Contemporary Anglophone Literatures (LITANGLO)
Other publicacions
- Miquel Pomar-Amer. , "Commited and Communist: Negotiating Political Allegiances in the Diaspora", The Routledge Companion to Pakistani Anglophone Writing. United Kingdom, 2019. Book chapter.
- Fresno-Calleja, Paloma. , "In/visible and In/mobile Subjects: Diaspora and Multiculturalism in Zia Mandviwalla's Short Films", Migrant and Diasporic Film and Filmmaking in New Zealand. Singapore, 2019. Book chapter.
- Paszkiewicz, K.. , "Autorías de molde: Género y cine de Hollywood", ¿Qué es una autora? Encrucijadas teóricas entre género y autoria. Spain, 2019. Book chapter.
- Paszkiewicz, K.. , "It All Stays in the Family. The Revival of Domestic Noir in the 21st Century Crime Fiction (Bill Phillips, ed.)", La Famiglia. United States, 2019. Book chapter.
- Grau Perejoan, Maria; Ferrer Anechina, Anna; García Parellada, Gemma. , "Puerto Rico s'alça combatiu". Spain, 2019. Paper in press.
- Grau Perejoan, Maria; Collins-Klobah, Loretta. , "Traducció de l'espanyol a l'anglès de 3 poemes d'autors puertorriquenys de temàtica nadalenca", Meeting Ground - A special Christmas collaboration between poets of Jamaica and Puerto Rico. Jamaica, 2019. Literary translation without critical display.