Cell therapy and tissue engineering (TERCIT)

Publications in journals

  • Petzold, C.; Monjo, M.; Rubert, M.; Gómez-Florit, M.; Ramis, J.M.; Ellingsen, J.E.; Lyngstadaas, S.P.; Reinholt, F.P., "Effect of Proline-Rich Synthetic Peptide-Coated Titanium Implants on Bone Healing in a Rabbit Model.", "International Journal of Oral & Maxillofacial Implants", Volume 28, Issue 6, Pages e547-e555, 2013. Paper.
  • Satué, M.; Córdoba, A.; Ramis, J.M.; Monjo, M., "UV-irradiated 7-dehydrocholesterol coating on polystyrene surfaces is converted to active vitamin d by osteoblastic MC3T3-E1 cells", "Photochemical & Photobiological Sciences", Volume 12, Issue 6, Pages 1025-1035, 2013. Paper.
  • Monjo, M.; Ramis, J.M.; Ronold, H.J.; Ellingsen, J.E.; Lyngstadaas, S.P., "Correlation between molecular signals and bone bonding to titanium implants.", "Clinical Oral Implants Research", Volume 24, Issue 9, Pages 1035-1043, 2013. Paper.
  • Haugen, H.J.; Monjo, M.; Rubert, M.; Verket, A.; Lyngstadaas, S.P.; Ellingsen, J.E.; Ronold, H.J.; Wohlfahrt, J.C., "Porous ceramic titanium dioxide scaffolds promote bone formation in rabbit peri-implant cortical defect model.", "Acta Biomaterialia", Volume 9, Issue 2, Pages 5390-5399, 2013. Paper.
  • Rubert, M.; Pullisaar, H.; Gómez-Florit, M.; Ramis, J.M.; Tiainen, H.; Haugen, H.J.; Lyngstadaas, S.P.; Monjo, M., "Effect of TiO2 scaffolds coated with alginate hydrogel containing polyproline-rich peptide on osteoblast growth and differentiation in vitro", "Journal Of Biomedical Materials Research Part a", Volume 101A, Issue 6, Pages 1768-1777, 2013. Paper.
  • Satué, M.; Petzold, C.; Córdoba, A.; Ramis, J.M.; Monjo M., "UV photoactivation of 7-dehydrocholesterol on titanium implants enhances osteoblast differentiation and decreases Rankl gene expression.", "Acta Biomaterialia", Volume 9, Issue 3, Pages 5759-5770, 2013. Paper.
  • Aina Arbós; Francesca Nicolau; Marta Quetglas; Joana Maria Ramis; Marta Monjo; Josep Muncunill; Javier Calvo; Antoni Gayà., "Obtención de células madre mesenquimales a partir de cordones umbilicales procedentes de un programa altruista de donación de sangre de cordón.", "Inmunologia", Volume 32, Issue 1, Pages 3-11, 2013. Paper.
  • Frank, M.J.; Walter, M.S.; Tiainen, H.; Rubert, M.; Monjo, M.; Lyngstadaas, S.P.; Haugen, H.J., "Coating of metal implant materials with strontium", "Journal of Materials Science-Materials in Medicine", Volume 24, Issue 11, Pages 2537-2548, 2013. Paper.
  • Gómez-Florit, M.; Ramis, J.M.; Xing, R.; Taxt-Lamolle, S.F.; Haugen, H.J.; Lyngstadaas, S.P.; Monjo, M., "Differential response of human gingival fibroblasts to titanium and titanium-zirconium modified surfaces", "Journal of Periodontal Research", Volume 49, Issue 4, Pages 425-436, 2013. Paper.
  • Walter, M.S.; Frank, M.J.;Sunding, M.F.; Gomez-Florit, M.; Monjo, M.; Bucko, M.M.; Pamula, E.; Lyngstadaas, S.P.; Haugen, H.J., "Increased reactivity and in vitro cell response of titanium based implant surfaces after anodic oxidation", "Journal of Materials Science-Materials in Medicine", Volume 24, Issue 12, Pages 2761-2773, 2013. Paper.
  • Tauler, P.; Martínez, S.; Moreno, C.; Monjo, M.; Martínez, P.; Aguiló, A., "Effects of Caffeine on the Inflammatory Response Induced by a 15-km Run Competition", "Medicine and Science in Sports and Exercise", Volume 45, Issue 7, Pages 1269-12716, 2013. Paper.
  • Satué, M.; Arriero, M.d.M.; Monjo, M.; Ramis, J.M., "Quercitrin and Taxifolin stimulate osteoblast differentiation in MC3T3-E1 cells and inhibit osteoclastogenesis in RAW 264.7 cells", "Biochemical Pharmacology", Volume 86, Issue 10, Pages 1476-1486, 2013. Paper.
  • Gómez-Florit, M.; Ramis, J.M.; Monjo, M., "Anti-fibrotic and anti-inflammatory properties of melatonin on human gingival fibroblasts in vitro", "Biochemical Pharmacology", Volume 86, Issue 12, Pages 1784-1790, 2013. Paper.
  • Gómez-Florit, M.; Monjo, M. Ramis, J.M., "Identification of quercitrin as potential therapeutic agent for periodontal applications", "Journal of Periodontology", 2013. Paper.