PhD in Education
Academic year 2024-25
You may also check this information for the 2023-24 academic year.
- Lines of research
- General and specific competencies
- Acces and entry Requirements
- List of agreements of the doctoral programme
- Support and guidance information
Lines of research
Social Pedagogy
More information is available on the Social and Educational Training and Research Group (GIFES) webpage (
More information is available on the Education and Citizenship Research Group (EIC) webpage (
Educational Organisation
More information is available on the Education and Citizenship Research Group (EIC) webpage (
Environmental Education and Interpretation
More information is available on the Education and Citizenship Research Group (EIC) webpage (
Information Literacy in Education
More information on this topic is available on the Education and Citizenship Research Group (EIC) webpage (
Inclusive Education
More information is available on the Inclusive Schooling and Diversity Research Group (GREID) webpage (
Social Sciences Applied to Education and Training
For more information:
- On tourist research and quality education, on the 4MAC - Tourist and Educational Research Group webpage (
- On culture, society, media and contemporary thought studies, on the Studies of Culture, Society, Media and Contemporary Thought research group (CSCP) webpage (, and the Studies on the Formation and Evolution of Educational and Philosophical Vocabulary Research Group (FORMVOC) webpage (
- On history and cultural heritage, on the webpages for the research groups Studies of the Past: History and Archaeology (PHA) ( and ArqueoUIB (
- On environmental sciences and technologies, on the Climatology, Hydrology, Natural Hazards and Territory Research Group (CLIMARIS) webpage (
- On audiovisual heritage, on the Audiovisual Heritage, Mass-Media and Illustration Research Group (PAMMI) webpage (
- On foreign language teaching, ??on the Applied Linguistics Research Group (REGAL) webpage (
- On the didactics of mathematics, on Dr Daniel Ruiz Aguilera’s webpage ( and Dr Ana Belén Petro Balaguer’s webpage (
- On the didactics of science, on the Science, Technology and Society Research Group (CTS_DC) webpage (
- On politics and education, and on history and comparative education, on the History of Education Study Group (GEDHE) webpage (
Theory of Education
For further information, please contact the History of Education Study Group (GEDHE) at (
History of Education and Educational Thought
More information is available on the History of Education Study Group (GEDHE) webpage (
Assessment of Social and Educational Programmes and Services, and Welfare Promotion
More information is available on the History of Education Study Group (GEDHE) webpage (
Education in Healthy Habits
More information is available on the Physical Activity and Sport Sciences Research Group (GICAFE) webpage ( You can also follow us on @gicafeUIB.
Music and Plastic Expression Education
More information is available on the Arts and Education Research Group (GRAiE) webpage (
Developmental Psychology
More information is available on the Research on Development, Education and Language Group (I+DEL) webpage (
Educational Psychology and Psychopedagogical Guidance
More information is available on the Research on Development, Education and Language group (I+DEL) webpage (, and on the webpage for the Training, Work and Equity research line of the Education and Citizenship Research Group (EIC) (
Gender Studies in Education
More information is available on the Education and Citizenship Research Group (EIC) webpage ( and on the Gender Studies Research Group webpage (
Psychology of Language
More information is available on the Research on Development, Education and Language Group (I+DEL) webpage (
Models, Methods and Research Techniques in Education Sciences
All the research groups in this doctoral programme address this line.
General and specific competencies
Doctoral studies aim to provide advanced education to students in research techniques, and. They include the development and presentation of a corresponding doctorate thesis that consists of original work in research.
Doctoral studies aim to provide students with advanced training in research techniques. Usual activities in these studies could incorporate courses, seminars, or other activities directed at education in research. This also involves the preparation and presentation of a doctoral thesis, which needs to be an original work of research. Specific objectives of the Doctoral Programmes of the Balearic Islands University are: to train researchers and form research teams to successfully address current societal challenges making use of new sciences, techniques and methodologies; to promote the training of the teaching faculty, and to perfect professional, scientific, technical and artistic development of postgraduates.
Core Skills
- CB11 - Systematic comprehension of a field of study and mastery of research skills and methods related to this field
- CB12 - The ability to devise, design or create, implement and adopt a substantial research or invention process
- CB13 - The ability to contribute to widening the frontiers of knowledge through original research
- CB14 - The ability to perform a critical analysis, assessment and synthesis of new and complex ideas
- CB15 - The ability to communicate with the academic and scientific community, as well as with society as a whole, about their areas of knowledge in the methods and languages commonly used within the international scientific community
- CB16 - The ability to promote scientific, technological, social, artistic or cultural advancement in academic and professional settings within the knowledge-based society.
Personal Skills and Abilities
- CA01 - Work in contexts where there is little specific information
- CA02 - Uncover key questions that need to be answered in order to resolve a complex problem
- CA03 - Design, create, develop and undertake new and innovative projects in their area of knowledge
- CA04 - Work in a team and independently in an international or multidisciplinary setting
- CA05 - Incorporate knowledge, handle complexity and provide opinions with limited information
- CA06 - Intellectual criticism and defence of solutions.
Acces and entry Requirements
In accordance with what is set out in article 6 and section two of Additional Provision Two in Royal Decree 99/2011 of 28th January, those who meet one of the following criteria may be admitted to an official PhD programme:
- Have an official Spanish undergraduate degree or university Master's.
- Have an official university qualification from Spain or another country in the European Higher Education Area that enables entry to a Master's programme, in accordance with article 16 of Royal Decree 1393/2007 of 29th October, and have passed at least 300 ECTS credits across official university programmes, 60 of which must be at Master's programme-level.
- Have an official Spanish qualification whose length, in accordance with European regulations, corresponds to at least 300 ECTS credits. These graduates must take the additional training referred to in article 7.2 of RD 99/2011, except where the corresponding syllabus from the qualification includes research training credits that are equivalent to those credits on Master's programmes
- Graduates who, having previously obtained a place via the corresponding entry test on specialised health training, have passed at least two years of training with a positive assessment on a programme leading to an official title in any health sciences speciality
- Have a qualification in accordance with overseas education systems without the need for validation thereof, upon verification from the university that the training level is equivalent to a Spanish official Master's qualification and enables the student to undertake a PhD programme in the issuing country. Admission in this instance shall in no way represent validation and accreditation of the previous qualification held by the interested party or recognition beyond providing entry to PhD programmes.
- Have another Spanish PhD qualification in accordance with previous university curricula.
- Be a graduate, architect or engineer and hold a Diploma of Advanced Studies in accordance with the provisions set out in Royal Decree 778/1998 of 30th April and have passed the research aptitude requirement as governed by Royal Decree 185/1985 of 23rd January.
Admission of doctoral candidates shall be supervised by the academic committee for the PhD programme which, where the number of applications exceeds the number of available places, shall apply the following admissions criteria (weighting):
- The academic transcript of the prior degree and postgraduate qualifications (80%)
- Research motivation (10%). In this section, the research motivation, clarity of exposition and link to the research areas of the programme shall be assessed. In this sense, we recommend candidates write a document with a maximum of 2,000 characters that theoretically introduces the intended aims (based on previous studies) and links them to the research area, specifies the specific aims and sets out the methodology to be used to attain these aims. Where help is required to write this document, we recommend students contact the PhD management area so that a person can be assigned to advise the candidate.
- Other merits (curriculum vitae): (10%). Academic and scientific merits beyond the academic transcript shall be assessed, such as specialised courses; a background of collaboration with research groups; scientific publications; attendance at conferences, and professional experience.
In order to be admitted, these scores must exceed the minimum mark of 5/10, regardless of whether there are places available or not on the programme.
Candidates must be able to read and understand scientific texts written in English.
The full-time or part-time commitment of the candidate is not specified as part of the admission criteria. Any student admitted to the programme may register as a part-time student if so authorised by the academic committee, as per what is set out in article 3.2 of the UIB PhD studies regulations.
With regard to students who have specific educational requirements arising from any disability, the Support for People with Special Needs Office at the UIB ( shall assess their needs and make any possible curricular adaptation proposals to the PhD academic committee for the programme.
List of agreements of the doctoral programme
Open University for Adults (UAPA)
Erasmus+ Agreement with the University of Sopron (Hungary)
Erasmus+ Agreement with Palacký University Olomouc (the Czech Republic)
Erasmus+ Agreement with the Panteion University of Social and Political Sciences (Greece)
Erasmus+ Agreement with the University of the Aegean (Greece)
Agreements and framework agreements of UIB. Search of agreements .
Support and guidance information
The academic committee of the Doctoral Programme will assign a tutor to the applicant (once he or she is admitted). The tutor will be a doctor with accredited research experience and involved in the doctoral programme. Within six months from the first enrolment, the academic committee of the doctorate will assign to every student a thesis supervisor, which may or may not be the same as the tutor.
Supervision and monitoring of doctorand training activities and their PhD theses shall be in line with the UIB procedures for PhDs (RD 99/2011), the UIB Doctoral Degree Regulations ( and the verified degree report that you may consult on the "Results" webpage. The administrative and academic procedures that students must perform during their PhD may be viewed on the "Procedures" section of the UIB Doctoral School website:
- Thesis Charter and Code of Best Practice
- Research Plan and Record of activities
- Initial review and annual reviews
- PhD Training Activities
- Thesis Deposit and Viva
- Distinctions for PhD degrees
More information: