Degree in History of Art

240 credits - Faculty of Philosophy and Arts

Entry Profile

The Degree in History of Art is particularly suitable for those who wish to follow in-depth courses in this field of the humanities and who demonstrate:

  1. Aesthetic sensibility
  2. The ability for analysis, reflection and criticism
  3. An interest in relating artistic events with historical and cultural milestones
  4. A commitment to defending and protecting historical, artistic and cultural heritage.


Entry information

Number of places. Academic year 2024-25: 70

Course entry methods

Admission mark calculation

The entrance mark (Information in Spanish) for courses will be calculated in accordance with the following criteria:
(1) For entry with high-school diploma or equivalent (PAU: university entrance exam) , the entrance mark is calculated (out of 14 points) with the entrance mark and the two best weighted marks from passed subjects, in accordance with the weighting parameters.
(2) For entry with a higher vocational qualification , the entrance mark is calculated (out of 14 points) with the average from the training course and the two best weighted marks from subjects passed in the PAU entrance block, in accordance with the weighting parameters.
(3) For further information, please see the full details of the weighting parameters for university admission

Weighting Parameters

(3) Weighted subjects in the voluntary stage. Academic year 2024-25:

Batxiller Course Parameter
Art History 0,2
Artistic Fundamentals 0,2
Cultural and Artistic Movements 0,2
Fundamentals of art II (RD 1105/2015) 0,2
Geography 0,2
Greek II 0,2
History of Music and Dance 0,2
History of Philosophy 0,1
History of Spain 0,2
Latin II 0,2
Performing Arts 0,1
For more information, please see the full details about weighting criteria for university admission (Spanish)

Cut-off mark



Credit Recognition and Transfer Committee for GHA2

Font Batle, Maria Magdalena
Torres Gomila, Lourdes

Accreditation grid between degrees from the UIB

Table of equivalences by curriculum: Degree in History of Art - Majorca

Degree in History of Art (2009 syllabus)
Degree in History of Art (2009 syllabus) Degree in History of Art - Majorca
20800 - Oral and Written Expression Techniques
20193 - Oral and Written Expression Techniques
20700 - Introduction to Literary Studies
20192 - Introduction to Literary Studies
20200 - The Idea of Europe throughout History
20190 - The Idea of Europe throughout History
20250 - Visual Culture: Themes and Symbols in the History of Art
20191 - Visual Culture: Themes and Symbols in the History of Art
20251 - Introduction to the History of Art and its Context
20287 - Introduction to the History of Art 1: ancient & Mediaeval
20900 - Philosophy in the Current World
20194 - Philosophy in the Current World
21800 - Comprehension and Interpretation of Academic Texts in English
20195 - Comprehension and Interpretation of Academic Texts in English
20252 - Reading and Analysis of Art and Architecture
20252 - Reading and Analysis of Art and Architecture
20253 - The Concept of Creation. Promoters, Customers and Artists
20288 - Introduction to the History of Art 2: Modern & Contemporary
20254 - The Mass Media and Audiovisual Languages
20254 - The Mass Media and Audiovisual Languages
20255 - Origins of Art in the Middle East
20255 - Origins of Art in the Middle East
20256 - Classical Art: Greece and Rome
20256 - Classical Art: Greece and Rome
20257 - Art and Folk Architecture
20257 - Art and Folk Architecture
20258 - History of Cinema
20258 - History of Cinema
20259 - Concepts, Development and Characteristics of Cultural Heritage
20259 - Concepts, Development and Characteristics of Cultural Heritage
20260 - Late Antiquity Art in the 4th-10th Centuries
20260 - Late Antiquity Art in the 4th-10th Century
20261 - Mediaeval Art I (1000-1250)
20261 - Mediaeval Art I (1000-1250)
20262 - Museology and Museography
20262 - Museology and Museography
20263 - Foundations for the History of Art
20263 - Foundations for the History of Art
20264 - Materials, Procedures and Artistic and Architectonic Techniques
: 6 credits
20265 - Mediaeval Art II (1200-1500)
20265 - Mediaeval Art II (1200-1500)
20266 - Renaissance Art
20266 - Renaissance Art
20267 - Baroque Art
20267 - Baroque Art
20269 - 19th Century Art
20269 - 19th Century Art
20270 - 20th Century Art
20291 - 20th-Century Art to 1945
20271 - History of Urbanism
20271 - History of Urbanism
20272 - History of Aesthetic Ideas
20290 - The history of aesthetic ideas 2
20273 - Ancient and Mediaeval Art in the Balearic Islands
20273 - Ancient and Mediaeval Art in the Balearic Islands
20274 - Decorative and Industrial Arts
20274 - Decorative and Industrial Arts
20275 - History of Photography
20275 - History of Photography
20276 - Art since 1960
20292 - Art since 1945
20277 - Management, Legislation and Promotion of Historic-Artistic Heritage
20277 - Management, Legislation and Promotion of Historic-Artistic Heritage
20278 - Modern and Contemporary Art in the Balearic Islands
20278 - Modern and Contemporary Art in the Balearic Islands
20280 - History of Music
20280 - History of Music
20281 - Art and Architecture in the Crown of Aragon (1150-1530)
20281 - Art and Architecture in the Crown of Aragon (1150-1530)
20282 - Reading and Analysis of Architectonic Heritage
20282 - Reading and Analysis of Architectonic Heritage
20283 - Art and New Technologies
20283 - Art and New Technologies
20284 - Modern and Contemporary Art in Latin America
20284 - Modern and Contemporary Art in Latin America
20224 - Prehistoric Archaeology
20224 - Prehistoric Archaeology
20226 - Palaeography and Diplomatics
20226 - Palaeography and Diplomatics
20222 - History of Spain: Early Middle Ages
20222 - History of Spain: Early Middle Ages
20218 - History of Spain: Early Modern Period
20218 - History of Spain: Early Modern Period
20223 - Contemporary Spanish History from 1939 to the Present Day
20223 - Contemporary Spanish History from 1939 to the Present Day
21100 - Geography of Tourism
21100 - Geography of Tourism
21106 - Geography of the Balearic Islands
21106 - Geography of the Balearic Islands
21113 - Geography of Spain
21113 - Geography of Spain
21101 - Territory and Society
21101 - Territory and Society
21112 - Geographic Information Systems
21112 - Geographic Information Systems
20286 - Practical Placements on the Degree in History of Art
20286 - Practical Placements
20285 - English for History, Art and Geography
20285 - English for History, Art and Geography
20268 - Critical, Theoretical and Methodological Knowledge of the History of Art
20268 - Critical, Theoretical and Methodological Knowledge of the History of Art
History of Art (1997 syllabus)
History of Art (1997 syllabus) Degree in History of Art - Majorca
994 - Theory of Art
  • 20252 - Reading and Analysis of Art and Architecture
  • 20268 - Critical, Theoretical and Methodological Knowledge of the History of Art
1078 - History of Ancient Art
  • 20255 - Origins of Art in the Middle East
  • 20256 - Classical Art: Greece and Rome
1083 - History of Medieval Art
  • 20260 - Late Antiquity Art in the 4th-10th Century
  • 20261 - Mediaeval Art I (1000-1250)
  • 20265 - Mediaeval Art II (1200-1500)
1099 - History of Modern Art
  • 20266 - Renaissance Art
  • 20267 - Baroque Art
1098 - History of Contemporary Art
  • 20269 - 19th Century Art
  • 20291 - 20th-Century Art to 1945
1790 - Medieval Art in the Iberian Peninsula
20281 - Art and Architecture in the Crown of Aragon (1150-1530)
1791 - Renaissance Art in Spain
20293 - Modern art in Spain
1131 - History of Art Sources
20263 - Foundations for the History of Art
1097 - History of Cinema and Other Audiovisual Media
  • 20254 - The Mass Media and Audiovisual Languages
  • 20258 - History of Cinema
1794 - Medieval Art in the Balearic Islands
20273 - Ancient and Mediaeval Art in the Balearic Islands
1795 - Artistic Tendencies since 1945
20292 - Art since 1945
1135 - History of Music
20280 - History of Music
1136 - History of Aesthetic Ideas
  • 20289 - The history of aesthetic ideas 1
  • 20290 - The history of aesthetic ideas 2
1796 - Modern and Contemporary Art in the Balearic Islands
20278 - Modern and Contemporary Art in the Balearic Islands
1799 - Art and Folk Architecture in the Balearic Islands
20257 - Art and Folk Architecture
1884 - History of Decorative and Industrial Arts
20274 - Decorative and Industrial Arts
1885 - History of Photography
20275 - History of Photography
1964 - Introduction to Architectural Language, Techniques and Building Materials
20282 - Reading and Analysis of Architectonic Heritage
1965 - Museography and Museology
20262 - Museology and Museography
  • 1966 - Iconography and Iconology I (Antique and Medieval Art)
  • 1967 - Iconography and iconology II (Modern and Contemporary Art)
20191 - Visual Culture: Themes and Symbols in the History of Art
1968 - Història de l'Urbanisme Antic
20271 - History of Urbanism
2863 - History of Medieval Urban Development
20271 - History of Urbanism
2864 - History of Modern Urban Development
20271 - History of Urbanism
2865 - History of Contemporary Urban Development
20271 - History of Urbanism
2871 - Legislació i Gestió del Patrimoni Cultural.
20277 - Management, Legislation and Promotion of Historic-Artistic Heritage
1793 - XIX and XX Century Art in Spain
20297 - 19th and 20th century art in Spain
1881 - XVIII Century Art
20295 - 18th century art
1798 - Roman Sculpture and paintings
20296 - Figurative art in the Roman world

Automatic accreditation between higher technical programmes and university courses

Automatic accreditation of credits between courses on higher degree training cycles from the professional groups in the Balearic Islands and university degree courses in Degree in History of Art
CFGS Higher VET Diploma in Tourist Guides, Information and Support
Subject Credits
20286 - Practical Placements 6
20287 - Introduction to the History of Art 1: ancient & Mediaeval 6
20288 - Introduction to the History of Art 2: Modern & Contemporary 6
21100 - Geography of Tourism 6
21106 - Geography of the Balearic Islands 6
21113 - Geography of Spain 6
Total 36
CFGS Higher VET Diploma in Travel Agencies and Events Management
Subject Credits
20286 - Practical Placements 6
20287 - Introduction to the History of Art 1: ancient & Mediaeval 6
20288 - Introduction to the History of Art 2: Modern & Contemporary 6
21100 - Geography of Tourism 6
21106 - Geography of the Balearic Islands 6
21113 - Geography of Spain 6
Total 36

Accreditation of English Skills

In order to be awarded the degree, students must show that they have reached a level of English by the end of their course that equates to level B2 in the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages (CEFR), in accordance with how this requirement is stipulated in the curriculum. The different ways to attain this are:

  1. passing the specific English language course on the curriculum.
  2. handing in a certificate or accreditation, recognised by the UIB, which shows the student has obtained a minimum level of English equivalent to B2 in the CEFR.
  3. passing a set number of subjects taught in English on the degree course.
  4. passing a set number of subjects taught in English on a mobility programme.

More information.

Academic Accreditation Committee