Degree in Hotel Management (Aff. Centre Hotel Management of the BI)

240 credits - University School of Hotel Management of the Balearic Islands

29903. Kitchen Management (2023-24)

Credits 6 ECTS.
Type Mandatory
Status Current curriculum and subject available in this curriculum, centre and island.
Català Castellano


This subject has no particular enrollment pre-requisites

Recommended bibliography available in the UIB library collection

This list is the core bibliography set out in the course guides. You can click on any document to check its status or query type (available, on loan, online access...). To view the complete bibliography, please see the corresponding section within the subject course guide. You can see the subject course guides on group information table, below the bibliography. For more information Deman@ , the library answers.

Information regarding course groups

Period: 1st semester

Period: 2nd semester

Syllabi from previous years

Academic year groups 2022-23

Period: 1st semester

Period: 2nd semester

Academic year groups 2021-22

Period: 1st semester

Period: 2nd semester

Academic year groups 2020-21

Period: 1st semester

Period: 2nd semester

Academic year groups 2019-20

Period: 1st semester

Period: 2nd semester

Academic year groups 2018-19

Period: 1st semester

Period: 2nd semester