Master's Degree in Food and Human Nutrition

Academic year 2024-25

You can also consult this information for the academic year 2023-24.

New student profile and admission criteria

Al Màster Universitari de Nutrició i Alimentació Humana hi poden accedir graduats relacionats amb les ciències de la salut, de manera que poden accedir al Màster graduats (o llicenciats o diplomats) preferentment en Ciències de la Vida i de la Salut (Biologia, Bioquímica, Química, Psicologia, Medicina, Farmàcia, Infermeria, Fisioteràpia, Ciència i Tecnologia dels Aliments, Nutrició Humana i Dietètica, Veterinària, Ciències de l'Activitat Física i l'Esport, INEF). També podran accedir a aquest Màster alumnes procedents d'altres titulacions. En aquest cas, el Consell Acadèmic del Màster podrà considerar la possibilitat d'exigir complements de formació, en funció del perfil d'entrada.

Es podran contemplar els següents criteris per a la valoració de mèrits dels estudiants que vulguin ésser admesos al Màster:

  • L'expedient acadèmic dels estudis que s'hagin cursat anteriorment.
  • Un currículum vitae, on es destaqui l'experiència professional desenvolupada, si n'hi hagués.

El candidat haurà de presentar la documentació necessària i degudament acreditada. Una vegada revisada la documentació aportada, la Comissió d'Estudis del Màster procedirà a establir l'oportuna prelació dels alumnes sol·licitants fins completar les places disponibles, d'acord als criteris següents: Currículum acadèmic: 50%; experiència professional: 20%; coneixements d'informàtica usuari: 15%; nivell d'idiomes: 15%.

Academic and professional goals

The reasoning behind the creation and implementation of this master's degree programme in food and human nutrition lies in its objectives, which are to:

  1. Provide students with basic applied knowledge regarding techniques and material resources as well as inform them about how to access up-to-date information on food and nutrition.
  2. Develop, in students, observational and analytical abilities in food and human nutrition.
  3. Enable students to participate, employing the aforementioned knowledge and abilities, in education, healthcare, and general-nutrition centres.
  4. Provide students with tools that enable them to create and transmit knowledge and increase the education of groups on matters regarding food and human nutrition.
  5. Satisfy the social demand for information regarding food and human nutrition.
  6. Establish the necessary educational bases for carrying out research that expands knowledge in the area of food and human nutrition in the future.
  7. Ensure that this education contributes to positively increasing the level of public health in society.
  8. Provide students with the ability to fill positions requiring technical responsibility.

Consequently, connections with businesses and institutions in the field will be made as the master's programme runs its course. This will open potential work relationships.

  • Academic relevance and interest: The master's degree programme in food and human nutrition will increase students' training, knowledge of food and human nutrition, knowledge of clinical nutrition, and knowledge of food as it applies to tourism, the leading industry in the Balearic Islands
  • Scientific relevance and interest: The master's degree programme in food and human nutrition will prepare students to continue on to doctoral study programmes in any of the subject matters related to these studies. Thus, this programme enables graduates to continue studying in the UIB's doctoral programme in nutrition and food science.
  • Professional relevance and interest: This is a booming sector, with a growing demand for professionals who are duly trained in the field of food and human nutrition, both in its basic aspects as well as in its applied clinical and services sectors and as it relates to tourism. In any case, the professional competences provided by the programme are defined and established by the appropriate ministerial orders regarding study programmes and professional qualifications.

Basic competences

  1. To have and understand knowledge that provides a base from which or an opportunity to be original in the development and/or creation of ideas, often in the context of research.
  2. That students know how to apply the knowledge acquired and their problem-solving abilities in new or relatively unknown environments within wider (or interdisciplinary) contexts related to their field of study.
  3. That students are able to integrate knowledge and confront the complexities of making judgments that are based on incomplete or limited information and that include reflections on the social and ethical responsibilities related to the application of such knowledge and judgments.
  4. That students know how to clearly and unambiguously communicate conclusions, knowledge, and their underlying reasoning to specialized audiences and the general public.
  5. That students have the learning abilities that allow them to continue studying in a way that is largely self-directed or autonomous.

General competences

  1. Acquisition of an advanced ability in information management, analysis, synthesis, and revision.
  2. Advanced abilities in creativity, initiative, entrepreneurial spirit, and decision making.
  3. Advanced abilities in organization and activity design in the field experimental human nutrition.
  4. Advanced problem-solving abilities in the field of human nutrition.
  5. Advanced knowledge of the information technologies used for managing, processing, disseminating, and applying information on human nutrition.

Interdisciplinary competences

  1. The ability to work in a team and in an interdisciplinary way.
  2. The ability to apply critical, logical, and creative thinking to work.
  3. Oral and written communication.
  4. Knowledge of foreign languages that facilitates the acquisition of information and communication.
  5. A profound respect for ethics and intellectual integrity.
  6. Adaptation to new situations.
  7. Concern for quality.
  8. Recognition of and adaptation to diversity and multiculturalism.
  9. To be sensitive to environmental issues.
  10. The ability to take on responsibilities, be critical of oneself, and know how to value one's own abilities and limits.

Specific competences

  1. Acquire advanced knowledge about healthy feeding patterns for individuals and groups.
  2. Understand the most recent advances in nutritional programmes and feeding habits that promote health and prevent diseases.
  3. Acquire advanced methods for creating and interpreting dietary histories.
  4. Know how to apply the bases of a healthy diet.
  5. Advanced ability to recommend menus to groups based on health, cultural, or religious criteria.
  6. Acquire advanced knowledge that enables up-to-date training of personnel in matters related to food and human nutrition.

Access to other study programmes and career opportunities

Si bé tota sortida professional dependrà de l'habilitació professional definida en la respectiva Ordre Ministerial que defineix aquest grau en concret, aquest títol pretén dotar als seus titulats de coneixements en el camp de la Nutrició, i preparar als seus titulats per seguir la formació acadèmica amb els estudis de Doctorat, com és el Doctorat en Nutrició i Ciències dels Aliments.

Structure of the study programme

The master's degree programme in food and human nutrition is structured into 10 modules, focusing on the following subject matters: The origins of food: history, habits, and culture; Methodologies for the assessment of the nutritional state; Nutritional and metabolic needs; Nutrition and the promotion of health; Metabolic and nutritional bases to pathological changes; Nutrition as a therapeutic tool or as an aid in therapy; Nutrition and food in the tourism industry; Quality control for food in the tourism industry; and Basic concepts in nutrition; complemented by an internships and master's thesis module.

Students will have to complete 60 credits as follows:

See the "Exam and assessment criteria" section for more information.

Students will acquire all of the competences provided by this programme by taking all mandatory courses, completing the master's thesis, and participating in the internships. Students will acquire competences specific to each optional subject by taking these subjects.

The Academic Council may recognize credits for teaching activities performed by students who come from other postgraduate study programmes, or similar, in accordance with current regulations.

The contents of each course, course syllabi, and contents of modules and pathways can be found in the "Subjects" section of this programme.

Description of the educational pathways

There are three educational pathways, all of which require completing internships and a master's thesis, to be approved of and supervised by a tutor, in the area of focus of the selected pathway.

Students may choose from the following educational pathways:

Summary of study programme structure (modules)


Equivalence table for the study programme in human nutrition and food quality (to be phased out) and the new master's degree programme in food and human nutrition      
Subjects from the programme to be phased outAcademic categoryECTS credits Subjects from the new study programmeAcademic categoryECTS credits
Physiological and nutritional basics in toddlers and school-age childrenMandatory5 Physiological and nutritional basics in toddlers and school-age childrenMandatory6
Physiological and nutritional basics in gestation, breast-feeding, adolescence, and adulthoodMandatory5 Physiological and nutritional basics in gestation, breast-feeding, adolescence, and adulthoodMandatory6
Physiological, metabolic, and nutritional basics in physical activityMandatory5 Physiological, metabolic, and nutritional basics in physical activityMandatory6
Physiological and nutritional basics in older peopleMandatory5 Physiological and nutritional basics in older peopleMandatory6
Nutrition in the age of the great ancient and medieval civilizationsOptional5 Nutrition in the age of the great ancient and medieval civilizations?Optional?6
Flow of people and food across continents: the globalization of foodOptional5 Flow of people and food across continents: the globalization of food?Optional?6
Nutritional behaviorOptional5 Nutritional behavior?Optional?6
Epidemiology of nutritionOptional5 Epidemiology of nutrition?Optional?6
Methods used in assessing nutritional stateOptional5 Methods used in assessing nutritional state?Optional?6
Advanced instrumental methods in nutritional experimentation?Optional?5 Advanced analytical methods in nutritional experimentation?Optional?6
Introduction to experimental nutrition?Optional?5 Introduction to experimental nutritionOptional6
Modulation of gene expression mediated by nutrients?Optional?5 Modulation of gene expression mediated by nutrients?Optional?6
Mediterranean diet and health?Optional?5 Mediterranean diet and health?Optional?6
Nutritional education and food guides?Optional?5 Nutritional education and food guides?Optional?6
Complementary diet and its design?Optional?5 Complementary diet and its design?Optional?6
Diet and sport?Optional?5 Diet and sport?Optional?6
Oxidative stress and ageing?Optional?5 Oxidative stress and ageing?Optional?6
Molecular and nutritional basics of cancer?Optional?5 Molecular and nutritional basics of cancer?Optional?6
Endocrine and toxic disruptors in the human diet?Optional?5 Endocrine and toxic disruptors in the human diet?Optional?6
Nutrition and the digestive system: digestive secretions?Optional?5 Nutrition and the digestive system: digestive secretions?Optional?6
Nutrition and the digestive system: absorption?Optional?5 Nutrition and the digestive system: absorption?Optional?6
Nutrition, factors of cardiovascular risk, and metabolic syndrome?Optional?5 Nutrition, factors of cardiovascular risk, and metabolic syndrome?Optional?6
Nutrition and processes of pathological calcification?Optional?5 Nutrition and processes of pathological calcification?Optional?6
Enteral, parenteral, and artificial nutrition?Optional?5 Enteral, parenteral, and artificial nutrition?Optional?6
Potential anti-carcinogens and health?Optional?5 Potential anti-carcinogens and health?Optional?6
Food-medicine interaction?Optional?5 Food-medicine interaction?Optional?6
Study of minerals in the diet with an anti-oxidant effect?Optional?5 Study of minerals in the diet with an anti-oxidant effect?Optional?6
Group catering: principles and applications for the tourism industry?Optional?5 Group catering: principles and applications for the tourism industry?Optional?6
Set menus, á la carte menus, and buffets?Optional?5 Set menus, á la carte menus, and buffets?Optional?6
Nutrition and food in special groups?Optional?5 Nutrition and food in special groups?Optional?6
Traditional food in the Mediterranean: the Balearic Islands, Andalusia, and the Levante?Optional?5 Traditional food in the Mediterranean: the Balearic Islands, Andalusia, and the Levante?Optional?6
Quality control in food preparation centres?Optional?5 Quality control in food preparation centres?Optional?6
Food allergies, infections, contaminants, and poisonings?Optional?5 Food allergies, infections, contaminants, and poisonings?Optional?6
Basic regulations for preventing occupational hazards and for safety at work?Optional?5 Basic regulations for preventing occupational hazards and for safety at work?Optional?6
Food and selective restaurant inspections?Optional?5 Food and selective restaurant inspections?Optional?6
Physiology of digestion?Optional?5 Physiology of digestion?Optional?6
Macronutrients and micronutrients. Energetics of nutrition?Optional?5 Macronutrients and micronutrients. Energetics of nutrition?Optional?6
Bio-availability of micronutrients?Optional?5 Bio-availability of micronutrients?Optional?6
Metabolic interrelationships of nutrients: inter-organic cycles?Optional?5 Metabolic interrelationships of nutrients: inter-organic cycles?Optional?6
Nutritional quality and value of food?Optional?5 Nutritional quality and value of food?Optional?6
Health education?Optional?5 Health education?Optional?6
Lifestyles and health?Optional?5 Lifestyles and health?Optional?6
Advances in nutrition?Optional?5 Advances in diet and nutrition?Optional?6
Practical placementsMandatory15 Practical placementsMandatory12
Final master's projectMandatory15 Master's thesisMandatory12

Any other recognition of subjects from other master's or study programmes and the current study programme will be duly considered on a case-by-case basis based on the course contents, syllabus, and number of credits earned in the course.

Credit Recognition Commission

Josep A. Tur Marí
Maria del Mara Bibiloni Esteva
Teaching and Research Staff
  • Antoni Pons Biescas
  • Antoni Sureda Gomila
Services and Administrative Staff
Margarita Moranta Prieto
Student Representation
 Catalina Maria Mascaró Bestard


Final Exam

El Màster no contempla un examen final clàssic. Els alumnes hauran de realitzar les activitats pròpies de cada assignatura i realitzar un Treball de Fi de Màster.

Evaluation criteria and exams

Els alumnes hauran de superar 24 crèdits de les matèries obligatòries.

Realitzar 12 crèdits (300 hores) de pràctiques especialitzades en els laboratoris de la Universitat de les Illes Balears o en alguna de les entitats col·laboradores (haurà d'establir-se un conveni específic a aquest efecte) i realitzar 12 crèdits de Treball de Fi de Màster, tutelat per algun professor doctor del Consell Acadèmic del Màster.

I per completar els crèdits necessaris per obtenir el Màster, 12 crèdits (2 assignatures) de les matèries optatives ofertes a elegir d'entre les assignatures d'un dels 3 itineraris del Màster (les dues assignatures han de ser obligatòriament del mateix itinerari).

Study programme leadership

Director of the Master's programme

Dr. Josep Antoni Tur Marí
(34) 971 17 3146
Dr. Maria del Mar Bibiloni Esteva

Composition of the Academic Committee

Josep Antoni Tur Marí
Cristina Bouzas Velasco
  • Antoni Sureda Gomila
  • Silvia Tejada Gavela
  • Antoni Pons Biescas