Double degree in Business Administration and Law (2013 syllabus)

378 credits - Faculty of Law

  This study programme has been modified. You can refer to the new study programme.
Duration 5 years / 378 credits
Level MECES 2
Spots for new students
No new places are available as the programme is no longer offered.
Teaching method In-Person Classes
Public price per credit, 1st registration: ¤13.4, ¤30.05, ¤65.06, ¤90.15 for 1st, 2nd, 3rd and 4th enrolment respectively. (*)

The objective of the double degree in Business Administration and Law is to provide students with specific training in the management of businesses as well as in the areas of economics and law. The combination of subjects related to management and subjects related to law give students the tools and methodologies necessary for making decisions in a company with regard to both the internal operation of the organization and the company's place in the market.

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