Degree in Fine Art (Aff. centre ADEMA)

240 credits - ADEMA University College

Below are the main data and benchmarks, as well as the results of the satisfaction surveys for the degree programme, which are periodically analysed and monitored by the centre administrator, the head of studies and the corresponding quality assurance commissions, with a view to promoting the ongoing improvement of the programme.


You may select the indicators you wish to view in each chart by clicking on the relevant option.

Basic data

Preregistered, first option 64
New 28
SIIU New 28
Registered 28
Graduates 0
Places 30


Pre-registered student, first option: students who apply for a spot on a programme as their first choice.

New students: these students are starting their studies from the beginning for the first time. They may have recognised credits or not.

New SIIU students: these students are starting their studies from the beginning, registering on a programme for the first time and, in accordance with SIIU criteria, may have fewer than 10 credits (for a Master's) or 30 credits (for an undergraduate programme) recognised. This set of students may also be referred to as the optimum new entry group. 

Registered students: these students have an active registration on a programme for an academic year. This set of students may also be referred to as the total student population.

  • Registration reservations are not included (due to the students awaiting a place at another university or credit recognition)
  • Registration cancellations are not included
  • Students with unpaid debts are not included

Graduates: these students have passed (passed or accredited) all credits required for the degree programme and have, therefore, finished their course regardless of whether they have requested their degree certificate be issued or not.

Length of studies

Cohort 0


The average length of studies indicates the average number of years students take to graduate. The reference cohort comprises students who have passed all required credits for their programme and, in accordance with SIIU criteria, may have no more than 10 (for master’s programmes) or 30 (for undergraduate programmes) recognised credits.

Academic performance rates

Degree success and performance rates

Degree Success Rate 99 %
Performance Rate 99 %


Success rate: the percetage ratio between the number of passed credits and the number of credits taken for assessment.

Performance rate: the percentage ratio between the number of credits passed and the number of credits registered for.

Satisfaction of groups involved

Satisfaction index

2022-23 2023-24
Student satisfaction 2,60 2,94
PDI satisfaction - 3,87
PAS satisfaction - 4,00



  • Survey of student satisfaction with the study programme
  • Survey of satisfaction and identification of needs of the teaching and research staff (PDI)
  • Biennial survey of satisfaction and identification of needs of the administrative and service staff (PAS) who have supported the undergraduate and postgraduate studies.

Items rated on a scale of 1 to 4, where 1 means ‘not at all satisfied’ and 4 means ‘very satisfied’.


Survey participation rates

2022-23 2023-24
Student participation rate 36 % 48 %
PDI participation rate - 89 %
PAS participation rate - 67 %


Only the data that meet a double criterion of representativeness have been considered valid: on one hand, reaching 4 answered surveys and, on the other hand, that the number of answered surveys is equal to or greater than 15% of the population