Degree in Economics
Degree in Economics Degree in Tourism - Majorca
20400 - Basic Notions of Law
20400 - Basic Notions of Law
20600 - Economic Environment
20600 - Economic Environment
20602 - Introduction to Markets and Financial Operations
20602 - Introduction to Markets and Financial Operations
20607 - Introduction to Business
20607 - Introduction to Business
20628 - Management and Incentives in Organisations
20505 - Organisational Design and Human Resources
  • 20621 - Analysis of Accounting Information
  • 20650 - Accounting
  • 20511 - Financial Accounting I
  • 20512 - Financial Accounting II
20626 - Economics of Tourism
20500 - Introduction to Tourism
20620 - Environmental Economics
20521 - Environmental Economics in Tourist Areas
20611 - Economic Structure and Situation
20543 - Economic Context and International Conditioning
20605 - Microeconomics
20513 - Microeconomic Analysis of Tourism
20606 - Economic Data Analysis
20510 - Quantitative Analysis of Tourist Activity
20613 - Macroeconomics I
20520 - Macroeconomic Analysis of Tourism
20604 - Tax System
20526 - Tax System
20633 - Regional and Urban Economics
20544 - Regional Economy
20625 - Economic Evaluation of Projects
20539 - Evaluation of Projects
Economics Degree in Tourism - Majorca
2603 - Introduction to Economics
20600 - Economic Environment
2607 - Introduction to Law
20400 - Basic Notions of Law
2604 - Mathematics of Financial Operations I
20602 - Introduction to Markets and Financial Operations
2615 - Microeconomics I
20520 - Macroeconomic Analysis of Tourism
2613 - Macroeconomics I
20513 - Microeconomic Analysis of Tourism
  • 2200 - Introduction to Accountancy I
  • 2609 - Introduction to Accountancy II
  • 20511 - Financial Accounting I
  • 20512 - Financial Accounting II
Specialist in Business and Tourism Activities
Specialist in Business and Tourism Activities Degree in Tourism - Majorca
903 - Structure of the Tourist Market
20500 - Introduction to Tourism
905 - Tourist Geography
20501 - Territorial Resources
906 - Introduction to Law
20400 - Basic Notions of Law
911 - Statistics
20510 - Quantitative Analysis of Tourist Activity
912 - Administrative Law
20504 - Public Law in Tourism
913 - Labour Law
21236 - Labour Law
914 - history of Art and Culture
20503 - Cultural Heritage Management
915 - English II
20502 - English I
916 - French II
20507 - French I
917 - German II
20508 - German I
922 - Fiscal Law
20526 - Tax System
923 - English III
20506 - English II
924 - French III
20523 - French II
925 - German III
20524 - German II
902 - Economics
20600 - Economic Environment
908 - Enterprise Economics
20607 - Introduction to Business
910 - Personnel Management
20505 - Organisational Design and Human Resources
919 - Production Management in Accommodation and Restauration
20535 - Lodging Management
920 - Production Management in Travel Agencies
20515 - Tourism Operations Management
921 - Publicity and Market Techniques
20509 - Tourism Marketing I
  • 907 - Financial Mathematics and Accountncy I
  • 909 - Accountancy II
  • 20511 - Financial Accounting I
  • 20512 - Financial Accounting II
  • 907 - Financial Mathematics and Accountncy I
  • 918 - Financial Management
20602 - Introduction to Markets and Financial Operations
Tourism (1998 syllabus)
Tourism (1998 syllabus) Degree in Tourism - Majorca
2800 - Introduction to Economics
20600 - Economic Environment
2801 - Cultural Heritage
20503 - Cultural Heritage Management
2802 - Law and Legislation
20400 - Basic Notions of Law
2803 - Market Structure
20500 - Introduction to Tourism
2804 - Accounting
  • 20511 - Financial Accounting I
  • 20512 - Financial Accounting II
  • 2805 - Tourist Territorial Resources I
  • 2806 - Tourist Territorial Resources II
20501 - Territorial Resources
2807 - Business Organization and Management I
20607 - Introduction to Business
2808 - Business Organization and Management II
20505 - Organisational Design and Human Resources
2810 - Production Operations and Processes
20515 - Tourism Operations Management
2811 - Tourist Marketing
20509 - Tourism Marketing I
2812 - Work Practice I
20529 - Internship I
2840 - English I
20502 - English I
2842 - German I
20508 - German I
2814 - Office Management
21250 - Information Technology Management
2816 - Quantitative Analysis of Tourist Activity
20510 - Quantitative Analysis of Tourist Activity
2817 - Economy of Tourism
20520 - Macroeconomic Analysis of Tourism
2841 - French I
20507 - French I
2813 - Work Practice II
20530 - Practical Placements II
2818 - Labour Relations in the Tourist Sector
21236 - Labour Law
2819 - International Tourism
20543 - Economic Context and International Conditioning
2820 - Distribution Systems of Tourist Enterprises
20517 - Tourism Intermediaries
2821 - Public Law in Tourism
20504 - Public Law in Tourism
2822 - Tourist Accommodation Management
20535 - Lodging Management
2823 - Finance
20602 - Introduction to Markets and Financial Operations
1634 - Geography of Tourism and Leisure
21100 - Geography of Tourism
1639 - Planning and Assessment of Tourist and Leisure Areas
21141 - Planning and Assessment of Tourist Spaces
2828 - International Tourism Law
20546 - International Tourism Law
2829 - Tourist Contracting
20514 - Tourism Industry Contracts
2830 - Tourist Promotion
21247 - Promotional Tourism Management
2834 - Tax System of a Tourist Enterprise
20526 - Tax System
2836 - Tourist Regions in the World
21100 - Geography of Tourism
2843 - English II
20506 - English II
2844 - French II
20523 - French II
2845 - German II
20524 - German II

Automatic accreditation between higher technical programmes and university courses

Automatic accreditation of credits between courses on higher degree training cycles from the professional groups in the Balearic Islands and university degree courses in Degree in Tourism
CFGS Advanced VET Diploma in Transport and Logistics
Subject Credits
20502 - English I 6
20509 - Tourism Marketing I 6
20607 - Introduction to Business 6
20642 - Education and Labour Market 6
21135 - Transport Planning 6
21242 - International Business 6
Total 36
CFGS Higher VET Diploma in Administration and Finance
Subject Credits
20400 - Basic Notions of Law 6
20502 - English I 6
20505 - Organisational Design and Human Resources 6
20511 - Financial Accounting I 6
20602 - Introduction to Markets and Financial Operations 6
20642 - Education and Labour Market 6
21235 - Entrepreneurship 6
21236 - Labour Law 6
21250 - Information Technology Management 6
Total 54
CFGS Higher VET Diploma in International Trade
Subject Credits
20502 - English I 6
20509 - Tourism Marketing I 6
20607 - Introduction to Business 6
20642 - Education and Labour Market 6
21135 - Transport Planning 6
21242 - International Business 6
Total 36
CFGS Higher VET Diploma in Kitchen Management
Subject Credits
20502 - English I 6
20505 - Organisational Design and Human Resources 6
20525 - Quality Management and Customer Service 6
20536 - Food and Drink Management 6
20607 - Introduction to Business 6
20642 - Education and Labour Market 6
21235 - Entrepreneurship 6
Total 42
CFGS Higher VET Diploma in Management Support
Subject Credits
20400 - Basic Notions of Law 6
20502 - English I 6
20505 - Organisational Design and Human Resources 6
20511 - Financial Accounting I 6
20642 - Education and Labour Market 6
21250 - Information Technology Management 6
Total 36
CFGS Higher VET Diploma in Marketing and Advertising
Subject Credits
20502 - English I 6
20509 - Tourism Marketing I 6
20519 - Tourism Marketing II 6
20607 - Introduction to Business 6
20642 - Education and Labour Market 6
21246 - E-Marketing 3
21250 - Information Technology Management 6
Total 39
CFGS Higher VET Diploma in Restaurant Services Management
Subject Credits
20502 - English I 6
20505 - Organisational Design and Human Resources 6
20525 - Quality Management and Customer Service 6
20536 - Food and Drink Management 6
20607 - Introduction to Business 6
20642 - Education and Labour Market 6
21235 - Entrepreneurship 6
Total 42
CFGS Higher VET Diploma in Retail Sales and Space Management
Subject Credits
20502 - English I 6
20509 - Tourism Marketing I 6
20519 - Tourism Marketing II 6
20607 - Introduction to Business 6
20642 - Education and Labour Market 6
21246 - E-Marketing 3
21250 - Information Technology Management 6
Total 39
CFGS Higher VET Diploma in Socio-cultural and Tourist Engagement
Subject Credits
20502 - English I 6
20503 - Cultural Heritage Management 6
20642 - Education and Labour Market 6
21235 - Entrepreneurship 6
Recognition of fourth-year elective credits 6
Total 30
CFGS Higher VET Diploma in Tourist Accommodation Management
Subject Credits
20500 - Introduction to Tourism 6
20502 - English I 6
20505 - Organisational Design and Human Resources 6
20509 - Tourism Marketing I 6
20535 - Lodging Management 6
20607 - Introduction to Business 6
20642 - Education and Labour Market 6
21235 - Entrepreneurship 6
Total 48
CFGS Higher VET Diploma in Tourist Guides, Information and Support
Subject Credits
20500 - Introduction to Tourism 6
20501 - Territorial Resources 6
20502 - English I 6
20503 - Cultural Heritage Management 6
20509 - Tourism Marketing I 6
20642 - Education and Labour Market 6
21100 - Geography of Tourism 6
21235 - Entrepreneurship 6
Total 48
CFGS Higher VET Diploma in Travel Agencies and Events Management
Subject Credits
20500 - Introduction to Tourism 6
20502 - English I 6
20503 - Cultural Heritage Management 6
20509 - Tourism Marketing I 6
20517 - Tourism Intermediaries 6
20607 - Introduction to Business 6
20642 - Education and Labour Market 6
21100 - Geography of Tourism 6
21235 - Entrepreneurship 6
Total 54

Accreditation of English Skills

Students who are in a position to request their Degree in Tourism, and who have taken at least the three English courses, are not required to demonstrate their English competence. It is directly accredited.

Academic Accreditation Committee