Dynamic systems (SSDD-UIB)

Publications in journals

  • M.J. Álvarez; A. Gasull; R. Prohens, "Uniqueness of the limit cycles for complex differential equations with two monomials", "Journal of Mathematical Analysis and Applications", Volume 518, Issue 1, Pages 1-16, 2023. Paper.
  • Carmona, V.; Fernández-García, S.; Teruel, A.E., "Birth, transition and maturation of canard cycles in a piecewise linear system with a flat slow manifold", "Physica D", Volume 443, 2023. Paper.
  • C. Vich, C. Giossi, P. Massobrio, and A. Guillamon, "Effects of short-term plasticity in UP-DOWN cortical dynamics", "Communications In Nonlinear Science And Numerical Simulation", 2023. Paper.
  • B. Coll; A. Gasull; R. Prohens, "Probability of existence of limit cycles for a family of planar systems", "Journal of Differential Equations", Volume 373, Pages 152-175, 2023. Paper.