Degree in Pharmacy

300 credits - Faculty of Science

Entry Profile

  • Being curious and enthusiastic about all aspects linked to health
  • Having the ability to concentrate on studying and work
  • Having solid knowledge in chemistry and biology
  • Being intrigued by issues linked to medications and their clinical uses
  • Having a vocation for public service
  • Being creative in order to deal with new issues and subjects.

Entry information

Number of places. Academic year 2024-25: 35

Admission mark calculation

The entrance mark (Information in Spanish) for courses will be calculated in accordance with the following criteria:
(1) For entry with high-school diploma or equivalent (PAU: university entrance exam) , the entrance mark is calculated (out of 14 points) with the entrance mark and the two best weighted marks from passed subjects, in accordance with the weighting parameters.
(2) For entry with a higher vocational qualification , the entrance mark is calculated (out of 14 points) with the average from the training course and the two best weighted marks from subjects passed in the PAU entrance block, in accordance with the weighting parameters.
(3) For further information, please see the full details of the weighting parameters for university admission

Weighting Parameters

(3) Weighted subjects in the voluntary stage. Academic year 2024-25:

Batxiller Course Parameter
Biology 0,2
Chemistry 0,2
Mathematics for the Social Sciences II 0,1
Mathematics II 0,2
Physics 0,1
For more information, please see the full details about weighting criteria for university admission (Spanish)

Cut-off mark



Credit Recognition and Transfer Committee for GFAR

Garcies Gomila, Domènec
Mactobias Sabater, Donald Pau

Automatic accreditation between higher technical programmes and university courses

Automatic accreditation of credits between courses on higher degree training cycles from the professional groups in the Balearic Islands and university degree courses in Degree in Pharmacy
CFGS Higher VET Diploma in Analysis Laboratories and Quality Control
Subject Credits
Recognition of fourth-year elective credits 6
Total 6
CFGS Higher VET Diploma in Anatomical Pathology and Cytology
Subject Credits
Recognition of fourth-year elective credits 6
Total 6
CFGS Higher VET Diploma in Clinical and Biomedical Laboratories
Subject Credits
22819 - Microbiological and Parasitological Analysis 6
22834 - Haematology and Clinical Biochemistry 6
Recognition of fourth-year elective credits 6
Total 18
CFGS Higher VET Diploma in Diagnostic Imaging and Nuclear Medicine
Subject Credits
Recognition of fourth-year elective credits 6
Total 6
CFGS Higher VET Diploma in Dietetics
Subject Credits
22824 - Nutrition 6
Recognition of fourth-year elective credits 6
Total 12

Academic Accreditation Committee