Cell therapy and tissue engineering (TERCIT)

Meetings participation

  • Ellingsen, J.E.; Herlofson, B.; Wohlfahrt, J.C.; Ramis, J.M.; Rønold, H.J.; Skjerven, H.; Monjo, M.. , "Enhanced Osseointegration in Human Bone with Fluoride Modified TiO Grit-Blasted Dental Implants". "16th Annual Meeting of the Academy of Osseointegration", San Diego, United States, 2016. Paper presentation.
  • Gomez-Florit, M.; Pacha-Olivenza, M.A.; Fernández-Calderón, M.C.; Córdoba, A.; González-Martín, M.L.; Monjo, M.; Ramis, J.M.. , "Effect of flavonoid-nanocoated implant surfaces on gingival cells and oral bacteria". "9th Annual Meeting Scandinavian Society of Biomaterials", Reikiavik, Iceland, 2016. Poster.
  • Calvo, J.; Matas, A.; Ramis, J.M.; Corbillo, C.; Cladera, M.M.; Gayà; A.; Monjo, M.. , "Bone protein extract from demineralized but not from mineralized human cortical bone is able to enhance the osteoinductive capacity of demineralized bone matrix (DBM).". "24th Congress of the European Association of Tissue Banks.", Hannover, Germany, 2016. Poster.