Degree in Human Nutrition and Dietetics (Aff. Centre ADEMA)

240 credits - ADEMA University College

Implementation year of this curriculum version

Information on Elective Subjects

The first elective must be taken in the second semester in the third year. The second elective must be taken in the first semester in the fourth year.

Credit Summary

Core Training Mandatory Elective Subjects External Practicum Final Degree Project Total
  60   138   12   21   9 240

Subject list by year and semester


First Year

First Semester

General Biology*
The Psychology of Nutritional Behaviour*
Biochemistry I*
Cytology and Human Histology*
Food and Culture*

Second Semester

Genetics and Immunology*
The Application of ICT in Professional Practice*
Biochemistry II*
Human Physiology and Anatomy*
Applied Statistics and Introduction to Health Research*

Second Year

First Semester

Bromatology I
Professional Ethics and Food Legislation
Food Microbiology and Parasitology
Culinary Skills

Second Semester

Bromatology II
Food Toxicology
Food Analysis

Third Year

First Semester

Food Health and Safety, and Quality Control
Diet Therapy
Clinical Nutrition
The Foundations of Food Engineering and Technology
Nutrition across the Life Cycle

Second Semester

Elective 1 / Specialised English
Pharmacology and Immunology applied to Nutrition
Health Education and Communication
Mass Catering

Fourth Year

First Semester

Food Business Economics and Management
Public Health
Community Nutrition
Scientific Documentation and Methodology in Nutrition
Elective 2


* Core Training

Second Semester

External Placement
Final Degree Project


Core Skills

  • CB1. Students demonstrate that they possess and understand knowledge in an area of study starting from the basis of general secondary education, which is generally at a level that whilst being based on advanced textbooks, also includes certain aspects that involve knowledge from the vanguard of the area of study
  • CB2. Students know how to professionally apply their knowledge in their work and possess the skills generally demonstrated through producing and defending arguments, and solving problems in their area of study
  • CB3. Students have the ability to collect and interpret relevant data (normally within their area of study) to issue opinions that include a reflection on important social, scientific or ethical topics
  • CB4. Students are able to transmit information, ideas, problems and solutions to expert and non-specialised audiences
  • CB5. Students have developed the necessary learning skills to undertake subsequent studies with a high level of independence.

General Skills (where applicable)

  • Professional Values, Attitudes and Conduct
    • CG-01. Recognise the essential elements in professional dietetics/nutritional practice, including ethical principles, legal liabilities and professional practice, applying the principle of social justice and implementing it with regard to individuals, habits, beliefs and cultures
    • CG-02. Work respectfully with other health professionals, acquiring teamwork skills
    • CG-03. Recognise the need to maintain and update professional skills, placing particular importance on independent and continuous learning for new knowledge, products and techniques in nutrition and food, as well as the motivation for quality
    • CG-04. Be aware of the limits of the professional and its skills, identifying when an interdisciplinary approach or referral to another professional is required.
  • Information Communication and Management Skills
    • CG-05. Effectively and clearly communicate orally and in writing with individuals, health or industry professionals, and the media, knowing how to use information and communication technology, particularly related to nutrition and lifestyle habits
    • CG-06. Be aware of, critically assess and know how to use and apply information sources linked to nutrition, food, lifestyles and health issues
    • CG-07. Be able to produce reports and fill in records relating to professional dietetics/nutritional interventions.
  • Food Science Skills
    • CG-08. Identify and classify food and nutritional products. Know how to analyse and determine their composition, nutritional value, nutrient bioavailability, organoleptic properties and changes they undergo due to technological and culinary processes
    • CG-09. Know the basic processes in producing, transforming and preserving food from animal and plant origins
    • CG-10. Produce, interpret and manage food composition tables and databases
    • CG-11. Be aware of food microbiology, parasitology and toxicology.
  • Nutritional and Health Sciences Skills
    • CG-12. Understand nutrients and their function in the body, biodiversity, needs and recommendations, and the basis of energy and nutritional balance
    • CG-13. Incorporate and assess the link between food and nutrition on health status and pathological conditions
    • CG-14. Apply scientific knowledge in physiology, physiopathology, nutrition and food to dietary planning and advice for healthy and sick individuals and groups throughout the life cycle
    • CG-15. Design and implement nutritional status assessement protocols, identifying nutritional risk factors
    • CG-16. Interpret nutritional diagnosis, assess nutritional aspects in medical history and implement a dietary action plan
    • CG-17. Know the structure of food services, and food and nutritional hospital units, identifying and undertaking dietary/nutritional tasks in a multidisciplinary team
    • CG-18. Play a role in organising, managing and implementing different ways of eating and nutritional support at hospitals and outpatient dietary/nutritional treatment.
  • Public Health and Community Nutrition Skills
    • CG-19. Be aware of national and international health organisations, as well as different health systems, and recognise the role of dieticians/nutritionists
    • CG-20. Understand the design, peformance and validation of nutritional epidemiological studies, as well as take part in planning, anaylsing and assessing intervention programmes for food and nutrition in different areas
    • CG-21. Be able to take part in health promotion, and disorder and illness prevention activities related to nutrition and lifestyles, and provide food and nutritional education for the public
    • CG-22. Collaborate in planning and developing food, nutrition and food safety policies based on public needs and protecting health.
  • Legal and Scientific Management and Advice Skills
    • CG-23. Provide advice on developing, marketing, labelling, communicating and advertising food products in accordance with social needs, scientific knowledge and current legislation
    • CG-24. Interpret administrative reports and files on a food product and ingredients.
  • Quality Management and Mass Catering Skills
    • CG-25. Take part in managing, organising and developing food services
    • CG-26. Produce and control menu and diet planning in line with group characteristics they are meant for, and cooperate in these tasks
    • CG-27. Work on food quality and safety for products, facilities and processes
    • CG-28. Provide suitable health, safety, dietary and nutritional training for staff working in catering services.
  • Develope Critical Analysis and Research Skills
    • CG-29. Acquire core training for research, being able to formulate hypotheses, collect and interpret information to solve problems in line with a scientific approach, and understanding the importance and limitations of scientific reflection on health and nutrition.
  • English Language Skills
    • CG-30. Understand, speak, read and write in English at a B2 level, in accordance with the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages (CEFR).

Cross-cutting Skills

  • CT1. Understand that any professional activity must be performed in line with fundamental rights, promoting gender equality and the principle of universal accessibility and design for all, and environmental protection, in line with the values inherent to a culture of peace and democracy.

Specific Skills

  • CE-01. Understand the chemical, biochemical and biological foundations of human nutrition and dietetics
  • CE-02. Understand the structure and function of the human body from a molecular to full system level in different life stages
  • CE-03. Understand the psychological bases and biopsychosocial factors affecting human behaviour
  • CE-04. Understand the historical, anthropological and sociological evolution of food, nutrition and dietetics in the context of health and diseases
  • CE-05. Understand the different educational models in health sciences, as well as applicable communication techniques for the field of human food and nutrition
  • CE-06. Understand the bases and foundations of human food and nutrition
  • CE-07. Acquire teamwork skills for a single disciplinary or multi- and interdisciplinary unit of professionals and other staff linked to diagnosis assessment and treatment in dietetics and nutrition
  • CE-08. Know the Spanish health system and the basic aspects linked to health services management, mainly those related to nutritional aspects
  • CE-09. Describe the anthropological foundations to human nutrition. Describe and reason cultural and social inequalities that may affect food habits
  • CE-10. Identify and classify food, food products and ingredients
  • CE-11. Understand the chemical composition, physical and chemical properties, nutritional value, bioavailability, organoleptic properties and changes of food due to technological and culinary processes
  • CE-12. Understand production systems and basic processes in producing, transforming and preserving the major food groups
  • CE-13. Know and apply the foundations of bromatological and sensor analysis to food products
  • CE-14. Interpret and manage food composition databases and tables
  • CE-15. Know food microbiology, parasitology and toxicology
  • CE-16. Understand culinary techniques to optimise organoleptic and nutritional properties with regard to traditional cuisine
  • CE-17. Produce, apply, assess and maintain suitable food health and safety practices, and risk control systems in accordance with current legislation
  • CE-18. Take part in designing, organising and managing different food services
  • CE-19. Collaborate in implementing quality systems
  • CE-20. Assess, supervise and manage traceability aspects in the food chain
  • CE-21. Understand aspects linked to the economics and management of food companies
  • CE-22. Provide scientific and technical advice on food products and their development. Assess compliance with this advice
  • CE-23. Take part in corporate teams for social marketing, advertising and health claims
  • CE-24. Collaborate in consumer protection within the framework of food safety
  • CE-25. Apply food and nutritional science to professional dietetics
  • CE-26. Understand nutrients, their functions and metabolic use. Understand the basis of nutritional balance and its regulation
  • CE-27. Assess and calculate nutritional requirements for health status and illness at any stage of life
  • CE-28. Identify the basis for health food (sufficient, balances, varied and adapted)
  • CE-29. Take part in designing full diet studies
  • CE-30. Know, detect early and assess qualitative or quantitative deviations in nutritional balance due to excess or deficiency
  • CE-31. Plan, carry out and interpret nutritional status assessment for healthy or sick subjects and/or groups (for all physiological conditions
  • CE-32. Understand the physiopathological aspects of diseases linked to nutrition
  • CE-33. Identify dietary and nutritional problems in patients, as well as risk factors and unsuitable practices
  • CE-34. Produce and interpret diet history for health and sick individuals
  • CE-35. Interpret medical history. Understand and use terminology utilised in health sciences
  • CE-36. Interpret and incorporate clinical, biochemical and pharmacological data in nutritional assessment for sick individuals and their dietary and nutritional treatment
  • CE-37. Apply clinical nutritional bases to diet therapy
  • CE-38. Plan, introduce and assess diet therapy for individuals and/or groups
  • CE-39. Understand how hospitals are organised and the different stages of food services
  • CE-40. Take part in a multidisciplinary team at a hospital nutrition unit
  • CE-41. Know different basic and advanced nutritional support techniques and products
  • CE-42. Develop and implement dietary and nutritional transition plans
  • CE-43. Plan and carry out dietary and nutritional programmes for health and sick individuals
  • CE-44. Understand clinical pharmacology and the interaction between drugs and nutrients
  • CE-45. Use basic ICT tools in the field of food, nutrition and dietetics
  • CE-46. Be aware of the legal and ethical limits to professional dietetics
  • CE-47. Prescribe specific treatment in the dietary and nutritional field of expertise
  • CE-48. Be able to substantiate the scientific principles underpinning dietary and nutritional intervention, with practice remaining contingent on scientific evidence
  • CE-49. Know national and international health systems and organisations, as well as health policies
  • CE-50. Take part in analysing, planning, implementing and assessing epidemiological studies and intervention programmes for food and nutrition across different areas
  • CE-51. Design and perform nutritional assessments to identify pubic needs in terms of food and nutrition, as well as identify the determining factors for nutritional health
  • CE-52. Design and run dietary and nutritional education programmes and training
  • CE-53. Collaborate in planning food and nutrition policies for public nutritional education
  • CE-54. Acquire the ability to intervene in promotion, prevention and protection projects with a community and public health focus
  • CE-55. Understand the role of graduates in human nutrition and dietetics at different organisations and institutions where they may undertake their professional practice
  • CE-56. Assess healthy eating for different groups
  • CE-57. Undertake health promotion activities through dietary and nutritional advice services
  • CE-58. Carry out health and safety, bromatological and legal assessments at corporations
  • CE-59. Understand quality management systems in industries and implement total quality assurance and health quality systems
  • CE-60. Understand food production and processing in different food industries, quality parameters and bromatological analysis
  • CE-61. Be aware of the structure and duties of R&D&i departments in the food industry
  • CE-62. Identify and describe nutritional requirements based on patient pathology, in the context of a multidisciplinary hospital team
  • CE-63. Understand nutritional research tasks in multidisciplinary research groups at public and/or private institutions
  • CE-64. Be able to produce and publicly defend independent assignments in the field of human nutrition and dietetics
  • CE-65. Understand statistics applied to health sciences
  • CE-66. Incorporate professional values and skills inherent to clinical, administrative or public health settings linked to human nutrition and dietetics after undertaking professional placements with a final skills assessment at hospitals, primary health and social centres, community organisations, food industries and mass catering companies.