Degree in Chemistry

240 credits - Faculty of Science

Entry Profile

Taking the Chemistry programme will be much easier with:

  1. A good general level of chemistry and mastery of chemical formulation and stoichiometric calculations.
  2. A good level of physics and mathematics.
  3. Sound knowledge of English since it is the scientific language par excellence and many textbooks and research journals are written in English.
  4. Knowledge and aptitude for IT.
  5. Skills in handling laboratory material.


Entry information

Number of places. Academic year 2024-25: 54

Course entry methods

Admission mark calculation

The entrance mark (Information in Spanish) for courses will be calculated in accordance with the following criteria:
(1) For entry with high-school diploma or equivalent (PAU: university entrance exam) , the entrance mark is calculated (out of 14 points) with the entrance mark and the two best weighted marks from passed subjects, in accordance with the weighting parameters.
(2) For entry with a higher vocational qualification , the entrance mark is calculated (out of 14 points) with the average from the training course and the two best weighted marks from subjects passed in the PAU entrance block, in accordance with the weighting parameters.
(3) For further information, please see the full details of the weighting parameters for university admission

Weighting Parameters

(3) Weighted subjects in the voluntary stage. Academic year 2024-25:

Batxiller Course Parameter
Biology 0,1
Chemistry 0,2
Geology and Environmental Sciences 0,1
Mathematics for the Social Sciences II 0,1
Mathematics II 0,2
Physics 0,2
For more information, please see the full details about weighting criteria for university admission (Spanish)

Cut-off mark



Credit Recognition and Transfer Committee for GQUI

Noguera Santander, Llúcia
Oliver López-Guarch, Isabel

Accreditation grid between degrees from the UIB

Table of equivalences by curriculum: Degree in Chemistry - Majorca

Chemistry (2001 syllabus)
Chemistry (2001 syllabus) Degree in Chemistry - Majorca
4801 - Mathematics
  • 21000 - Mathematics I
  • 21005 - Mathematics II
4800 - Physics
  • 21400 - Physics I
  • 21403 - Physics II
4803 - Basic Operations and Safety in the Chemical Laboratory
21402 - General Chemistry Laboratory I
4818 - Analytical Chemistry
  • 21409 - Basics of Analytical Chemistry
  • 21414 - Analytical Chemistry
4816 - Introduction to Experimentation in Analytical Chemistry
21424 - Analytical Chemistry Experimentation
4808 - Physical Chemistry I
21413 - Physical Chemistry II
4815 - Introduction to Experimentation in Physical Chemistry
21423 - Physical Chemistry Experimentation
4814 - Physical Chemistry II
  • 21408 - Physical Chemistry I
  • 21418 - Physical Chemistry III
4810 - Inorganic Chemistry
21406 - Inorganic Chemistry I
4813 - Introduction to Experimentation in Inorganic Chemistry
21411 - Inorganic Chemistry Experimentation
4821 - Advanced Inorganic Chemistry
  • 21416 - Inorganic Chemistry II
  • 21421 - Inorganic Chemistry III
4809 - Organic Chemistry
  • 21407 - Organic Chemistry I
  • 21412 - Organic Chemistry II
4812 - Introduction to Experimentation in Organic Chemistry
21417 - Organic Chemistry Experimentation
4819 - Advanced Organic Chemistry
21422 - Organic Synthesis
4824 - Instrumental Analysis
21419 - Instrumental Analysis
4811 - Chemical Engineering
21410 - Chemical Engineering
4817 - Biochemistry
21425 - Biological Chemistry
4829 - Science of Materials
21426 - Materials Science
4822 - Structural Determination
21415 - Structural Determination
  • 4823 - Experimentation in Physical Chemistry
  • 4826 - Experimentation in Inorganic Chemistry
  • 4827 - Experimentation in Organic Chemistry
  • 4828 - Experimentation in Analytical Chemistry
21428 - Advanced Chemistry Laboratory
4831 - Biopolymers
21433 - Chemistry of Biological Macromolecules
4848 - Bio-inorganic Chemistry
21431 - Bio-inorganic Chemistry
4847 - Bio-organic Chemistry
21432 - Bio-organic Chemistry
4830 - Pharmaceutical Chemistry
21434 - Medical Chemistry
4850 - Chemistry of Natural Products
21435 - Chemistry of Natural Products
4834 - Technology of the Environment
21447 - Technology of Environment
4835 - Energy and the Environment
21446 - Energy and the Environment
4845 - Clinical Chemistry. Special Methods of Analysis.
21436 - Clinical Analyses
4854 - Theoretic and Computational Chemistry
21439 - Molecular Design
4855 - Computer Aided Molecular Design
21439 - Molecular Design
4844 - Solid State Chemistry
21453 - Chemistry and Technology of the Solid State
2332 - Experimentation in Chemical Engineering I
21448 - Experimentation in Chemical Engineering I
2333 - Experimentation in Chemical Engineering II
21449 - Experimentation in Chemical Engineering II
4852 - Management and Authorization Systems of Chemical Laboratories and Industrie
21441 - Quality Management in Chemical LaboratoriesQuality Management in Chemical L
4832 - Foundations of Environmental Chemistry
21443 - Foundations of Environmental Chemistry
4851 - Analytical Chemistry of the Environment
21444 - Environmental Analytical Chemistry
4843 - Unitary Operations in Environmental Engineering
21450 - Operations of Separation in Chemical Engineering
Degree in Physics
Degree in Physics Degree in Chemistry - Majorca
21000 - Mathematics I
  • 21000 - Mathematics I
  • 21457 - Mathematics I
21058 - Mathematics II
21005 - Mathematics II
21001 - General Physics I
21400 - Physics I
  • 21006 - General Physics II
  • 21008 - General Physics Laboratory
21403 - Physics II
21002 - Chemistry I
21401 - Chemistry I
21007 - Chemistry II
21404 - Chemistry II

Automatic accreditation between higher technical programmes and university courses

Automatic accreditation of credits between courses on higher degree training cycles from the professional groups in the Balearic Islands and university degree courses in Degree in Chemistry
CFGS Higher VET Diploma in Analysis Laboratories and Quality Control
Subject Credits
21402 - General Chemistry Laboratory I 6
21424 - Analytical Chemistry Experimentation 6
Recognition of fourth-year elective credits 6
Total 18

Accreditation of English Skills

In order to be awarded the degree, students must show that they have reached a level of English by the end of their course that equates to level B2 in the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages (CEFR), in accordance with how this requirement is stipulated in the curriculum. The different ways to attain this are:

  1. passing the specific English language course on the curriculum.
  2. handing in a certificate or accreditation, recognised by the UIB, which shows the student has obtained a minimum level of English equivalent to B2 in the CEFR.
  3. passing a set number of subjects taught in English on the degree course.
  4. passing a set number of subjects taught in English on a mobility programme.

More information.

Academic Accreditation Committee