Models for Fuzzy Information Processing (MOTIBO)

Meetings participation

  • Ligeza, A.; Fuster-Parra, P.. , "Automated diagnosis. An expected behaviour based approach". "The 8-th International Symposium System, Modelling and Control", Lodz-Zakopone, Poland, 1995. Publication data: V: 2, pp: 7-12. Speech.
  • Fuster-Parra, P.; Ligeza, A.. , "Diagnostic knowledge representation and reasoning with use of AND/OR/NOT causal graphs". "International Conference on Systems Science", Wroclaw, Poland, 1995. Publication data: pp: 223-230. Speech.
  • Ligeza, A.; Fuster-Parra, P.. , "An approach to diagnosis of dynamic systems through search of AND/OR/NOT causal graphs". "Preprints of International workshop on Artificial Intelligence in Real-TimeControl", Bled, Slovenia, 1995. Publication data: pp: 126-131. Speech.
  • Andreu Sansó Rosselló. , "Convergence among the regional inflation rates. Spanish case". "European Congress of the Regional Science Association", Odense, Denmark, 1995. Speech.
  • Andreu Sansó Rosselló. , ".". "ASEPELT. Congrès de l'Asociación Española de Economia Aplicada", Santiago de Compostela, Spain, 1995. Speech.