Master's Degree in Equality Policies and Gender-Based Violence Prevention

Academic year 2024-25

You can also consult this information for the academic year 2023-24.
The adaptation process to modify this curriculum to the new version for the 2024-25 academic year has begun.
If you started the master’s programme on this curriculum version, you may either continue with it or request adaptation to the new version via the direct admission procedure. Please see the information on the adaptation due to curriculum modification procedure.
Please see the enrolment deadlines for the 2024-25 academic year for this master's programme.
Branch of Knowledge Social and Legal Sciences
Academic management Dra. Victoria Aurora Ferrer Pérez
The centre's academic calendar
Spots for new students
No new places are available as the programme is no longer offered.
Credits 60
Teaching method


Campus Mallorca
Language Catalan, Spanish, Catalan/Spanish ( See subjects for more details )
Price Public price per credit, 1st registration 28,45¤
Total cost: 1.761,07 ¤ (*)(**)
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  (*) Price applicable to citizens of member states of the European Union and Spanish residents. In all other cases, a 30% increase is applied ( more information about proof of residency ).
The cost column is solely illustrative, because both taxes or discounts can apply
(**) Additional information about price

Gender studies, and in particular those related to the planning and implementation of policies that focus on equality and gender-based violence prevention in various social settings, are highly sought after both nationally and internationally.

The state-recognized Master’s degree programme in equality and gender-based violence prevention policies offers postgraduate-level education and training in matters regarding policies that focus on equality and the prevention of violence against women within the appropriate national legal framework, as the Law on comprehensive protective measures against gender-based violence and the Organic Law on the equality of men and women establishes not only the need for trained professionals in the field of equality and the prevention of violence against women, but also the need to develop new professional profiles or strengthen the presence of those that already exist, such as agents for equal opportunities that can carry out the various tasks described in these laws.

Thus, the training and education offered responds to a strategic opportunity related to the social climate and the requirements for future professionals, all within the current legislative framework. In this way the programme’s curriculum is designed for students to acquire an advanced level of training regarding professional specialization in equality and gender-based violence policies.


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