Dynamic systems (SSDD-UIB)
Publications in journals
- R. Prohens; J. Torregrosa, "New lower bounds for the Hilbert numbers using reversible centers", "Nonlinearity", Volume 32, Issue 1, Pages 331-355, 2019. Paper.
- Carmona, V.; Fernández-García, S. y Teruel, A.E., "Saddle-node of limit cycles in planar piecewise linear systems and applications", "Discrete and Continuous Dynamical Systems", Volume 39, Issue 9, Pages 5275-5299, 2019. Paper.
- Dunovan, K.; Vich, C.; Clapp M.; Verstynen, T.; Rubin, J., "Reward-driven changes in striatal pathway competition shape evidence evaluation in decision-making", "Plos Computational Biology", Volume 15, Issue 5, 2019. Paper.