Degree in Early Childhood Education

240 credits - Faculty of Education

For admission to the Early Childhood and/or Primary Education degree programmes, as well as the double degree in Early Childhood and Primary Education, preference will be given to those who pass the personal aptitude test (PAP_EDU).

Entry Profile

The ideal characteristics students should possess at the start of the programme leading to the Degree in Early Childhood Education include:

  • General intellectual capacity such as correct oral and written expression in the official languages of the Balearic Islands. The ability to understand, speak and write in English.
  • Personal, moral and ethical qualities such as the capacity to relate to others, dialogue and communication, listening, teamwork, initiative, democratic values and social harmony, etc.
  • Specific qualities such as:
    • An interest in teaching, learning processes and independent learning
    • An interest in working with early childhood students and building their learning skills
    • Knowledge of pupils' immediate social and natural environment, and an interest in cultural activities, as well as understanding the world in which we all live
    • An ability to interlink different areas of knowledge
    • The initiative for group dynamics and the ability to manage co-learning and maintain harmony at schools
    • An interest in acquiring intervention skills and strategies on organisational aspects, management, learning contents, use of materials and suitable resources, assessment processes, coordination, etc.


Entry information

Number of places. Academic year 2024-25: 100

Requirement for admission

It is a requirement for admission to the Early Childhood and Primary Education degree programmes for candidates to accredit any one of the university admission pathways, with preference then being given to those who are awarded a Pass mark in the Personal Aptitude Test (PAP_Edu).

Course entry methods

Admission mark calculation

The entrance mark (Information in Spanish) for courses will be calculated in accordance with the following criteria:
(1) For entry with high-school diploma or equivalent (PAU: university entrance exam) , the entrance mark is calculated (out of 14 points) with the entrance mark and the two best weighted marks from passed subjects, in accordance with the weighting parameters.
(2) For entry with a higher vocational qualification , the entrance mark is calculated (out of 14 points) with the average from the training course and the two best weighted marks from subjects passed in the PAU entrance block, in accordance with the weighting parameters.
(3) For further information, please see the full details of the weighting parameters for university admission

Weighting Parameters

(3) Weighted subjects in the voluntary stage. Academic year 2024-25:

Batxiller Course Parameter
Biology 0,2
Choir and Vocal Technique II 0,2
Creative Drawing II 0,2
Cultural and Artistic Movements 0,2
Dramatic Literature 0,2
General Sciences 0,2
Geography 0,2
Geology and Environmental Sciences 0,1
Graphic-plastic Expression Techniques 0,2
History of Music and Dance 0,2
History of Philosophy 0,1
Latin II 0,2
Mathematics for the Social Sciences II 0,2
Mathematics II 0,2
Musical Analysis II 0,2
Performing Arts 0,2
Technical Drawing Applied to Plastic Arts and Design II 0,2
Technology and Engineering II 0,2
For more information, please see the full details about weighting criteria for university admission (Spanish)

Cut-off mark



Credit Recognition and Transfer Committee for GEI2

Juan Puigserver, Micaela
López Babón, Judit
Ribot Ferrer, Maria Magdalena
Veny Font, Catalina

Accreditation grid between degrees from the UIB

Table of equivalences by curriculum: Degree in Early Childhood Education - Majorca

Degree in Early Childhood Education (2009 syllabus)
Degree in Early Childhood Education (2009 syllabus) Degree in Early Childhood Education - Majorca
22000 - Contemporary Educational Thinking and Contexts
22000 - Contemporary Educational Thinking and Contexts
22001 - Teaching Bases and Curricular Design
22001 - Teaching Bases and Curricular Design
22002 - Catalan Language and Teaching
22002 - Catalan Language and Teaching
22003 - Cognitive and Language Development in Early Childhood
22003 - Cognitive and Language Development in Early Childhood
22004 - Foundations of Musical Education: Vocal, Auditory and Rhythmical
22004 - Foundations of Musical Education: Vocal, Auditory and Rhythmical
22005 - Sociology, Living in Harmony and Education
22005 - Sociology, Living in Harmony and Education
22006 - Educational Organisation and Management
22006 - Educational Organisation and Management
22007 - Education Models in Early Childhood
22007 - Education Models in Early Childhood
22008 - Language in the Nursery Classroom: from Pleasure in Reading to the Game of
22008 - Language in the Nursery Classroom: from Pleasure in Reading to the Game of
22009 - Educational Intervention Strategies in Early Childhood I
22009 - Educational Intervention Strategies in Early Childhood I
22010 - Inclusive Education
22010 - Inclusive Education
22011 - Educational Psychology
22011 - Psychology of Education
22012 - Observation and Documentation
22012 - Observation and Documentation
22013 - Artistic and Aesthetic Education. Foundations of Visual Art and Crafts
22013 - Artistic and Aesthetic Education. Foundations of Visual Art and Crafts
22014 - Psychomotor Development in Early Childhood
22014 - Psychomotor Development in Early Childhood
22015 - Development and Socio-Emotional Education in Early Childhood
22015 - Development and Socio-Emotional Education in Early Childhood
22016 - Language Skills for Nursery Education
22016 - Language Skills for Nursery Education
22017 - Corporal and Musical Education of Teachers
22017 - Corporal and Musical Education of Teachers
22018 - Stage Representation in Nursery School
22018 - Stage Representation in Nursery School
22019 - Development Disorders
22019 - Development Disorders
22020 - Educational Intervention Strategies in Early Childhood II
22020 - Educational Intervention Strategies in Early Childhood II
22021 - Mathematical Thought and Teaching
22021 - Mathematical Thought and Teaching
22022 - Natural Science and Teaching
22022 - Natural Science and Teaching
22023 - Educational Reflection and Innovation
22023 - Educational Reflection and Innovation
22024 - Practicum I (0-3)
22024 - Practicum I (0-3)
22025 - Technological Means and Resources in the teaching-Learning Process in Early
22025 - Technological Means and Resources in the teaching-Learning Process in Early
22026 - Catalan Universal Literature for Nursery Education
22026 - Catalan Universal Literature for Nursery Education
22027 - Spanish Language. Communication Strategies
22027 - Spanish Language. Communication Strategies
22028 - Family and School
22028 - Family and School
22029 - Artistic Projects in Early Childhood
22029 - Artistic Projects in Early Childhood
22030 - Practicum II (3-6)
22030 - Practicum II (3-6)
22031 - Final Degree Project in Early Childhood Education
22031 - Final Degree Project in Early Childhood Education
22036 - Human Science and Teaching
22036 - Human Science and Teaching
22037 - Audiovisual and Multimedia Communication in Early Childhood Education
22037 - Audiovisual and Multimedia Communication in Early Childhood Education
22038 - Teaching the Catholic Religion
22038 - Teaching the Catholic Religion
22032 - Language Learning in Multilingual Contexts
22032 - Language Learning in Multilingual Contexts
22033 - English Language: Formal and Communication Aspects
22033 - English Language: Formal and Communication Aspects
22035 - English Language and Culture
22035 - English Language and Culture
Degree in Early Childhood Education (2009 syllabus) - CESAG
Degree in Early Childhood Education (2009 syllabus) - CESAG Degree in Early Childhood Education - Majorca
29300 - Contemporary Educational Thinking and Contexts
22000 - Contemporary Educational Thinking and Contexts
29301 - Teaching Bases and Curricular Design
22001 - Teaching Bases and Curricular Design
29302 - Catalan Language and its Teaching
22002 - Catalan Language and Teaching
29303 - Cognitive and Language Development in Early Childhood
22003 - Cognitive and Language Development in Early Childhood
29304 - Foundations of Musical Education: Vocal, Auditory and Rhythmical
22004 - Foundations of Musical Education: Vocal, Auditory and Rhythmical
29305 - Sociology, Living in harmony and Education
22005 - Sociology, Living in Harmony and Education
29306 - Organisation and Educational Management
22006 - Educational Organisation and Management
29307 - Early Childhood Educational Models
22007 - Education Models in Early Childhood
29308 - Language in the Infant Classroom: from the Pleasure of Reading to the Game
22008 - Language in the Nursery Classroom: from Pleasure in Reading to the Game of
29309 - Educational Intervention Strategies in Early Childhood I
22009 - Educational Intervention Strategies in Early Childhood I
29310 - Inclusive Education
22010 - Inclusive Education
29311 - Psychology of Education
22011 - Psychology of Education
29312 - Observation and Documentation
22012 - Observation and Documentation
29313 - Artistic and Aesthetic Education: Foundations of Visual Art and Craft
22013 - Artistic and Aesthetic Education. Foundations of Visual Art and Crafts
29314 - Psychomotor development in Early Childhood
22014 - Psychomotor Development in Early Childhood
29315 - Development and Socio-Emotional Education in Early Childhood
22015 - Development and Socio-Emotional Education in Early Childhood
29316 - Language Skills for Nursery Education
22016 - Language Skills for Nursery Education
29317 - Corporal and Musical Education of Teachers
22017 - Corporal and Musical Education of Teachers
29318 - Stage Representation in Nursery School
22018 - Stage Representation in Nursery School
29319 - Development Disorders
22019 - Development Disorders
29320 - Educational Intervention Strategies in Early Childhood I
22020 - Educational Intervention Strategies in Early Childhood II
29321 - Mathematical Thought and its Teaching
22021 - Mathematical Thought and Teaching
29322 - Natural Science and Teaching
22022 - Natural Science and Teaching
29323 - Educational Reflection and Innovation
22023 - Educational Reflection and Innovation
29324 - Practicum I (0-03)
22024 - Practicum I (0-3)
29325 - Technological Means and Resources in the Teaching-Learning Process in Early
22025 - Technological Means and Resources in the teaching-Learning Process in Early
29326 - Catalan Universal Literature for Nursery Education
22026 - Catalan Universal Literature for Nursery Education
29327 - Spanish Language. Communication Strategies
22027 - Spanish Language. Communication Strategies
29328 - Family and School
22028 - Family and School
29329 - Artistic Projects in Early Childhood
22029 - Artistic Projects in Early Childhood
29330 - Practicum II (3-6)
22030 - Practicum II (3-6)
29332 - Language Learning in Multilingual Contexts
22032 - Language Learning in Multilingual Contexts
29333 - English Language: Formal and Communication Aspects
22033 - English Language: Formal and Communication Aspects
29334 - English Language and Literature for Children
22034 - Children's Language and Literature in English
29335 - English Language and Culture
22035 - English Language and Culture
29336 - Human Science and Teaching
22036 - Human Science and Teaching
29337 - Audiovisual and Multimedia Communication in Early Childhood Education
22037 - Audiovisual and Multimedia Communication in Early Childhood Education
Degree in Pedagogy (2009 syllabus)
Degree in Pedagogy (2009 syllabus) Degree in Early Childhood Education - Majorca
21900 - Foundations of Contemporary Society
22000 - Contemporary Educational Thinking and Contexts
21903 - Basic Psychological Processes
22011 - Psychology of Education
22205 - Educational Technology I: ICT in Education
22025 - Technological Means and Resources in the teaching-Learning Process in Early
22203 - Sociology of Education
22005 - Sociology, Living in Harmony and Education
Degree in Pedagogy (2016 syllabus)
Degree in Pedagogy (2016 syllabus) Degree in Early Childhood Education - Majorca
21900 - Foundations of Contemporary Society
22000 - Contemporary Educational Thinking and Contexts
21903 - Basic Psychological Processes
22011 - Psychology of Education
22205 - Educational Technology I: ICT in Education
22025 - Technological Means and Resources in the teaching-Learning Process in Early
22203 - Sociology of Education
22005 - Sociology, Living in Harmony and Education
Degree in Pedagogy (2023 syllabus)
Degree in Pedagogy (2023 syllabus) Degree in Early Childhood Education - Majorca
21900 - Foundations of Contemporary Society
22000 - Contemporary Educational Thinking and Contexts
21903 - Basic Psychological Processes
22011 - Psychology of Education
22205 - Educational Technology I: ICT in Education
22025 - Technological Means and Resources in the teaching-Learning Process in Early
22203 - Sociology of Education
22005 - Sociology, Living in Harmony and Education
Degree in Primary Education (2009 syllabus)
Degree in Primary Education (2009 syllabus) Degree in Early Childhood Education - Majorca
22101 - Contemporary Educational Thinking and Contexts
22000 - Contemporary Educational Thinking and Contexts
22100 - Teaching Bases and Curricular Design
22001 - Teaching Bases and Curricular Design
22105 - Educational Organisation and Management
22006 - Educational Organisation and Management
22106 - Sociology, Living in harmony and Education
22005 - Sociology, Living in Harmony and Education
22107 - Developmental Psychology in School Age Children
22003 - Cognitive and Language Development in Early Childhood
22111 - Inclusive Education
22010 - Inclusive Education
22104 - ICT Applied to Primary Education
22025 - Technological Means and Resources in the teaching-Learning Process in Early
22102 - Catalan Language
22002 - Catalan Language and Teaching
22103 - Spanish Language. Communication Strategies
22027 - Spanish Language. Communication Strategies
22160 - English Language: Formal and Communication Aspects
22033 - English Language: Formal and Communication Aspects
22161 - Children's Language and Literature in English
22034 - Children's Language and Literature in English
22162 - English Language and Culture
22035 - English Language and Culture
22038 - Teaching the Catholic Religion
22038 - Teaching the Catholic Religion
22110 - Educational Psychology and Tutorial Activity
22011 - Psychology of Education
22112 - Initial Reading and Writing
22008 - Language in the Nursery Classroom: from Pleasure in Reading to the Game of
Degree in Primary Education (2013 syllabus)
Degree in Primary Education (2013 syllabus) Degree in Early Childhood Education - Majorca
22038 - Teaching the Catholic Religion
22038 - Teaching the Catholic Religion
22100 - Teaching Bases and Curricular Design
22001 - Teaching Bases and Curricular Design
22101 - Contemporary Educational Thinking and Contexts
22000 - Contemporary Educational Thinking and Contexts
22102 - Catalan Language
22002 - Catalan Language and Teaching
22103 - Spanish Language. Communication Strategies
22027 - Spanish Language. Communication Strategies
22104 - ICT Applied to Primary Education
22025 - Technological Means and Resources in the teaching-Learning Process in Early
22105 - Educational Organisation and Management
22006 - Educational Organisation and Management
22106 - Sociology, Living in harmony and Education
22005 - Sociology, Living in Harmony and Education
22107 - Developmental Psychology in School Age Children
22003 - Cognitive and Language Development in Early Childhood
22110 - Educational Psychology and Tutorial Activity
22011 - Psychology of Education
22111 - Inclusive Education
22010 - Inclusive Education
22112 - Initial Reading and Writing
22008 - Language in the Nursery Classroom: from Pleasure in Reading to the Game of
22161 - Children's Language and Literature in English
22034 - Children's Language and Literature in English
22115 - Physical Education and Teaching
22017 - Corporal and Musical Education of Teachers
22109 - English Language and Teaching I
  • 22033 - English Language: Formal and Communication Aspects
  • 22035 - English Language and Culture
22120 - Artistic Education: Music. Teaching in Primary School
22004 - Foundations of Musical Education: Vocal, Auditory and Rhythmical
22116 - Artistic Education: Arts and Crafts. Teaching in Primary Schools
22013 - Artistic and Aesthetic Education. Foundations of Visual Art and Crafts
Degree in Social Education
Degree in Social Education Degree in Early Childhood Education - Majorca
22302 - Planning of Intervention in the Fields of Social Education
22001 - Teaching Bases and Curricular Design
22303 - Management and Governance of Social Education Centres and Programmes
22006 - Educational Organisation and Management
21900 - Foundations of Contemporary Society
22000 - Contemporary Educational Thinking and Contexts
22203 - Sociology of Education
22005 - Sociology, Living in Harmony and Education
22201 - Developmental Psychology
22015 - Development and Socio-Emotional Education in Early Childhood
22202 - Social Psychology of Groups and Organisations
22011 - Psychology of Education
- Online
- Online Degree in Early Childhood Education - Majorca
22302 - Planning of Intervention in the Fields of Social Education
22001 - Teaching Bases and Curricular Design
22303 - Management and Governance of Social Education Centres and Programmes
22006 - Educational Organisation and Management
21900 - Foundations of Contemporary Society
22000 - Contemporary Educational Thinking and Contexts
22203 - Sociology of Education
22005 - Sociology, Living in Harmony and Education
22201 - Developmental Psychology
22015 - Development and Socio-Emotional Education in Early Childhood
22202 - Social Psychology of Groups and Organisations
22011 - Psychology of Education
Teacher Training: Foreign Language (2002 syllabus)
Teacher Training: Foreign Language (2002 syllabus) Degree in Early Childhood Education - Majorca
5100 - Psychopedagogical Bases of Special Education I
22010 - Inclusive Education
5101 - Psychopedagogical Bases of Special Education II
22019 - Development Disorders
5102 - Organization of the School Centre
22006 - Educational Organisation and Management
5103 - Psychology of School Age Development
22003 - Cognitive and Language Development in Early Childhood
5104 - General Teaching
22001 - Teaching Bases and Curricular Design
5144 - Psychology of Education
22011 - Psychology of Education
5145 - Contemporary Education Theories and Institutions
22000 - Contemporary Educational Thinking and Contexts
5168 - New Technologies Applied to Education
22025 - Technological Means and Resources in the teaching-Learning Process in Early
5173 - Sociology of Education
22005 - Sociology, Living in Harmony and Education
5153 - Teaching Catalan Language and Literature I
22002 - Catalan Language and Teaching
5244 - Teaching Catalan Language and Literature II
22032 - Language Learning in Multilingual Contexts
5223 - Teaching Mathematics
22021 - Mathematical Thought and Teaching
5225 - Natural, Social and Cultural Science
  • 22022 - Natural Science and Teaching
  • 22036 - Human Science and Teaching
5131 - Rhythmic Training and Dance
22017 - Corporal and Musical Education of Teachers
5175 - Mass Media and Education
22037 - Audiovisual and Multimedia Communication in Early Childhood Education
5178 - English for Infants
22034 - Children's Language and Literature in English
  • 5189 - Christian Practice. Pedagogy and Teaching Religion
  • 5190 - Religion, Culture and the Christian Message
  • 5250 - Catholic doctrine and its Pedagogy
22038 - Teaching the Catholic Religion
Teacher Training: Music Education (2002 syllabus)
Teacher Training: Music Education (2002 syllabus) Degree in Early Childhood Education - Majorca
5169 - History and Teaching of Catalan Children's Literature
22026 - Catalan Universal Literature for Nursery Education
5100 - Psychopedagogical Bases of Special Education I
22010 - Inclusive Education
5101 - Psychopedagogical Bases of Special Education II
22019 - Development Disorders
5102 - Organization of the School Centre
22006 - Educational Organisation and Management
5103 - Psychology of School Age Development
22003 - Cognitive and Language Development in Early Childhood
5104 - General Teaching
  • 22001 - Teaching Bases and Curricular Design
  • 22011 - Psychology of Education
5145 - Contemporary Education Theories and Institutions
22000 - Contemporary Educational Thinking and Contexts
5224 - Teaching Musical Expression
22004 - Foundations of Musical Education: Vocal, Auditory and Rhythmical
5168 - New Technologies Applied to Education
22025 - Technological Means and Resources in the teaching-Learning Process in Early
5173 - Sociology of Education
22002 - Catalan Language and Teaching
5220 - Teaching Catalan Language and Literature II
22032 - Language Learning in Multilingual Contexts
5223 - Teaching Mathematics
22021 - Mathematical Thought and Teaching
5225 - Natural, Social and Cultural Science
  • 22022 - Natural Science and Teaching
  • 22036 - Human Science and Teaching
5131 - Rhythmic Training and Dance
22017 - Corporal and Musical Education of Teachers
5175 - Mass Media and Education
22037 - Audiovisual and Multimedia Communication in Early Childhood Education
5178 - English for Infants
22034 - Children's Language and Literature in English
  • 5189 - Christian Practice. Pedagogy and Teaching Religion
  • 5190 - Religion, Culture and the Christian Message
  • 5250 - Catholic doctrine and its Pedagogy
22038 - Teaching the Catholic Religion
Teacher Training: Physical Education (2002 syllabus)
Teacher Training: Physical Education (2002 syllabus) Degree in Early Childhood Education - Majorca
5169 - History and Teaching of Catalan Children's Literature
22026 - Catalan Universal Literature for Nursery Education
5100 - Psychopedagogical Bases of Special Education I
22010 - Inclusive Education
5101 - Psychopedagogical Bases of Special Education II
22019 - Development Disorders
5102 - Organization of the School Centre
22006 - Educational Organisation and Management
5103 - Psychology of School Age Development
22003 - Cognitive and Language Development in Early Childhood
5104 - General Teaching
22001 - Teaching Bases and Curricular Design
5227 - Teaching Art Education
22022 - Natural Science and Teaching
5144 - Psychology of Education
22011 - Psychology of Education
5145 - Contemporary Education Theories and Institutions
22000 - Contemporary Educational Thinking and Contexts
5168 - New Technologies Applied to Education
22025 - Technological Means and Resources in the teaching-Learning Process in Early
5173 - Sociology of Education
22005 - Sociology, Living in Harmony and Education
5153 - Teaching Catalan Language and Literature I
22002 - Catalan Language and Teaching
5220 - Teaching Catalan Language and Literature II
22032 - Language Learning in Multilingual Contexts
  • 5117 - Motor Learning and Development I
  • 5147 - Motor Learning and Development II
22014 - Psychomotor Development in Early Childhood
5223 - Teaching Mathematics
22021 - Mathematical Thought and Teaching
5131 - Rhythmic Training and Dance
22017 - Corporal and Musical Education of Teachers
5175 - Mass Media and Education
22037 - Audiovisual and Multimedia Communication in Early Childhood Education
5178 - English for Infants
22034 - Children's Language and Literature in English
  • 5189 - Christian Practice. Pedagogy and Teaching Religion
  • 5190 - Religion, Culture and the Christian Message
  • 5250 - Catholic doctrine and its Pedagogy
22038 - Teaching the Catholic Religion
Teacher Training: Primary Education (2002 syllabus)
Teacher Training: Primary Education (2002 syllabus) Degree in Early Childhood Education - Majorca
5169 - History and Teaching of Catalan Children's Literature
22026 - Catalan Universal Literature for Nursery Education
5100 - Psychopedagogical Bases of Special Education I
22010 - Inclusive Education
5101 - Psychopedagogical Bases of Special Education II
22019 - Development Disorders
5102 - Organization of the School Centre
22006 - Educational Organisation and Management
5103 - Psychology of School Age Development
22003 - Cognitive and Language Development in Early Childhood
5104 - General Teaching
22001 - Teaching Bases and Curricular Design
5134 - Teaching Artistic Education (Art and Craft)
22013 - Artistic and Aesthetic Education. Foundations of Visual Art and Crafts
5144 - Psychology of Education
22011 - Psychology of Education
5145 - Contemporary Education Theories and Institutions
22000 - Contemporary Educational Thinking and Contexts
5109 - Teaching Artistic Education (Music)
22004 - Foundations of Musical Education: Vocal, Auditory and Rhythmical
5168 - New Technologies Applied to Education
22025 - Technological Means and Resources in the teaching-Learning Process in Early
5173 - Sociology of Education
22005 - Sociology, Living in Harmony and Education
5153 - Teaching Catalan Language and Literature I
22002 - Catalan Language and Teaching
5220 - Teaching Catalan Language and Literature II
22032 - Language Learning in Multilingual Contexts
5230 - Teaching Mathematics I
22021 - Mathematical Thought and Teaching
  • 5234 - Teaching Natural Science I
  • 5236 - Teaching Natural Science II
22022 - Natural Science and Teaching
5235 - Teaching Social Science I
22036 - Human Science and Teaching
5131 - Rhythmic Training and Dance
22017 - Corporal and Musical Education of Teachers
5175 - Mass Media and Education
22037 - Audiovisual and Multimedia Communication in Early Childhood Education
5178 - English for Infants
22034 - Children's Language and Literature in English
  • 5189 - Christian Practice. Pedagogy and Teaching Religion
  • 5190 - Religion, Culture and the Christian Message
  • 5250 - Catholic doctrine and its Pedagogy
22038 - Teaching the Catholic Religion
Teacher Training. Early Childhood Edu. (Alberta Giménez) (2002 syllabus)
Teacher Training. Early Childhood Edu. (Alberta Giménez) (2002 syllabus) Degree in Early Childhood Education - Majorca
3518 - Models and Programmes of Infant Education
22007 - Education Models in Early Childhood
3526 - Organisation of the School Centre
22006 - Educational Organisation and Management
3528 - Teaching Development of Language Skills I (Catalan)
22016 - Language Skills for Nursery Education
3529 - Psychomotor Development
22014 - Psychomotor Development in Early Childhood
3531 - Learning and Language in Infant Education
22016 - Language Skills for Nursery Education
3534 - Psychopedagogic Bases of Special Education II
22019 - Development Disorders
3535 - Sociology of Education
22005 - Sociology, Living in Harmony and Education
3539 - Teaching Development of Language Skills II (Spanish)
22008 - Language in the Nursery Classroom: from Pleasure in Reading to the Game of
3692 - Psychopedagogic Bases of Special Education I
22010 - Inclusive Education
3695 - General Didactics
22001 - Teaching Bases and Curricular Design
3696 - Psychology of Development in School Age
22003 - Cognitive and Language Development in Early Childhood
3700 - Education Psychology
22011 - Psychology of Education
3702 - Contemporary Education Theories and Institutions
22000 - Contemporary Educational Thinking and Contexts
3709 - New Technologies Applied to Education
22025 - Technological Means and Resources in the teaching-Learning Process in Early
3728 - Educational Intervention in Nursery School Teaching
  • 22009 - Educational Intervention Strategies in Early Childhood I
  • 22020 - Educational Intervention Strategies in Early Childhood II
3729 - Plastic Expression Development
22013 - Artistic and Aesthetic Education. Foundations of Visual Art and Crafts
  • 3730 - Childhood Education Practice I
  • 3731 - Childhood Education Practice II
22030 - Practicum II (3-6)
3732 - Observation in Childhood Education
22012 - Observation and Documentation
3734 - Natural, Social and Cultural Environment
  • 22022 - Natural Science and Teaching
  • 22036 - Human Science and Teaching
3735 - Development of Plastic Expression Teaching
22004 - Foundations of Musical Education: Vocal, Auditory and Rhythmical
3736 - Development of the Mathematical Thought Teaching
22021 - Mathematical Thought and Teaching
3738 - Family and Infancy
22028 - Family and School
3794 - Catalan Language and Literature Teaching I
22002 - Catalan Language and Teaching
3795 - Catalan Language and Literature Teaching II
22032 - Language Learning in Multilingual Contexts
Teacher Training. Early Childhood Education (2002 syllabus)
Teacher Training. Early Childhood Education (2002 syllabus) Degree in Early Childhood Education - Majorca
5100 - Psychopedagogical Bases of Special Education I
22010 - Inclusive Education
5101 - Psychopedagogical Bases of Special Education II
22019 - Development Disorders
5102 - Organization of the School Centre
22006 - Educational Organisation and Management
5103 - Psychology of School Age Development
22003 - Cognitive and Language Development in Early Childhood
5116 - Educational Intervention in Nursery School Teaching
  • 22009 - Educational Intervention Strategies in Early Childhood I
  • 22020 - Educational Intervention Strategies in Early Childhood II
5121 - Developing Art and Craft Skills
22013 - Artistic and Aesthetic Education. Foundations of Visual Art and Crafts
5122 - Observation in Nursery School Education
22012 - Observation and Documentation
5144 - Psychology of Education
22011 - Psychology of Education
5145 - Contemporary Education Theories and Institutions
22000 - Contemporary Educational Thinking and Contexts
5150 - Teaching Development of Musical Expression
22004 - Foundations of Musical Education: Vocal, Auditory and Rhythmical
5151 - Family and Infancy
22028 - Family and School
5168 - New Technologies Applied to Education
22025 - Technological Means and Resources in the teaching-Learning Process in Early
5173 - Sociology of Education
22005 - Sociology, Living in Harmony and Education
5221 - Catalan Language and Literature Teaching I
22002 - Catalan Language and Teaching
5220 - Teaching Catalan Language and Literature II
22032 - Language Learning in Multilingual Contexts
5237 - Psychomotor Development
22014 - Psychomotor Development in Early Childhood
5238 - Models and Programmes of Nursery School Education
22007 - Education Models in Early Childhood
5239 - Teaching and Developing Language Skills I (Catalan)
22016 - Language Skills for Nursery Education
  • 5104 - General Teaching
  • 5240 - Learning and Language in Nursery School Education
22001 - Teaching Bases and Curricular Design
5242 - Teaching and Developing Language Skills II. Spanish
22008 - Language in the Nursery Classroom: from Pleasure in Reading to the Game of
5243 - Teaching and Developing Mathematical Thinking
22021 - Mathematical Thought and Teaching
5248 - Natural, Social and Cultural Science
  • 22022 - Natural Science and Teaching
  • 22036 - Human Science and Teaching
5131 - Rhythmic Training and Dance
22017 - Corporal and Musical Education of Teachers
5175 - Mass Media and Education
22037 - Audiovisual and Multimedia Communication in Early Childhood Education
  • 5189 - Christian Practice. Pedagogy and Teaching Religion
  • 5190 - Religion, Culture and the Christian Message
  • 5250 - Catholic doctrine and its Pedagogy
22038 - Teaching the Catholic Religion
  • 5123 - Teaching Practice in Nursery School Education I
  • 5154 - Teaching Practice in Nursery School Education II
22030 - Practicum II (3-6)
5178 - English for Infants
22034 - Children's Language and Literature in English
5177 - The Presence of English in the Current World
22035 - English Language and Culture
Teacher Training. Special Education (2002 syllabus)
Teacher Training. Special Education (2002 syllabus) Degree in Early Childhood Education - Majorca
5169 - History and Teaching of Catalan Children's Literature
22026 - Catalan Universal Literature for Nursery Education
5100 - Psychopedagogical Bases of Special Education I
22010 - Inclusive Education
5101 - Psychopedagogical Bases of Special Education II
22019 - Development Disorders
5102 - Organization of the School Centre
22006 - Educational Organisation and Management
5103 - Psychology of School Age Development
22003 - Cognitive and Language Development in Early Childhood
5104 - General Teaching
22001 - Teaching Bases and Curricular Design
5144 - Psychology of Education
22011 - Psychology of Education
5145 - Contemporary Education Theories and Institutions
22000 - Contemporary Educational Thinking and Contexts
5141 - Musical Expression and Special Educational Needs
22004 - Foundations of Musical Education: Vocal, Auditory and Rhythmical
5168 - New Technologies Applied to Education
22025 - Technological Means and Resources in the teaching-Learning Process in Early
5173 - Sociology of Education
22005 - Sociology, Living in Harmony and Education
5153 - Teaching Catalan Language and Literature I
22002 - Catalan Language and Teaching
5220 - Teaching Catalan Language and Literature II
22032 - Language Learning in Multilingual Contexts
5131 - Rhythmic Training and Dance
22017 - Corporal and Musical Education of Teachers
5175 - Mass Media and Education
22037 - Audiovisual and Multimedia Communication in Early Childhood Education
5178 - English for Infants
22034 - Children's Language and Literature in English
  • 5189 - Christian Practice. Pedagogy and Teaching Religion
  • 5190 - Religion, Culture and the Christian Message
  • 5250 - Catholic doctrine and its Pedagogy
22038 - Teaching the Catholic Religion

Automatic accreditation between higher technical programmes and university courses

Automatic accreditation of credits between courses on higher degree training cycles from the professional groups in the Balearic Islands and university degree courses in Degree in Early Childhood Education
CFGS Higher VET Diploma in Early Childhood Education
Subject Credits
22001 - Teaching Bases and Curricular Design 6
22003 - Cognitive and Language Development in Early Childhood 6
22006 - Educational Organisation and Management 6
22015 - Development and Socio-Emotional Education in Early Childhood 6
22024 - Practicum I (0-3) 24
Total 48

Accreditation of English Skills

In order to be awarded the degree, students must show that they have reached a level of English by the end of their course that equates to level B2 in the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages (CEFR), in accordance with how this requirement is stipulated in the curriculum. The different ways to attain this are:

  1. passing the specific English language course on the curriculum.
  2. handing in a certificate or accreditation, recognised by the UIB, which shows the student has obtained a minimum level of English equivalent to B2 in the CEFR.
  3. passing a set number of subjects taught in English on the degree course.
  4. passing a set number of subjects taught in English on a mobility programme.

More information.

Academic Accreditation Committee