Master's Degree in Applied Biotechnology
Academic year 2024-25
- New student profile and admission criteria
- Academic and professional goals
- Access to other study programmes and career opportunities
- Structure of the study programme
- Final Exam
- Evaluation criteria and exams
- Study programme leadership
- Composition of the Academic Committee for MBTA
- Credit Recognition and Transfer Committee for MBTA
New student profile and admission criteria
The most suitable admission profile comprises the following skills and abilities:
- An ability for analysis, reflection and synthesis
- An ability to relate to, dialogue and communicate with non-experts
- An ability for teamwork
- An ability for critical thinking and reasoning
- An ability for observation
- A creative ability to tackle new problems and solutions
- An ability to make decisions and solve problems
- Being a self-starter
- An ability to apply knowledge in practice
- An awareness of health and environmental topics.
The academic profile for this programme should preferably be:
Graduates in science, engineering and architecture.
Students interested in applying for a place on the master's programme need to submit their pre-enrolment application within the deadline for each academic year, as set by the UIB Centre for Postgraduate Studies (CEP).
The CEP will verify whether applicants fulfil the programme admission conditions and then send the application on to the programme coordinators to assess and decide on admission.
Finally, the CEP will publish the list of admitted students and state the deadline for them to formalise their enrolment.
This procedure is governed by Regulatory Agreement 14423/2022 of 23rd March that governs Entry and Admission to Official Master's Programmes, published in the extraordinary FOU no. 534 of 31st March 2022 (, implementing Article 18 in Royal Decree 822/2021 of 28th September that sets out the Organisation and Quality Assurance Procedure for Higher Education.
Admission Criteria
Graduates from programmes related to biomedicine and the environment will be given preference, i.e. biology, biotechnology, genetics, biochemistry, pharmacy and environmental sciences.
The academic committee will assess the suitability of candidates' academic profile.
The specific admission criteria for pre-enrolment applications to the master's programme are:
- Candidates' academic records (60%)
- Candidates' academic qualifications, paying particular attention to the suitability of prior training with regard to the topics covered on the master's programme (30%)
- Candidates' CVs (10%).
The academic committee will have the final say on admission applications. The academic committee will meet within 15 days following the end of the pre-registration period to assess applications, in accordance with the aforementioned set requirements and additional criteria. Where the number of candidates exceeds available spots on the programme, the academic committee will create a waiting list by order of candidate merits. Candidates will be selected from this list where any applicants withdraw.
In turn, candidates must have an accredited B2 level in English, in accordance with the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages (CEFR), enabling them to properly follow subjects taught in English, either partially or fully.
Academic and professional goals
General aims
- Gain basic knowledge of Plant Biology (Botanics, Eco-physiology) in Mediterranean conditions and its development in the face of environmental factors (climate and soil).
- Be aware of and assess applications and techniques related to agriculture, gardening, forestry exploitation and management of the environment in Mediterranean conditions.
- Gain knowledge, skills and revision in the use of advanced research technologies and practical applications in this field, as well as equipping students with the tools necessary for the solving of problems in a multidisciplinary environment.
Specific aims
- Distinguish key elements in the Mediterranean environment, including the flora and physical environment, highlighting the importance of biodiversity.
- Understand genetic, molecular and physiological mechanisms that condition plants’ dependence on water, and the potential applications of this knowledge in the management of irrigation waters.
- Update and put into practice knowledge of advanced instrumental techniques for the study and management of Mediterranean vegetation.
- Be aware of technological advances that allow improved plant production in Mediterranean conditions.
- Know how to manage natural resources by means of technologies that permit a sustainable development of the Mediterranean environment.
- Be aware of the latest technologies in the sustainable management of agricultural resources in semi-arid climates.
Access to other study programmes and career opportunities
Once they have successfully completed the masters course, students may apply to study the PhD course in Plant Biology.
Structure of the study programme
The curriculum can be found in the "Subjects" of this degree.
Final Exam
Students will have to perform the activities of each subject and do a Master's Thesis.
Evaluation criteria and exams
Can be found in the teaching guides - Webside "Subjects"