Degree in Hotel Management (Aff. Centre Hotel Management of the BI)

240 credits - University School of Hotel Management of the Balearic Islands

Implementation year of this curriculum version

Credit Summary

Core Training Mandatory Elective Subjects External Practicum Final Degree Project Total
  60   126   12   36   6 240

Subject list by year and semester


First Year

First Semester

Information Technology
Introduction to Economics
World Geography of Tourism I
Kitchen Management
Food Safety and Nutrition

Second Semester

German I
English I
Basic Notions of Law
Introduction to Business
Restaurant Management

Second Year

First Semester

English II
German II
Facilities, Equipment and Occupational Hazard
Lodging Management
Economics of Tourism and Hospitality

Second Semester

World Geography of Tourism II
German III
English III
Lodging Management and Revenue Management

Third Year

First Semester

English for Executives
German IV
Technology Projects in the Hotel Sector
Labour Relations in the Hotel Sector
Cost Accounting

Second Semester

Food and Drink Management
Tourism Marketing and e-Commerce
Team and Human Resources Management
Practicum I

Fourth Year

First Semester

Tourist recruitment
Financial Management of Hotel Companies
Environmental and Quality Management

Second Semester

Practicum II
Final Degree Project



Core Skills

  • These abilities are set by the Ministry of Education, in accordance with Royal Decree 861/2010 that modifies Royal Decree 1393/2007.
    1. CB1 Students shall have demonstrated that they possess and understand knowledge in an area of study from the basis of general secondary education and which is generally at a level that whilst being based on advanced textbooks, also includes certain aspects that involve knowledge from the vanguard of their area of study.
    2. CB2 Students shall know how to apply their knowledge in their job or vocation professionally, and possess skills generally demonstrated through producing and defending arguments, and resolving problems with their area of study.
    3. CB3 Students shall have the ability to compile and interpret relevant data (normally within their area of study) to issue opinions that include a reflection on relevant social, scientific or ethical topics.
    4. CB4 Students shall be able to pass on information, ideas, problems and solutions to both a specialised and non-specialised audience.
    5. CB5 Students shall have developed the necessary learning skills to undertake postgraduate studies to a high level of independence.

General Skills

  1. CG1 Directing, managing and organising professional activity in hotel management.
  2. CG2 Developing critical thought and reasoning, and being able to communicate this effectively in the tourism and hospitality sector in both a mother tongue and another language.
  3. CG3 Leading and coordinating work teams.
  4. CG4 Generating innovative and competitive proposals for the professional activity of accommodation and catering management.
  5. CG5 Using ICT in professional hotel and catering management.

Cross-cutting Skills

  1. CT1 Taking on the inherent responsibilities of a management position.
  2. CT2 Developing independent learning strategies.
  3. CT3 Understanding that any professional activity needs to be undertaken in respect of fundamental rights, gender equality, the principle of universal accessibility and design for all, and environmental protection in line with the values inherent to a culture of peace and democratic values.
  4. CT4 Working in a multicultural environment.
  5. CT5 Managing relevant data searches effectively.

Specific Skills

  1. CE1 Discovering and knowing how to apply basic management and supervisory principles across different departments, activities and areas for ongoing improvement in the tourism and hotel industry.
  2. CE2 Identifying the legal framework governing hotel company activities, mainly in the area of hospitality, with regard to setting up businesses and maintaining facilities and their proper operation.
  3. CE3 Knowing how to apply general basic legislation in labour, tax and business areas, as well specific legislation for the hospitality sector.
  4. CE4 Applying concepts linked to creating, opening, acquiring, maintaining and preserving hotel, leisure and catering company facilities and equipment in terms of energy sustainability and financial viability.
  5. CE5 Discovering and understanding the basic principles of human nutrition and its effect on health, as well as their application to food.
  6. CE6 Identifying and applying the core foundations of Food Safety and Nutrition, as well as national and European regulations that sector establishments and activities must respect.
  7. CE7 Defining and knowing how to apply human resources policies and management, as well as management skills at national and international businesses.
  8. CE8 Knowing how to apply asset, accounting and financial data to optimise business management.
  9. CE9 Knowing how to set marketing goals, as well as apply commercial policies and strategies at hotel companies, especially with regard to online hotel marketing.
  10. CE10 Being aware of the impact of ICT on the design and use of technology strategies in business management, especially in the hospitality sector.
  11. CE11 Knowing and applying quality and sustainability standards in the tourism and hospitality sector.
  12. CE12 Communicating in two foreign languages at a general level, both orally and in writing, as well as in different settings related to hospitality.
  13. CE13 Knowing the dynamic and evolutionary nature of tourism and hospitality in a global context, with a view to improving environmental sustainability in tourist destinations.
  14. CE14 Providing alternative creative solutions to possible problems that arise in the field of business management, organisation, planning and administration in a mother tongue and, at least, in one foreign language.
  15. CE15 Recognising and identifying the main global tourist destinations, their best-known natural and heritage resources, and, generally, the ways in which culture, and social and territorial organisation of societies impact tourism development.
  16. CE16 Knowing the production system and operational procedure of restaurant service to optimise management in hotel, accommodation and catering businesses.
  17. CE17 Knowing the production system and operational procedure of kitchen service to optimise management in hotel, accommodation and catering businesses.
  18. CE18 Knowing the production system and operational procedure of accommodation service to optimise management in hotel, accommodation and catering businesses.
  19. CE19 Incorporating and knowing how to apply knowledge and skills to professionally undertake work duties in real national and international hospitality settings.
  20. CE20 Knowing and applying occupational hazard, health and safety regulations at companies, especially in the hotel sector.
  21. CE21 Knowing how to apply accounting and finance knowledge to improve management and organisation in different company departments.
  22. CE22 Knowing how to apply knowledge about supply, demand, competition and competitiveness to improve business management in the hospitality field.
  23. CE23 Developing and applying sustainable growth policies at national and international businesses.
  24. CE24 Incorporating knowledge and skills from the training to undertake academic or professional work in the area of accommodation, catering and hospitality in general.