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Dr Susana Simal Florindo

Dr Susana Simal Florindo
Full professor
Chemical Engineering
  • Despatx EQ003planta baixaMateu Orfila i Rotger (Química)


Brief CV

Susana Simal is Full Professor and member of the Agrofood Engineering Research Group (Chemistry Dep., University of the Balearic Islands). Her research activity focuses on intensification of mass transfer processes, use of ultrasound in processing of foods and its implication on food quality; mathematical modeling of agro-food processes; valorization of agro-food by-products; characterization of products with Appellation of Origin; sensory analysis.

She published 147 scientific articles in journals indexed in the JCR, cited in 5335 occasions (92.2 % of external citations), average citations per document 39, being her current h-index of 41 (Web of Science, Thomson & Reuters). She has published 10 papers in non-indexed journals, 4 reviews, 15 book chapters, and is a co-author of 5 books. Her research works were disseminated in 149 participations in scientific congresses, 6 as invited speaker (including a plenary opening conference), 8 as chairwoman, 6 as member of the scientific committee and co-president of 2 international symposiums. She has also given more than 25 dissemination conferences in different environments (Universities and Research Institutes, Professional Associations, Open University for the Elderly, Teaching Centers, etc.).

In relation to research projects, she participated in 13 projects of the Plan Nacional Program (3 as IP), 2 European projects, 26 projects in other competitive calls (6 as IP), 11 Thematic Networks Projects in public call, 1 Special Action funded (IP), 3 mobility projects in Salvador Madariaga Program and 36 contracts with private companies/public administrations (9 as IP).

She has done several research stays: University of California-Davis (USA, 3 months, 2012), University of Salerno (Italy, 3 months, 2015-16) and AgroParisTech (France, 3 months, 2018).

Regarding the training capacity, she supervised 9 doctoral theses, most with international or European mention and belonging to a doctoral program with quality mention. Currently, she supervises 2 doctoral theses. She was deputy director of the Doctoral Program in Chemical Science and Technology (UIB 2006-2008) and is coordinator of the PhD Program in Chemical Science and Technology (UIB, 2021-continues).

She has 5 research merits recognized by the CNEAI (sexenios), last granted in 2021, recognition of the research activity (AQUIB, Govern Balear), recognition of research excellence and knowledge transfer (AQUIB, Govern Balear).

She is co-author of the invention: Femenia A.; Adrover, S.; Simal, S.; Rosselló, C. 'Procedure to avoid the total or partial crystallization of olive oil during its conservation at low temperature'. P25827ES00. SPAIN. 2011.

She is technical expert of the Entidad Nacional de Acreditación - ENAC since 2009; Technical Manager of the Committee of Parties of the Regulatory Council of the Appellation of Origin Oli de Mallorca; Technical Manager of the Committee of Parties of the Regulatory Council of the Appellation of Origin Pimentón de Mallorca; reviewer of research projects for AGAUR (Generalitat de Catalunya), the National Science Centre (Poland), the National Centre for Research and Development (NCRD) (Poland), the European Science Foundation
(Brittany) and the DGRDI (Govern de les Illes Balears); and reviewer of more than 25 international journals (JCR).

She is also head and Coordinator of Framework Agreements for Academic and Scientific Collaboration established between the UIB and University of Salerno, Italy; Polytechnic Institute of Coimbra, Portugal; Institut National Polytechnique de Toulouse, France; IUT d'Orsay of Paris-Sud University, France.


Office Hours

You need to book a date with the professor in order to attend a tutoring session

Teaching, 5 previous years

Subject Information
11314 - Chemical Processes
11329 - Master's Thesis
11392 - Food Process Engineering
11394 - Quality Management
11409 - Master's Thesis
  • Master's in Chemical Science and Technology2019-20
11625 - Master's Thesis
11965 - Chemical Processes
  • Master's Degree in Industrial Engineering2023-24
21410 - Chemical Engineering
21420 - Industrial Chemistry
21427 - Project Production and Performance
21448 - Experimentation in Chemical Engineering I


Research groups

Group Membership type
Agro-food engineering Member
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