PhD in Education

Academic year 2024-25

Interdisciplinary and specific educational activities

Specific activities:

Logotipus de l'IRIE

The complete list of activities is available on the website of the Institute for Educational Research and Innovation (IRIE).

Cross-cutting activities:

Taking into account the students' training objectives and whether they have part-time or full-time status, the Academic Committee for the PhD in Education will recommend them, always on an optional basis (O), to undertake some of the cross-cutting training activities (T) offered by the UIB Doctoral School during their first two years on the programme. These activities are as follows:

  • Communication Skills in English: Written and Oral Expression (module I)
  • Communication Skills in English: Written and Oral Expression (module II)
  • Ethics and Integrity in Scientific Research
  • Models for Knowledge Transfer and Innovation 

Students will also undertake specialisation training activities (I) and activities requiring mobility (M), in accordance with the instructions of the Academic Committee and the thesis supervisor.

Cross-cutting training programme for PhD students at the University of the Balearic Islands

The cross-cutting training activities proposed will have specific assessment procedures based on objective tests. As a general rule, the supervisor or tutor shall be responsible for including the assessment or successful completion in the PhD activities document.

Cross-cutting activities

Communication Skills in English: Written and Oral Expression (module I)
A cross-cutting training activity aimed at attaining advanced skills in English (written and oral communication)
Number of hours
Intensive and cross-cutting
Semester one in each academic year
First year
Assessment procedure
Activities where students can practise their writing abilities in English to attain C1-level skills
Not applicable
Communication Skills in English: Written and Oral Expression (module II)
This 30-hour activity is aimed at students attaining advanced skills in English. Students will work on using English based on immersion in the communication context of the speciality, linking it to situations and documents inherent to each area
Number of hours
Intensive and cross-cutting
Semester two in each academic year
First year
Assessment procedure
Activities where students can practise their writing abilities in English to attain C1-level skills
Not applicable
Ethics and Integrity in Scientific Research (elective)
This activity aims for PhD students to understand the purpose and objectives of scientific research in any field of research: scientific method; classifying scientific disciplines; ethical problems in scientific research; animal and human experimentation, and the bioethics committee
Number of hours
Intensive and cross-cutting
Semester one in each academic year
First year
Assessment procedure
Specific assessment tools. Case study examinations
Not applicable
Models for Knowledge Transfer and Innovation (elective)
Specific training activity aimed at providing students with knowledge on the different ways in which knowledge and innovation can be transferred. Courses will be given on basic R+D+i legislation; industrial and intellectual property protection; knowledge transfer strategies: article 83 of the LOU, spin-offs; writing applications and management of R+D+i projects, among others topics
Number of hours
Intensive and cross-cutting
First year
Assessment procedure
The person in charge of the activity will be responsible for the assessment

Specific activities

Research Seminars
A specific training activity comprising attendance at seminars given by researchers linked to the PhD programme and renowned guest researchers (preferably from overseas research centres). The sessions will be given in either Spanish, Catalan or English, depending on the guest speaker
Number of hours
Specific and mandatory
This activity may be taken over the three (full-time students) or five (part-time students) years of the students' PhD programme
Assessment procedure
PhD students will need to submit an attendance slip from each of the seminars, signed by the organiser and showing the title, date and duration of the seminar. Students shall submit a report to their supervisor or tutor with a critical summary of what was explained and the possible impact it may have on their research work. These documents shall be included in the doctorand activities document
Bibliographic Search and Documentation Techniques
A specific training activity aimed at students acquiring the ability to undertake and manage bibliographic searches on a research topic in different public and private databases
Number of hours
Specific and mandatory
Assessment procedure
Students will delve into the current status of their research topic by analysing the main works found in a bibliographic search under the supervision of their thesis supervisor. The thesis supervisor or tutor must then assess the work (pass or fail), and include this information in the doctorand activities document
Preparing and Presenting Scientific Papers
A specific training activity that comprises the preparation of a scientific paper. The activity will include writing a scientific article linked to the thesis topic, as well as its public exhibition. The aim is to submit this work as a paper at conferences or in journals with a recognised impact factor
Number of hours
 Specific and mandatory
Assessment procedure
For the paper: proof from the thesis supervisor or tutor, and a copy of the text submitted with the paper (a short abstract or article). For the presentation: certificate of attendance or programme of the event(s) accrediting the presentation of the paper.
Quantitative Research Methodologies in Education
Specific training activity aimed at students acquiring the skills needed to examine data numerically in the field of statistics, and to propose research designs that require the use of quantitative methodologies. The course will place special emphasis on students acquiring knowledge of the quantitative research and data analysis techniques needed to conduct research in the field of education, and learning how to use specific software (SPSS, SAS, R., etc.) for data analysis and exploitation purposes
Number of hours
This activity may be taken in the second or third (full-time students) or the third, fourth or fifth (part-time students) year of the students' PhD programme
Assessment procedure
Students will develop a research design using the methodologies addressed in the course; collecting, analysing and interpreting data, and drawing up conclusions. The thesis supervisor or tutor shall include the students' positive assessment or successful completion of the activity into the doctorand activities document
Qualitative Research Methodologies in education
Specific training activity aimed at students acquiring the skills needed to examine data in contexts that require the use of observational methodology and other qualitative research techniques. The course will place special emphasis on students acquiring knowledge of the qualitative research techniques needed to conduct research in the field of education, and learning how to use specific software (NUD-IST, N VIVO, ATLAS.ti, QDA, etc.) for data analysis
Number of hours
This activity may be taken in the second or third (full-time students) or the third, fourth or fifth (part-time students) year of the students' PhD programme
Assessment procedure
Students will develop a research design using the methodologies addressed in the course; collecting, analysing and interpreting data, and drawing up conclusions