Dynamic systems (SSDD-UIB)
Publications in journals
- Álvarez, M.J.; Bravo, J.L.; Fernández, M. y Prohens, R., "Alien limit cycles in Abel equations", "Journal of Mathematical Analysis and Applications", Volume 482, Issue 123525, Pages 1-20, 2020. Paper.
- C. Vich; K. Dunovan; T. Verstynen; J. Rubin, "Corticostriatal synaptic weight evolution in a two-alternative forced choice task: a computational study.", "Communications In Nonlinear Science And Numerical Simulation", Volume 82, 2020. Paper.
- Alvarez, M.J.; Coll, B.; De Maesschalck, P.; Prohens, R., "Asymptotic lower bounds on Hilbert numbers using canard cycles" [https://www.journals.elsevier.com/journal-of-mathematical-analysis-and-], "Journal of Differential Equations", Volume 268, Issue 7, Pages 3370-3391, 2020. Paper.
- José Luis Bravo, Manuel Fernández & Antonio E. Teruel, "Poincaré Compactification for Non-polynomial Vector Fields", "Qualitative Theory Of Dynamical Systems", Volume 19, Issue 50, 2020. Paper.
- J. Rubin; C. Vich; M. Clapp; K. Noneman; T. Verstynen, "The credit assignment problem in cortico?basal ganglia?thalamic networks: a review, a problem, and a possible solution", "European Journal of Neuroscience", Volume 53, Issue 7, Pages 2234-2253, 2020. Paper.
- Coll, B.; Gasull, A. y Prohens, R., "Asymptotic dynamics of a difference equation with a parabolic equilibrium", "Qualitative Theory Of Dynamical Systems", Volume 19, Issue 2, Pages 1-23, 2020. Paper.
- Catalina Vich; Rafel Prohens; Antonio E. Teruel; Antoni Guillamon, "Estimation of Synaptic Activity during Neuronal Oscillations" [Modelling and Analysis in Biomathematics (Special Issue)], "Mathematics", Volume 8, Issue (12) 2153, 2020. Paper.