Double degree in Mathematics and Informatics Engineering

360 credits - Higher Polytechnic School

21707. Programming II (2024-25)

Credits 6 ECTS.
Type Core Training
Status Current curriculum and subject available in this curriculum, centre and island.


This subject has no particular enrollment pre-requisites

Recommended bibliography available in the UIB library collection

There are no recommended books in the university library collection ( more information here (catalan) ).
To view the complete bibliography, please see the corresponding section within the subject course guide.

Information regarding course groups

Period: 2nd semester

  • Large Group 7

    • Teaching
    • Mobility
      Group excluded for incoming mobility students.
    • Examinations
      • Date: 11/06/2025; Start Time: 16:00; End Time: 20:00; Location: ATA04 - Avaluació complementària. L'examen es realitzarà a les aules ATA01,ATA02,ATA04 i ATA05
      • Date: 03/07/2025; Start Time: 09:00; End Time: 13:00; - Avaluació extraordinària.L'examen es realitzarà a les aules ATA01 i ATA02.
  • Medium Group X 702

    • Teaching
    • Mobility
      Group excluded for incoming mobility students.
    • Timetable
      Please see the schedule in the Large Group 7.

Syllabi from previous years

Academic year groups 2023-24

Period: 2nd semester