Degree in Primary Education
240 credits - Faculty of Education
This degree programme is currently being phased out, and therefore no new students shall be admitted. From the academic year 2022-23 onwards, the new Double Degree in Early Childhood Education and Primary Education (2022 syllabus) will be available at the Minorca and Ibiza & Formentera sites.
The Degree in Primary Education is one of the programmes included in RD 1393/2007 of 29th October, Chapter III, Art. 12.9, as it qualifies graduates to work in a regulated professional activity in Spain. The conditions it fulfills are set out in the Resolution of 17th December 2007 from the Secretary of State for Universities and Research and Order ECI/3857/2007 of 27th December whereby the requirements for verification of official university titles that qualify graduates for Primary School Teaching are established. It is, therefore, an essential degree in order to work as a teacher of children aged 6-12 in the Spanish education system.
This programme fundamentally aims to train future teachers in primary school education. Society today requires qualified professionals for the teaching profession who not only pass on knowledge, but who are also able to transmit values and attitudes through their teaching methods. In this sense, and in very general terms, students will need to acquire:
- Cross-cutting skills that include core, personal, interpersonal and systemic skills.
- Socio-psycho-pedagogical skills linked to learning and personal development, education processes and context, and society, family and school life.
- Didactic and disciplinary skills linked to the science of teaching and specific knowledge in the different primary school curriculum areas: experimental sciences, social sciences, mathematics, languages (Catalan, Spanish and English), music, plastic and visual arts, and physical education.
Finally, students will also need to attain practical skills related to all of the above.
Credit Summary
Core Training | Mandatory | Elective Subjects | External Practicum | Final Degree Project | Total |
60 | 120 | 9 | 45 | 6 | 240 |
Subject list by year and semester
First Year
First Semester
Teaching Bases and Curricular Design*
Contemporary Educational Thinking and Contexts*
ICT Applied to Primary Education*
Catalan Language*
Spanish Language. Communication Strategies*
Second Semester
Developmental Psychology in School Age Children*
Educational Organisation and Management*
Sociology, Living in Harmony and Education*
Mathematics in Primary Education*
English Language and Teaching I*
Second Year
First Semester
Educational Psychology and Tutorial Activity
Inclusive Education
Initial Reading and Writing
Mathematics Teaching I
Social Sciences and Teaching I (Geography)
Second Semester
Psycho-Educational Intervention in Language Difficulties at School
Specific Learning Difficulties
Physical Education and Teaching
Artistic Education: Arts and Crafts. Teaching in Primary Schools
English Language and Teaching II
Third Year
First Semester
Artistic Education: Music. Teaching in Primary Schools
Physical Education and Healthy Habits
Experimental Sciences and Teaching I (Biology - Chemistry)
Social Sciences and Teaching II (History)
Technological Means and Resources in the Teaching-Learning
Process in Primary Education
Second Semester
Teaching Spanish in Primary Education
Placement I - Primary Education
Specialisation Elective
Fourth Year
First Semester
Experimental Sciences and Teaching II (Geology - Physics)
Mathematics Teaching II
Placement II - Primary Education
* Core Training
Second Semester
Catalan and Universal Literature for Primary Education
Language Skills for Primary Education: Teaching and
Learning Catalan
Specialisation Placement
Final Degree Project
Specialisation Elective
Core skills
- CB2: Being able to apply knowledge acquired as a student to a job or vocation in a professional manner, and possessing the skills that are generally demonstrated by producing and defending arguments and solving problems in a field of study.
- CB3: Having the ability to collect and interpret relevant data (generally within a field of study) in order to make judgments which include reflection on relevant issues of a social, scientific or ethical nature.
- CB4: Being able to convey information, ideas, problems and solutions to specialised or non-specialised audiences.
- CB5: Developing the necessary skills to undertake further studies to a certain degree of independence.
General skills
- CG1: Being familiar with the areas the Primary Education curriculum comprises, the cross-disciplinary relationship between them, the assessment criteria and the body of knowledge about the relevant teaching and learning processes.
- CG2: Designing, planning and assessing learning and teaching processes, both individually and in collaboration with other teachers and professionals at the school.
- CG3: Successfully dealing with language learning situations in multilingual contexts. Encouraging pupils to read and gain critical knowledge about texts from the various scientific and cultural domains comprised in the school curriculum.
- CG4: Designing and managing learning spaces in situations of diversity that address the values that make up citizenship education, such as gender equality, equity and respect for human rights.
- CG5: Promoting harmonious coexistence in and out of the classroom, addressing discipline problems and favouring the peaceful resolution of conflicts. Encouraging and assessing the pupils' efforts, perseverance and discipline.
- CG6: Being familiar with how primary schools are organised and the wide range of actions required for managing them. Performing tutoring and advising duties involving pupils and families whilst taking account of the unique educational needs of pupils. Understanding that teachers must perfect their teaching skills and adapt to scientific, pedagogical and social changes throughout their career.
- CG7: Collaborating with the different sectors of the educational community and the social environment. Understanding the educational dimension of teaching and fostering democratic education that contributes to active citizenship.
- CG8: Having a critical and autonomous position with regard to knowledge, values and social institutions, both public and private.
- CG9: Assessing individual and collective responsibility in achieving a sustainable future.
- CG10: Reflecting on classroom practices with a view to innovating and improving teaching. Acquiring habits and skills to promote autonomous and cooperative learning amongst students.
- CG11: Knowing information and communication technologies and using them in the classroom. Selectively discerning the audiovisual content that contributes to enhancing student learning, citizenship education and cultural wealth.
- CG12: Understanding the role, possibilities and limits of education in today's society, as well as the fundamental skills that affect primary schools and the professionals that work in them. Knowing models for quality improvement at schools.
Specific skills
- 1.1.1: Understanding and analysing learning processes in the 6-12 age bracket, in the family, social and school contexts.
- 1.1.2: Knowing the features that define pupils in the 6-12 age bracket, as well as the characteristics of their motivational and social contexts.
- 1.1.3: Mastering the knowledge required to understand the development of a child's personality throughout this stage and identify any disorders.
- 1.1.4: Identifying learning difficulties, reporting them and collaborating in informal educational processes that focus on these stages.
- 1.1.5: Knowing the current proposals and developments of competency-based learning.
- 1.1.6: Identifying learning situations where students with different abilities and learning paces are affected, and planning how to solve them.
- 1.1.7: Identifying oral and written language difficulties, planning how to solve them and advising parents.
- 1.1.8: Valuing and respecting diversity amongst pupils, regardless of their condition or characteristics, and promoting this same attitude amongst one's colleagues.
- 1.1.9: Promoting autonomous learning amongst pupils in line with the objectives and content of the relevant educational level whilst developing strategies to avoid exclusion and/or discrimination.
- 1.2.1: Being familiar with how pre-primary and primary schools are organised and the wide range of actions required for managing them.
- 1.2.2: Knowing the foundations of Primary Education, the existing cross-disciplinary relationships, the assessment criteria and the body of knowledge about the relevant teaching and learning processes, and being able to link all this to Early Childhood Education.
- 1.2.3: Analysing and understanding educational processes in the 6-12 age bracket, both in and out of the classroom.
- 1.2.4: Analysing the teaching profession and the institutional conditions determining it, as well as the organisations involved.
- 1.2.5: Being aware of and assessing the scope, implications and difficulties posed by the teaching profession in today's world, and fostering a positive attitude towards ongoing professional development, understanding that teaching is a lifelong process.
- 1.2.6 Organising, designing, planning and assessing the teaching activity in the classroom, taking account of the educational contexts and spaces available at the school and in the environment.
- 1.2.7 Analysing the language of education and specifying basic concepts and terminology in education.
- 1.2.8 Being familiar with contemporary educational theories and their relevance in current institutional practices.
- 1.2.9: Knowing the Spanish educational system and its evolution throughout history, as well as the political and legislative factors conditioning education.
- 1.2.10: Knowing the interaction and communication processes that take place in the classroom and the role of the teacher as a facilitator of these processes.
- 1.2.11: Addressing and solving discipline issues and other conflicts at school and in the classroom.
- 1.2.12: Promoting work and effort, both individual and cooperative.
- 1.2.13: Promoting actions for values education and a culture of coexistence that instil attitudes such as respect, affection and acceptance in pupils in order to prepare them to get actively and democratically engaged in society, as well as facilitating interpersonal relationships, self-esteem and emotional development both in and out of school.
- 1.2.14: Being familiar and effectively dealing with situations taking place in multicultural, intercultural and multilingual contexts.
- 1.2.15: Participating in the definition of the school's educational project and the general activity of the educational community in accordance with quality management criteria.
- 1.2.16: Knowing and developing an active, participatory, critical and creative methodology that allows for comprehensive education.
- 1.2.17: Knowing and applying basic educational methodologies and techniques to one's own teaching practice.
- 1.2.18: Designing innovation projects aimed at improving educational processes whilst identifying assessment indicators at all levels.
- 1.2.19: Undertaking an ongoing, learning-oriented and holistic assessment of pupil development, and introducing the necessary educational measures to cater for diversity and singularity amongst pupils within the framework of comprehensive education.
- 1.2.20: Analysing, interpreting and critically assessing curriculum proposals put forward by the different government departments for education.
- 1.2.21: Knowing and applying innovative experiences in primary education and developing attitudes that allow for change.
- 1.3.1: Acquiring and demonstrating social skills that allow for better communication between teachers and families.
- 1.3.2: Knowing and being able to perform tutoring and advising duties in relation to family education in the 6-12 age bracket.
- 1.3.3: Linking education to the environment and cooperating with families and the community, as well as with other childhood-related institutions and organisations.
- 1.3.4: Critically analysing and incorporating the most relevant issues with an impact on family and school education in today's society.
- Being aware of the social and educational impact of audiovisual languages and screens, as well as analysing audiovisual language to promote conscious media consumption amongst pupils.
- Discrimination and social inclusion.
- Changes in gender relations: principles for equal rights and opportunities for women and men.
- Recognising and valuing personal, social and multicultural diversity, and showing respect for such differences.
- Culture of peace and non-violence.
- Human rights, democratic values and solidarity.
- Environment and sustainable development.
- Other social issues: the digital divide and ICT accessibility; social diversity and social maladjustment; health and health education.
- 1.3.5: Facilitating communication between school and families via new communication channels.
- 1.3.6 Undertaking actions aimed at achieving equal opportunities and compensating for inequalities affecting pupils.
- 1.3.7: Knowing the historical evolution of the family, the different types of family, and lifestyles and educational approaches within families in today's society, as well as considering models for intervention and interrelation with families.
- 1.3.8: Effectively selecting, using and assessing information and communication technologies as teaching/learning resources.
- 1.3.9: Developing attitudes that encourage families to engage in school life.
- 2.1.1: Understanding the core foundations and fundamental laws of experimental sciences (Physics, Chemistry, Biology and Geology).
- 2.1.2: Being familiar with the sciences curriculum.
- 2.1.3: Raising and solving problems linked to sciences in everyday life.
- 2.1.4: Developing and assessing curriculum content through appropriate teaching resources and promoting the pupils' acquisition of the core skills envisaged.
- 2.1.5: Understanding that science is deeply rooted in culture.
- 2.1.6: Understanding that science, society and technological progress are mutually influenced, and knowing the civic behaviour required to ensure a sustainable future.
- 2.2.1: Understanding the core foundations of social sciences.
- 2.2.2: Being familiar with the social sciences curriculum.
- 2.2.3: Integrating historical and geographical study from an instructive and cultural perspective.
- 2.2.4: Developing and assessing curriculum content through appropriate teaching resources and promoting the pupils' acquisiton of the skills envisaged.
- 2.2.5: Fostering the democratic education of citizens and the practice of critical social thinking.
- 2.2.6: Assessing the relevance of public and private institutions for the peaceful coexistence of peoples.
- 2.2.7: Understanding the evolution of religions throughout history and their links to culture.
- 2.2.8: Understanding social knowledge as the product of a historical and territorial construction process.
- 2.2.9: Understanding history as a process, and how it is represented in cycles and stages.
- 2.2.10: Promoting the development of a cultural identity through historical, artistic and social development.
- 2.2.11: Learning to use appropriate specific language (geography, history, art), as well as the contexts in which it is relevant to do so.
- 2.2.12: Knowing the basic tools of geographical work: cartography, graphic representation forms, direct observation, landscape analysis, photography and satellite imagery.
- 2.2.13: Knowing the main forms of aesthetic expression and the art that is produced through them.
- 2.2.14: Knowing the content of the core areas of Social Sciences in primary education.
- 2.2.15: Understanding the current social, artistic and cultural diversity as a result of the historical evolution that has taken place on sharply contrasting geographical and territorial bases.
- 2.2.16: Knowing how to integrate new technologies into the teaching of history and geography.
- 2.2.17: Distinguishing between the different concepts of time and space, and linking them to metric and chronological measurement tools, as well as to their corresponding units.
- 2.2.18: Introducing pupils to the economic structure of human organisations, the activities and shifts that run in parallel with geographical discoveries, energy sources and technological and scientific advances.
- 2.2.19: Recognising the teaching value of the environment as a means of stimulating primary school pupils to be curious and acquire the necessary skills to explore and reflect on phenomena occurring around them, as well as sparking their interest in their immediate geographical and social environment.
- 2.3.1: Acquiring basic skills in mathematics: numeracy, calculation, geometry, spatial representation, estimation and measurement, organisation and interpretation of information, etc.).
- 2.3.2: Being familiar with the mathematics curriculum.
- 2.3.3: Analysing, reasoning out and communicating mathematical proposals.
- 2.3.4: Raising and solving problems linked to daily life.
- 2.3.5: Valuing the relationship between mathematics and science as one of the pillars of scientific thinking and knowledge.
- 2.3.6: Developing and assessing curriculum content through appropriate teaching resources and promoting the pupils' acquisition of the core skills envisaged.
- 2.3.7: Encouraging reasoning, justification and argumentation, as well as critical analysis and communication through proper mathematical language allowing for the interpretation and production of information, the resolution of real problems and judicious decision-making.
- 2.4.1: Being familiar with the languages and literatures curriculum.
- 2.4.2: Understanding the core principles of language and communication sciences, and being familiar with the linguistic, psycholinguistic, sociolinguistic, pragmatic and teaching foundations of language learning.
- 2.4.3: Knowing the language teaching and learning processes (oral and written), as well as a range of methodological strategies to address any difficulties that may arise in language acquisition and use.
- 2.4.4: Speaking, reading and writing properly in Catalan and Spanish.
- 2.4.5: Being aware of the language and cultural difficulties non-native pupils are faced with when learning Catalan and Spanish.
- 2.4.6: Dealing with language learning situations in multilingual contexts whilst avoiding any type of discrimination on the basis of culture, race, sex, etc. in the use and teaching of languages.
- 2.4.7: Having adequate communicative competence in the foreign language, as well as a sound linguistic and sociocultural knowledge of it.
- 2.4.8: Designing activities aimed at pupils acquiring sufficient oral communication skills in the foreign language.
- 2.4.9: Acquiring knowledge of children's and young adult literature, as a result of selecting and designing teaching resources based on it.
- 2.4.10: Designing and promoting teaching strategies aimed at creating the habit of reading and encouraging writing amongst pupils.
- 2.4.11: Developing and assessing curriculum content and the pupils' language learning process through suitable teaching resources whilst promoting the acquisition of the core skills envisaged.
- 2.5.1: Knowing the foundations of musical, plastic and visual art that contribute to cultural, personal and social education.
- 2.5.2: Being familiar with the plastic, audiovisual and musical components in the art education curriculum, and knowing how to create resources based on curriculum content with a view to promoting lifelong participation in musical and plastic activities in and out of school.
- 2.5.3: Developing and assessing curriculum content through appropriate teaching resources and promoting the pupils' acquisition of the core skills envisaged.
- 2.5.4: Knowing, assessing and selecting musical and artistic works of different styles, periods and cultures, as well as the foundations of culture and heritage.
- 2.5.5: Promoting and enhancing an aesthetic and auditory sensitivity amongst pupils through the observation of works of art, the practice of singing and the provision of ear and eye training for recognising the characteristics of different musical works and texts.
- 2.5.6: Knowing and mastering the principles of bodily expression and communication directly linked to music, rhythm and dance, as well as the foundations of musical language, representation techniques and the fundamentals of harmony, and being able to use a varied range of references for individual and group improvisation.
- 2.5.7: Knowing and mastering the principles of plastic expression and communication, as well as the foundations of visual and plastic language, representation and creativity-boosting techniques, and the characteristics of artistic expression and aesthetic processes.
- 2.5.8: Developing and applying strategies to ensure voice knowledge, care and hygiene.
- 2.5.9: Knowing, understanding and assessing perceptive, aesthetic, creative, interpretative, communicative, expressive and respresentative manifestations in the plastic, visual and musical fields amongst pupils from different cultural backgrounds in relation to their development and social, family and cultural backgrounds, bearing in mind their individual characteristics and differences.
- 2.6.1: Being familiar with the physical education curriculum. Mastering the theory and specific didactics of physical education, the fundamentals and techniques for programming and for designing sessions in this area, as well as intervention and result assessment strategies.
- 2.6.2: Developing and assessing curriculum content through teaching resources and promoting the pupils' acquisition of the core skills envisaged.
- 2.6.3: Knowing and applying the fundamentals of play, sport initiation techniques, sports in general and physical activities in the natural environment for their application at the educational centre both in and out of school hours, and being familiar with the resources available to promote lifelong participation in sporting activities.
- 2.6.4: Knowing the aspects that link physical activity to leisure, free time and recreation so as to be able to establish appropriate bases for action in the school environment.
- 2.6.5: Knowing, valuing and accepting one's own body, psychomotor development and motor skills, as well as the principles that contribute to personal sociocultural training through physical education.
- 2.6.6: Knowing and promoting an education in healthy living habits and the biological and physiological foundations of the human body. Being aware of the processes of adaptation to physical activity, as well as basic physical capacities and their evolution. The determining factors of ontogenetic evolution and values education.
- 3.1: Acquiring practical knowledge of the classroom and its management.
- 3.2: Knowing and applying interaction and communication processes in the classroom, and mastering the necessary social skills and abilities to promote a classroom environment that helps learning and social harmony.
- 3.3: Managing and monitoring the educational process and, specifically, teaching and learning through mastering the necessary techniques and strategies.
- 3.4: Relating theory and practice to classroom and school realities.
- 3.5: Taking part in teaching activities and learning know-how by acting and reflecting in practice.
- 3.6: Taking part in improvement proposals for different activity areas that may be established at a school.
- 3.7: Regulating interaction and communication processes amongst student groups in the 6-12 age bracket.
- 3.8: Knowing methods to collaborate with different sectors in the educational and social community.
Cross-cutting skills
- CT1: Understanding that any professional activity needs to be done in respect of fundamental rights, promoting gender equality, the principle of universal access and design for all individuals, and in protection of the environment, as well as in accordance with the values inherent to a culture of peace and democracy.