Master's Degree in Physical Activity and Sport Sciences Research
Academic year 2024-25
- New student profile and admission criteria
- Academic and professional goals
- Structure of the study programme
- Final Exam
- Evaluation criteria and exams
- Composition of the Academic Committee for MICA
- Credit Recognition and Transfer Committee for MICA
New student profile and admission criteria
A specific list of personal and academic characteristics has been established for the most suitable entry profiles in order for new students to better adapt to the proposed curriculum and ensure appropriate skill development:
- Graduates in Physical Education and Sports.
- Graduates in Primary Education, with a specialisation in Physical Education.
In any event, the personal and academic circumstances deemed advisable for admission to the master’s programme are:
- Motivation and interest in physical education and sport.
- Interest in research.
- An ability for initiative, dynamism and leadership in finding solutions.
- An ability for information analysis and synthesis • Mastery of English as a tool for researching, reading and expressing written information.
Admission Requirements.
Students interested in applying for a place on the master's programme need to submit their pre-registration application within the deadline for each academic year, as set by the UIB Centre for Postgraduate Studies (CEP).
The CEP will analyse and verify that applicants meet the admission requirements, i.e. their degree(s) grant them access to official master’s programmes in accordance with current regulations, and notify the applicants about its decision.
Admission Requirements and Criteria
Once an applicant’s right to admission for the official master’s course is verified, the CEP will pass on their application to the Master's Academic Commission for assessment and decision regarding admission. The CEP will then send applicants a notification of their admission with the dates for students to formally enrol on the programme.
In order to issue the master’s admission decision, the Academic Commission will take into account the following admission requirements and criteria:
The teaching languages on the programme are Spanish and Catalan, since both are co-official languages in the Balearic Islands. Lecturers may teach their classes in either language.
In line with the above, and in order to take the master's programme, students will need to accredit a B2 level or above in Spanish and Catalan, in accordance with the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages: Learning, Teaching, Assessment (CEFR) from the Council of Europe.
B2-level Spanish and Catalan will be deemed accredited for candidates who fulfil any of the following conditions:
- It is their native language.
- Having been awarded a degree (or equivalent university qualification) at the University of the Balearic Islands.
- Having taken basic or university courses in the stated language.
- Submitting certificates or diplomas equivalent to a B2 level, in accordance with the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages: Learning, Teaching, Assessment (CEFR).
Given the co-official status of Catalan and Spanish in the Balearic Islands, as well as the advantage of having lecturers who can use both languages for academic activities, the programme management team may consider admission for candidates who are unable to accredit having a B2 level in Catalan, as long as academic activities are adapted into Spanish to ensure candidates are generally able to follow the course content.
Criteria The admission criteria are as follows:
- Holding the relevant access qualification for the programme. Preference will be given to those qualifications listed in the entry profile, as per the specified order.
- The average mark from the academic record/transcript granting admission to the master’s programme. In the case of overseas qualifications, students must provide the attestation of equivalence for the average mark on university transcripts provided by overseas institutions available via the Average Mark Equivalence Service form the corresponding Spanish ministry (or equivalent). Failure to provide this will lead to the average mark being set at 5/10.
- Professional experience in the field of physical education, activity and sports.
Applicants’ merits shall be assessed as per the following weighting:
- The average mark from the academic record/transcript granting admission to the master’s programme: 85%
- Professional experience: 15%.
After the weighting is performed, places will be allocated in consideration of applicants’ entry qualification, in accordance with the order set out in the entry profile.
Candidates must submit the required and duly accredited documentation, in accordance with what is set by the admissions body.
If there is a tie between candidates after applying the weighting percentages, the following criteria and order shall be taken into consideration:
- The average mark from the academic record/transcript for the entry qualification.
- The date when the master’s pre-registration application was received.
Where there is still a tie between candidates after assessing the entry qualification and pre-registration date, the Academic Commission for the master’s programme shall re-assess candidates’ CVs and hold personal interviews.
Academic and professional goals
The Master’s Degree in Physical Activity and Sports Science Research at the University of the Balearic Islands has an applied research profile and offers 72 ECTS credits in total. The ECTS credits are split across three modules:
- Research Foundations (27 ECTS)
- Applied Research Training (30 ECTS)
- Master’s Thesis (15 ECTS).
Its main aim is advanced, specialised, multidisciplinary training designed as a gateway to research activities in physical activity and sports science (CCAFD), and improving sports organisations.
Structure of the study programme
In order to obtain the master’s qualification, students must take at least 60 ECTS including those for mandatory training for all students on the Research Foundations Module (27 ECTS), a mandatory subject on the Applied Research Training Module (three ECTS) and the Master’s Thesis (15 ECTS). The remaining minimum 15 ECTS credits will come from the Applied Research Training Module.
1) The core mandatory Research Foundations Module (27 ECTS) combines subjects that provide advanced training in the foundations of physical activity and sports research. The module also includes advanced training in disseminating and communicating research results
2) The applied training module includes a mandatory subject on gender perspective in physical activity and sports research worth three ECTS credits. There are also nine elective subjects from different branches and areas of knowledge in physical activity and sports worth a total of 27 ECTS credits. Students must take 15 of these credits.
These elective subjects include the most up-to-date evidence in the field of physical activity and sports, knowledge transfer and improving practice at sports organisations
3) Lastly, the mandatory master’s thesis for all students comprises either a systematic literature review of a topic or submission of a research project design in a similar format to competitive project applications. This work will be tutored by lecturers on the master’s programme and may be jointly tutored by lecturers or researchers from research groups in the Department of Pedagogy and Specific Didactics at the UIB, and research groups from the UIB linked to the master’s topic.
Teaching on the master’s programme is face-to-face. The teaching load will be equally split across the first and second semesters since all students need to take the mandatory research module in the first semester and the mandatory subject in the second semester. In this sense, the highest workload is concentrated in the second semester, in taking the elective credits, and producing the master’s thesis.
Final Exam
The master’s programme ends with the submission and public defence of the master’s thesis. This will take place after all other required subjects have been passed to attain the degree.
Evaluation criteria and exams
The assessment criteria are set out in the course guide for each subject. These guides are published every year before the start of the enrolment period.